Whose Story, Whose Politics, Whose Pedagogy? Using Critical Social Justice Praxis to Reimagine the U.S. History Curriculum

Julie M Thoma, University of Texas at El Paso


In this paper, I argue that the current U.S. history curriculum, its narratives, and common pedagogical practices are harmful to U.S. society and all students, but most especially harmful to Othered students. I outlined the basic tenets and arguments of education-related social justice-based theoretical frameworks including Critical social justice, Critical Race Theory, and anti-racist, anti-oppressive, abolitionist, and decolonizing pedagogies. I use their theoretical frameworks as a guide towards a critical praxis that restructures and reimagines a more humanizing U.S. history curriculum that is inclusive of all people, cultures, and ways of thinking.

Subject Area

Education|Social studies education|Curriculum development|Pedagogy

Recommended Citation

Thoma, Julie M, "Whose Story, Whose Politics, Whose Pedagogy? Using Critical Social Justice Praxis to Reimagine the U.S. History Curriculum" (2023). ETD Collection for University of Texas, El Paso. AAI31147283.
