"Finite element modeling of nondestructive test methods used for detect" by Dante Mejia Munoz

Finite element modeling of nondestructive test methods used for detection of delamination in hot mix asphalt pavements

Dante Mejia Munoz, University of Texas at El Paso


The importance of the detection of delamination of Hot Mix Asphalt Pavements at an early stage, will result in a longer service life of the structure. Recently Nondestructive methods have been employed for the detection of delamination. This study will focus on three of these methods: Impact Echo, Ultrasonic Surface Waves and Impulse response. By using a Finite Element software, the behavior of these three methods was evaluated and then a parametric study was elaborated. The parametric study shows the impact of different variables related to the properties of the flexible pavement and the delamination.

Subject Area

Geotechnology|Civil engineering

Recommended Citation

Mejia Munoz, Dante, "Finite element modeling of nondestructive test methods used for detection of delamination in hot mix asphalt pavements" (2009). ETD Collection for University of Texas, El Paso. AAI1468973.
