"Preparation of polymeric models for dynamic simulation of aortic disse" by Mansurah Ibironke Adams

Preparation of polymeric models for dynamic simulation of aortic dissection

Mansurah Ibironke Adams, University of Texas at El Paso


We have investigated aortic dissection using models to simulate the mechanical properties, and possible failure modes related to the human circulatory system. Two approaches were used involving heat shrinkable polymers, and mechanically stretched latex tubing. Both impacting anisotropic mechanical strain as observed in real blood vessels. Elastic and stiff polymers were used to mimic the two layers of the aortic wall. Anisotropic stress was introduced between the two polymers by pulling. The peak extension of the models was noted prior to stiff polymer coating. An Aortic Arch mold fabricated from AutoCAD 2000 designed shaped as "J Candy Cane" was built by rapid prototyping technique. Latex models were investigated by Dynamic Mechanical Analysis, and Pulsatile pump measurements. Combination of DMA frequency dependent data and mechanical strain data of the latex models suggest possible energy absorption mechanism which could lead to mechanical failure, possibly analogous to true aortic dissection.

Subject Area

Polymer chemistry|Materials science|Biomedical engineering

Recommended Citation

Adams, Mansurah Ibironke, "Preparation of polymeric models for dynamic simulation of aortic dissection" (2006). ETD Collection for University of Texas, El Paso. AAI1436523.
