"What Factors Impact First-Generation Latinx Students’ Bachelor's Degre" by Heriberto Jose Garcia

What Factors Impact First-Generation Latinx Students’ Bachelor's Degree Attainment?

Heriberto Jose Garcia, University of Texas at El Paso


Latinxs are one of the fastest-growing minority populations in the United States. The population faces serious challenges in education. There is a considerable shortfall in their educational attainment. As the American economy continues to become more knowledge-based, a college degree becomes more essential in order to be competitive in the workforce. By 2050, Latinxs will account for almost one-third of the U.S. workforce. The Latinx low educational attainment highlights the importance of supporting students while pursuing a bachelor’s degrees. By supporting Latinxs in higher education, one supports the development of the country’s workforce.Knowing that Latinxs are not completing bachelor's degrees at the same rate as other ethnic groups formulated my approach toward this thesis. There is a clear disconnect between Latinxs and attainment in higher education. This thesis will examine the literature within the areas of attainment, retention, financial factors, and cultural experiences. Thus, this thesis synthesizes what researchers have identified as factors affecting Latinx’s baccalaureate attainment.

Subject Area

Higher education|Hispanic American studies

Recommended Citation

Garcia, Heriberto Jose, "What Factors Impact First-Generation Latinx Students’ Bachelor's Degree Attainment?" (2021). ETD Collection for University of Texas, El Paso. AAI28649621.
