Changes in Fundamental Frequency of Voice in a Group of Transwomen Following Voice Modification Therapy

Emily Ann Marquez, University of Texas at El Paso


The term transgender refers to an individual that identifies with a gender that is different to the one given at birth. Individuals that are transgender experience conflict between the gender the individual identifies with and the sex they are born with. Individuals that are transgender may elect to go through a transition process so that their outward appearance is congruent with their gender identity. Part of the transition process may include voice modification therapy. Transgender individuals may seek voice modification therapy so that the outward appearance matches the voice. However, there is limited information regarding the efficacy of traditional voice therapy for transgender individuals. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to examine voice outcomes in a group of transwomen following traditional voice therapy. The results of this study show a mean increase of 40 Hz in fundamental frequency in this group of transwomen. These results suggest that traditional voice therapy is effective in increasing the fundamental frequency in this group of transwomen.

Subject Area

Speech therapy|Vocational education|Health care management

Recommended Citation

Marquez, Emily Ann, "Changes in Fundamental Frequency of Voice in a Group of Transwomen Following Voice Modification Therapy" (2018). ETD Collection for University of Texas, El Paso. AAI10822899.
