The Impact of Rule of Law and Property Rights on Development and Economic Growth: A Comparative Analysis of Cameroon and Cote d'Ivoire

Raoul Tayou Tayou, University of Texas at El Paso


The issues of economic growth and development occupy a central place in the studies of underdeveloped or developing countries. Many solutions have been proposed, including foreign aid or institutional reforms. This last aspect is the subject of this research, particularly the rule of law and the property rights. Analyzing what is the impact of these two institutions on economic growth and development is at the center of my dynamic. Over a period from 1960 to 2022, I carry out a comparative study of the growth, and development trajectories of two countries in sub-Saharan Africa, which share the same demographics: Cameroon, and Cote d'Ivoire. Based on data compiled from international institutions and respective governments, it appears that economic growth is significantly impacted by the implementation of my two variables. However, for this economic growth to translate into an improvement in the living conditions of the populations, redistributive social policies would have to be implemented. It is not automatic.

Subject Area

Political science|Economic theory|African Studies|Sub Saharan Africa Studies

Recommended Citation

Tayou Tayou, Raoul, "The Impact of Rule of Law and Property Rights on Development and Economic Growth: A Comparative Analysis of Cameroon and Cote d'Ivoire" (2023). ETD Collection for University of Texas, El Paso. AAI30522534.