"Safety measures for trucks: A comparison between EU and U.S." by Jan Kapusta

Safety measures for trucks: A comparison between EU and U.S.

Jan Kapusta, University of Texas at El Paso


Road transportation is playing an important role in almost all of the freight movements and contributes to the economy. It has the highest share in the modal division of transported goods. This situation is not about to change in next years to come. Therefore, it is necessary to change the current situation and create rules and regulations that would lead to decrease in number of accidents either in EU or in U.S. The goal of this research is to analyze selected parameters related to the safety of truck transportation in EU and in U.S. This thesis also identifies and compares different safety measures, rules and regulations that govern the safety of truck transportation in EU and U.S. The main focus is to infer different causes of accidents since number of accidents is a good safety indicator. Finally, suggestions for improvements in terms of truck safety in EU and U.S. are proposed. Key words: Truck drivers, safety, policy of EU and U.S., accident factors and rates.

Subject Area

Civil engineering

Recommended Citation

Kapusta, Jan, "Safety measures for trucks: A comparison between EU and U.S." (2014). ETD Collection for University of Texas, El Paso. AAI1557767.
