"Online pharmacy brand name medicine price differentials in the United " by Francisco Javier Pallares

Online pharmacy brand name medicine price differentials in the United States and Mexico

Francisco Javier Pallares, University of Texas at El Paso


The objective of this study is to further examine medicine price differences between the United States and Mexico. In particular, online pharmacy price differentials between the two countries have yet to be studied as closely as they have for other economies. The t-tests fail to reject the hypotheses of equal prices. However, the data is not normally distributed. A Wilcoxon test is performed to for the formal null hypothesis of price equality. The results indicate that medicines in online Mexican pharmacies are less expensive than their American competitors by a statistically significant margin.

Subject Area

Economics|Pharmacy sciences

Recommended Citation

Pallares, Francisco Javier, "Online pharmacy brand name medicine price differentials in the United States and Mexico" (2012). ETD Collection for University of Texas, El Paso. AAI1512629.
