Technical Reports from 2000
Granularity as an Optimal Approach to Uncertainty - A General Mathematical Idea with Applications to Sleep, Consumption, Traffic Control, Learning, etc., Vladik Kreinovich and Hung T. Nguyen
The Use of Fuzzy Measures in Pain Relief Control, Vladik Kreinovich and Nadipuram R. Prasad
Error Estimations for Indirect Measurements: Randomized vs. Deterministic Algorithms for "Black-Box" Programs, Vladik Kreinovich and Raul A. Trejo
Complex Fuzzy Sets: Towards New Foundations, Hung T. Nguyen, Abraham Kandel, and Vladik Kreinovich
Invariance-Based Justification of the Maximum Entropy Method and of Generalized Maximum Entropy Methods in Data Processing, Hung T. Nguyen, Olga Kosheleva, and Vladik Kreinovich
On the Optimal Choice of Quality Metric in Image Compression A Soft Computing Approach, Hung T. Nguyen, Olga Kosheleva, Vladik Kreinovich, and Liya Ding
Discrete (Granular) Logics: A New (Natural) Notion of Continuity, with a Complete Description Of All Continuous Granular Logics, Hung T. Nguyen and Vladik Kreinovich
Integrating Domain Knowledge with Data: From Crisp to Probabilistic and Fuzzy Knowledge, Hung T. Nguyen, Vladik Kreinovich, and Leonid Reznik
Why Two Sigma? A Theoretical Justification, Hung T. Nguyen, Vladik Kreinovich, Gennady N. Solopchencko, and Ching-Wang Tao
Why 95% and Two Sigma? A Theoretical Justification for an Empirical Measurement Practice, Hung T. Nguyen, Vladik Kreinovich, and Chin-Wang Tao
On Approximation of Fuzzy Sets by Crisp Sets: From Continuous Control-Oriented Defuzzification to Discrete Decision Making, Hung T. Nguyen, Witold Pedrycz, and Vladik Kreinovich
Some Practical Applications of Soft Computing and Data Mining, Hung T. Nguyen, Nadipuram R. Prasad, Vladik Kreinovich, and Habib Gassoumi
Shadows Of Fuzzy Sets - a Natural Approach Towards Describing 2-D and Multi-D Fuzzy Uncertainty in Linguistic Terms, Hung T. Nguyen, Berlin Wu, and Vladik Kreinovich
Chu Spaces: Towards New Justification for Fuzzy Heuristics, Nhu Nguyen, Hung T. Nguyen, and Vladik Kreinovich
Fuzzy (Granular) Levels of Quality, with Applications to Data Mining and to Structural Integrity of Aerospace Structures, Roberto A. Osegueda, Carlos Ferregut, Vladik Kreinovich, Seelam Seetharami, and Harry Schulte
A New Universal Approximation Result for Fuzzy Systems, which Reflects CNF-DNF Duality, Irina Perfilieva and Vladik Kreinovich
Fuzzy Logic and its Applications in Medicine, Nguyen Hoang Phuong and Vladik Kreinovich
Optimal Elimination of Inconsistency in Expert Knowledge: Formulation of the Problem, Fast Algorithms, Timothy J. Ross, Berlin Wu, and Vladik Kreinovich
Aerospace Applications of Soft Computing and Interval Computations (with an Emphasis on Simulation and Modeling), Scott A. Starks and Vladik Kreinovich
Towards Feasible Approach to Plan Checking under Probabilistic Uncertainty: Interval Methods, Raul A. Trejo, Vladik Kreinovich, and Chitta Baral
Choosing a Physical Model: Why Symmetries?, Raul A. Trejo, Vladik Kreinovich, and Luc Longpre
Geombinatorics of "Smart Dust", Edward Vidal, Luc Longpre, Vladik Kreinovich, and Huang Haitao
Asymptotically Optimal Algorithms for Weather Applications of Smart Dust, Edward Vidal, Luc Longpre, Vladik Kreinovich, Huang Haitao, and Yeung Yam
Extracting Fuzzy Sparse Rule Base by Cartesian Representation and Clustering, Yeung Yam, Vladik Kreinovich, and Hung T. Nguyen
Technical Reports from 1999
Towards Intelligent Virtual Environment for Training Medical Doctors in Surgical Pain Relief, Richard Alo, Kenneth Alo, and Vladik Kreinovich
From Fuzzy Models to Fuzzy Control, Chitta Baral, Vladik Kreinovich, Hung T. Nguyen, and Yeung Yam
Geombinatoric Aspects of Processing Large Images and Large Spatial Databases, Jan Beck, Vladik Kreinovich, and Brian Penn
An Optimal FFT-Based Algorithm for Mosaicking Images, with Applications to Satellite Imaging and Web Search, Stephen Gibson, Olga Kosheleva, Luc Longpre, Brian Penn, and Scott A. Starks
On Average Bit Complexity of Interval Arithmetic, Chadi Hamzo and Vladik Kreinovich
Towards Mathematical Foundations of Information Retrieval: Dependence of Website's Relevance on the Number of Occurrences of a Queried Word, Laszlo Koczy, Vladik Kreinovich, Yohanz Mendoza, Hung T. Nguyen, and Harry Schulte
For Interval Computations, if Absolute-Accuracy Optimization is NP-Hard, then so is Relative-Accuracy Optimization, Vladik Kreinovich
From Interval Methods of Representing Uncertainty to a General Description of Uncertainty, Vladik Kreinovich, Scott Ferson, Lev Ginzburg, Harry Schulte, Matthew R. Barry, and Hung T. Nguyen
Chu Spaces - a New Approach to Describing Uncertainty in Systems, Vladik Kreinovich, Guoqing Liu, and Hung T. Nguyen
Intervals (Pairs of Fuzzy Values), Triples, etc.: Can We Thus Get an Arbitrary Ordering?, Vladik Kreinovich and Masao Mukaidono
From Fuzzy Values to Intuitionistic Fuzzy Values to Intuitionistic Fuzzy Intervals Etc.: Can We Get an Arbitrary Ordering?, Vladik Kreinovich, Masao Mukaidono, and Krassimir Atanassov
Fuzzy Systems are Universal Approximators for a Smooth Function and its Derivatives, Vladik Kreinovich, Hung T. Nguyen, and Yeung Yam
An Optimality Criterion for Arithmetic of Complex Sets, Vladik Kreinovich and Juergen Wolff Von Gudenberg
Arithmetic of Complex Sets: Nickel's Classical Paper Revisited from a Geometric Viewpoint, Vladik Kreinovich and Juergen Wolff Von Gudenberg
Why Clustering in Function Approximation? Theoretical Explanation, Vladik Kreinovich and Yeung Yam
Fuzzy Logic in Non-Destructive Testing of Aerospace Structures, Murali Krishna, Vladik Kreinovich, and Roberto Osegueda
We Live in the Best of Possible Worlds: A Proof, Guoqing Liu and Vladik Kreinovich
Theoretical Explanation for the Empirical Probability Of Detection (POD) Curve: A Neural Network-Motivated Approach, Yohans Mendoza and Roberto Osegueda
Intervals is All We Need: An Argument, Masao Mukaidono, Yeung Yam, and Vladik Kreinovich
Chu Spaces: Towards New Foundations for Fuzzy Logic and Fuzzy Control, with Applications to Information Flow on the World Wide Web, Hung T. Nguyen, Vladik Kreinovich, and Guoqing Liu
Chu Spaces - a New Approach to Diagnostic Information Fusion, Hung T. Nguyen, Vladik Kreinovich, and Berlin Wu
Fuzzy/Probability ~ Fractal/Smooth, Hung T. Nguyen, Vladik Kreinovich, and Berlin Wu
A New Look at Fuzzy Theory via Chu Spaces, Hung T. Nguyen, Berlin Wu, and Vladik Kreinovich
On Combining Statistical and Fuzzy Techniques: Detection of Business Cycles from Uncertain Data, Hung T. Nguyen, Berlin Wu, and Vladik Kreinovich
Multi-Resolution Methods in Non-Destructive Testing of Aerospace Structures and in Medicine, Roberto Osegueda, Yohans Mendoza, Olga Kosheleva, and Vladik Kreinovich
System Reliability: A Case When Fuzzy Logic Enhances Probability Theory's Ability to Deal With Real-World Problems, Timothy J. Ross, Carlos M. Ferregut, Roberto Osegueda, and Vladik Kreinovich