Communicating activism: Rhetorical strategies of third wave feminists

DeAnna Kay Varela, University of Texas at El Paso


This study analyzes the rhetoric of contemporary feminists and how it influences third wave activism. The two texts used for analysis are, Grassroots: A Field Guide for Feminist Activism (2005) by Jennifer Baumgardner and Amy Richards, and The Fire This Time: Young Activists and the New Feminism (2004) edited by Vivien Labaton and Dawn Lundy Martin. Chapter one sets the context for this study and reviews the history of American feminism and activism. Chapter two presents the methodology used to critique third wave feminist activism. Chapter three explores the nature of contemporary feminist activism and focuses on three particular areas of activism: technology, motherhood, and narratives. In the conclusion, I argue that third wave feminists are using some traditional forms of activism, but more importantly are redefining what it means to be a feminist activist who accepts and respects diversity and multiplicity among people and issues.

Subject Area

Womens studies|Mass communications

Recommended Citation

Varela, DeAnna Kay, "Communicating activism: Rhetorical strategies of third wave feminists" (2006). ETD Collection for University of Texas, El Paso. AAI1435335.
