Building Energy Model Simulation of a Single Building in Comparison to a Broader Building Stock

Paola Michelle Santillano, University of Texas at El Paso


Residential facilities and buildings are the largest consumers of energy in the United States. More than 76% of electricity and more than 40% of all energy consumption comes from providing a comfortable and healthy environment in buildings. Prioritizing building energy technology goals for performance and cost can significantly reduce energy use within the next ten years despite a substantial forecasted population increase. Retrofitting existing buildings and improving future construction has the potential to realize cost savings and environmental benefits over time. A key component to realizing these benefits is regional building energy modeling. One of the challenges to widespread building energy modeling is that required data is often dispersed, unintegrated and inaccessible, if it exists at all. This can make energy planning highly expensive and time-intensive for many state and local governments.This project aims to serve as an initial exploration into building energy modeling and urban energy modeling. Specifically, an analysis of a building is conducted and compared in terms of energy consumption to the same building as part of an urban building energy model. The urban building energy model is based on a simple building archetype structure. The process of developing the two models is compared qualitatively. Finally, recommendations for future research in building energy modeling, urban building energy modeling, and building archetype construction are provided.

Subject Area

Civil engineering

Recommended Citation

Santillano, Paola Michelle, "Building Energy Model Simulation of a Single Building in Comparison to a Broader Building Stock" (2021). ETD Collection for University of Texas, El Paso. AAI28963848.
