"Analyzing the effectiveness of Al Qaeda's online influence operations " by David K Lyons

Analyzing the effectiveness of Al Qaeda's online influence operations by means of propaganda theory

David K Lyons, University of Texas at El Paso


This thesis sought to explore the use of propaganda by al Qaeda through the lenses of established propaganda theorists and theories. Through analyzing former al Qaeda releases and case studies in the context of propaganda theory this thesis established a clearer understanding of the effectiveness of al Qaeda's propaganda. After analyzing the propaganda and case studies it was discovered that the rate of those engaging in attacks based on al Qaeda's online influence operations is insignificant. The concerns that al Qaeda is recruiting numerous individuals to engage in attacks based on its online propaganda operations might be overstated and while it is still a threat it may not warrant the discussion it receives.

Subject Area

Political science|Rhetoric|Military studies

Recommended Citation

Lyons, David K, "Analyzing the effectiveness of Al Qaeda's online influence operations by means of propaganda theory" (2013). ETD Collection for University of Texas, El Paso. AAI1539962.
