A Muzzle for the Lamb: A Novel

Scott Beggs, University of Texas at El Paso


In February 1534, a group of apocalypse-hopeful Anabaptists took over the German city of Muenster. Aided by the Catholic church, the government successfully conducted a siege of the city, and when the dust settled the next summer, the three surviving Anabaptist leaders were tortured before a cheering audience for an hour. Afterward, they were executed (to even greater cheers), and their bodies were left to rot inside metal cages strung up on the steeple of St. Lambert's church. The cages were meant as a warning to anyone else who might test the church and the state's dominance, but they are still there for admiring tourists as a reminder of a tragic year with a gruesome ending. The silver lining, depending on your perspective, is that the world did not end.

Subject Area

Creative writing|Religion

Recommended Citation

Beggs, Scott, "A Muzzle for the Lamb: A Novel" (2024). ETD Collection for University of Texas, El Paso. AAI31297263.
