Technical Reports from 2021
How General Is Fuzzy Decision Making?, Olga Kosheleva and Vladik Kreinovich
How Multi-View Techniques Can Help In Processing Uncertainty, Olga Kosheleva and Vladik Kreinovich
How to Gauge Reliability of a Binary Classification Result: A Simple Case, Olga Kosheleva and Vladik Kreinovich
How to Teach Advanced Highly Motivated Students: Teaching Strategy of Iosif Yakovlevich Verebeichik, Olga Kosheleva and Vladik Kreinovich
Lev Landau's Marital Advice Explained, Olga Kosheleva and Vladik Kreinovich
Limit Theorems as Blessing of Dimensionality: Neural-Oriented Overview, Olga Kosheleva and Vladik Kreinovich
Low-Complexity Zonotopes Can Enhance Uncertainty Quantification (UQ), Olga Kosheleva and Vladik Kreinovich
Selfish Gene Theory Explains Oedipus Complex, Olga Kosheleva and Vladik Kreinovich
What Is 1/0 from the Practical Viewpoint: A Pedagogical Note, Olga Kosheleva and Vladik Kreinovich
What Is the Logic Behind Cistercian Numbers?, Olga Kosheleva and Vladik Kreinovich
Why Chomsky Normal Form: A Pedagogical Note, Olga Kosheleva and Vladik Kreinovich
Why ∞ Is a Reasonable Symbol for Infinity, Olga Kosheleva and Vladik Kreinovich
Why Question-Based Reasoning Leads to Constructive Approach to Knowledge, Olga Kosheleva and Vladik Kreinovich
Why Romans Sometimes Wrote 8 as VIII, And Sometimes as IIX: A Possible Explanation, Olga Kosheleva and Vladik Kreinovich
Why Semi-Supervised Learning Makes Sense: A Pedagogical Note, Olga Kosheleva and Vladik Kreinovich
Why T-Duality: A Simple Explanation, Olga Kosheleva and Vladik Kreinovich
How to Work? How to Study? Shall We Cram for the Exams? And How Is This Related to Life on Earth?, Olga Kosheleva, Vladik Kreinovich, and Nguyen Hoang Phuong
Revolt Pimenov Taught Us How to Be Scientists, Vladik Kreinovich
Distributions on an Interval as a Scale-Invariant Combination of Scale-Invariant Functions: Theoretical Explanation of Empirical Marchenko-Pastur-Type Distributions, Vladik Kreinovich, Kevin Alvarez, and Chon Van Le
Many Known Quantum Algorithms Are Optimal: Symmetry-Based Proofs, Vladik Kreinovich, Oscar Galindo, and Olga Kosheleva
Fuzzy Logic Beyond Traditional "And"- and "Or"-Operations, Vladik Kreinovich and Olga Kosheleva
Fuzzy Logic Beyond Traditional "And"-Operations, Vladik Kreinovich and Olga Kosheleva
How to Simulate If We Only Have Partial Information But We Want Reliable Results?, Vladik Kreinovich and Olga Kosheleva
Why Quantum Techniques Are a Good First Approximation to Economic Phenomena, and What Next, Vladik Kreinovich and Olga Kosheleva
Zadeh's Vision, Modern Physics, and the Future of Computing, Vladik Kreinovich and Olga Kosheleva
Order Relations Are Ubiquitously Fundamental: Alexandrov(-Zeeman) Theorem Extended from Space-Time Physics to Logical Reasoning and Decision Making, Vladik Kreinovich, Olga Kosheleva, Laxman Bokati, and Laura Berrout
Kinematic Metric Spaces Under Interval Uncertainty: Towards an Adequate Definition, Vladik Kreinovich, Olga Kosheleva, and Victor Selivanov
How To Guarantee Fairness Of Grading Without Sacrificing Privacy?, Vladik Kreinovich, Olga Kosheleva, and Christian Servin
Predicting (Economic) Trends: Why Signature Method in Machine Learning, Vladik Kreinovich and Chon Van Le
How Probabilistic Methods for Data Fitting Deal with Interval Uncertainty: A More Realistic Analysis, Vladik Kreinovich and Sergey P. Shary
Additional Spatial Dimensions Can Help Speed Up Computations, Luc Longpre, Olga Kosheleva, and Vladik Kreinovich
Baudelaire's Ideas of Vagueness and Uniqueness in Art: Algorithm-Based Explanations, Luc Longpre, Olga Kosheleva, and Vladik Kreinovich
How to Gauge the Quality of a Multi-Class Classification When Ground Truth Is Known with Uncertainty, Ricardo Mendez, Osagumwenro Osaretin, and Vladik Kreinovich
So how to make group decisions? Arrow's Impossibility Theorem 70 years after, Hung T. Nguyen, Olga Kosheleva, and Vladik Kreinovich
Different Concepts, Similar Computational Complexity: Nguyen's Results about Fuzzy and Interval Computations 35 Years Later, Hung T. Nguyen and Vladik Kreinovich
Why Moments (and Generalized Moments) Are Used in Statistics and Why Expected Utility Is Used in Decision Making: A Possible Explanation, R. Noah Padilla and Vladik Kreinovich
Why Do People Become Addicted: Towards a Theoretical Explanation for Eyal's Experiment-Based Hook Model, Christopher Reyes and Vladik Kreinovich
Fault Detection in a Smart Electric Grid: Geometric Analysis, Hector Reyes, Dillon Trinh, and Vladik Kreinovich
Why Model Order Reduction, Salvador Robles, Martine Ceberio, and Vladik Kreinovich
How Void Ratio Depends on Grain Size In Soil Mechanics: Theoretical Explanation, Edgar Daniel Rodriguez Velasquez and Vladik Kreinovich
What Is the True Formula for Soil Permeability? Not Clear, Edgar Daniel Rodriguez Velasquez and Vladik Kreinovich
Invariance-Based Approach: General Methods and Pavement Engineering Case Study, Edgar Daniel Rodriguez Velasquez, Vladik Kreinovich, and Olga Kosheleva
How the Pavement's Lifetime Depends on the Stress Level: An Explanation of the Empirical Formula, Edgar Daniel Rodriguez Velasquez, Vladik Kreinovich, Olga Kosheleva, and Hoang Phuong Nguyen
Geometric Analysis Leads to Adversarial Teaching of Cybersecurity, Christian Servin, Olga Kosheleva, and Vladik Kreinovich
Shall We Ignore All Intermediate Grades?, Christian Servin, Olga Kosheleva, and Vladik Kreinovich
What Teachers Can Learn from Machine Learning, Christian Servin, Olga Kosheleva, and Vladik Kreinovich
Why 70/100 Is Satisfactory? Why Five Letter Grades? Why Other Academic Conventions?, Christian Servin, Olga Kosheleva, and Vladik Kreinovich
How to Gauge Students' Ability to Collaborate?, Christian Servin, Olga Kosheleva, Shahnaz Shahbazova, and Vladik Kreinovich
Ethical Dilemma of Self-Driving Cars: Conservative Solution, Christian Servin, Vladik Kreinovich, and Shahnaz Shahbazova
What Fuzzy and Quantum Computing Can Learn from the Success of Deep Learning, Shahnaz Shahbazova and Vladik Kreinovich