"Study of Morphology, Structure, and Magnetic Properties of High Entrop" by Matthew Garrett Guerrero

Study of Morphology, Structure, and Magnetic Properties of High Entropy Alloy Systems

Matthew Garrett Guerrero, University of Texas at El Paso


This thesis presents an investigation into the magnetic properties of high entropy alloy(HEA) samples, focusing primarily on compositions within the FeNiCoMn system and their gallium/chemically doped derivatives. High entropy alloys represent a promising class of materials with unique properties resulting from their complex composition and structural arrangements. The behavior of these alloys, particularly in their magnetic properties, remains an area of significant interest due to their potential applications in magnetic storage, sensing, and other technological domains. The study encompasses an examination of seven distinct HEA samples: FeNiCo,FeNiCoMn0.2, FeNiCoMn0.4, FeNiCoMn0.6, FeNiCoMn0.2Ga0.1, FeNiCoGa0.2, FeNiCoMn0.2Ga0.3. Furthermore, three samples of FeNiCoMn0.2 and three samples of FeNiCoMn0.2Ga0.1 are examined after undergoing chemical dopping using Fe, Ni, and Co. Through the combination of X-ray diffraction (XRD), vibrating sample magnetometry (VSM), and electron microscopy, the magnetic properties and microstructural characteristics of these samples are analyzed. The FeNiCoMn0.2-0.6 series, with varying manganese content, serves as a baseline for understanding the influence of composition on magnetic behavior. Subsequently, gallium (Ga) is introduced into the system, both independently and in conjunction with manganese, in theFeNiCoMn0.2Ga0.1-0.3 and FeNiCoGa0.2 samples, respectively. The effects of gallium in corporation on the magnetic properties are examined, shedding light on the diminished or enhanced magnetic properties of the sample. Introducing higher concentrations of Fe, Ni, and Co through the use of chemical doping is performed to further study how the samples magnetic properties can be influenced and/or modified to suit the desired need of the researcher.

Subject Area

Physics|Biomedical engineering|Materials science

Recommended Citation

Guerrero, Matthew Garrett, "Study of Morphology, Structure, and Magnetic Properties of High Entropy Alloy Systems" (2024). ETD Collection for University of Texas, El Paso. AAI31295699.
