Water quality factors affecting the restoration of the Rio Grande: El Paso/Juarez region

Porfirio Peinado Coronado, University of Texas at El Paso


Water quality and river restoration of the Rio Grande in a bi-national region that includes both the El Paso-Ciudad Juarez metropolitan areas region is a complex undertaking given the multitude of water management institutions. More than hundred years have passed since the Rio Grande was the sole source for meeting human water needs. The International Water Treaty agreement is certainly a major hit in water conservation, especially in this semi-arid region. Thanks to the Elephant Butte Dam, there has never been a period of significant water scarcity. However, water demand for the urban area has increased greatly. Surpassing the water volume diverted from the Rio Grande that fills the irrigation process, but also the water pumped from the Mesilla and Hueco Bolson aquifers that meets the municipal demand indicates that water quality is an area of concern for the bi-national region. In this thesis, Chemical Toxicity and Biological Studies, Environmental Sanitation and Sewage Disposal Practices, and Irrigation Districts Water Use/Demand efficiency, are the topics discussed in detail. Operational monitoring parameters will be recommended to monitor control measures along the river’s key locations in a timely manner to enable effective system management and to ensure that health-based target are achieved along the 103-Km segment of the Rio Grande river from Sunland Park, NM to Fort Quitman, TX to meet the standards for contact recreation water on a continuous basis and to eliminate the presence of chemical toxicity in most key sites.

Subject Area

Environmental engineering|Civil engineering

Recommended Citation

Peinado Coronado, Porfirio, "Water quality factors affecting the restoration of the Rio Grande: El Paso/Juarez region" (2007). ETD Collection for University of Texas, El Paso. AAI1449749.
