Synthesis and characterization of molybdenum disulfide intercalated with 1,2,3,4 tetrahydroquinoline in search of cleaner fuels

Karina Castillo, University of Texas at El Paso


Two different morphologies of MoS2 (short and long sheets) were utilized to elucidate the intercalation mechanism of THQ (1,2,3,4 tetrahydroquinoline). MoS2 (short sheets) and (MB) molybdenite (long sheets) were exfoliated and restacked in the presence of THQ. Scanning electron microscopy was utilized to analyze the two different morphologies. The X-ray diffraction patterns of both samples show a new reflection in the 001 plane, which implies a lowering of symmetry and corresponds to an expansion of the layers by approximately 12.3 Å. According to Rietvield refinement of the simulated structures, partial intercalation occurs in both samples. In the MoS2-THQ sample, 80% of MoS2 was intercalated and 20% remained stacked. In the MB-THQ sample 30% of molybdenite was intercalated while 70% remained stacked. XAS studies showed changes in atomic geometry and coordination.

Subject Area

Inorganic chemistry|Organic chemistry|Chemistry

Recommended Citation

Castillo, Karina, "Synthesis and characterization of molybdenum disulfide intercalated with 1,2,3,4 tetrahydroquinoline in search of cleaner fuels" (2007). ETD Collection for University of Texas, El Paso. AAI1444121.
