Technical Reports from 2013
Use of Grothendieck Inequality in Interval Computations: Quadratic Terms are Estimated Accurately Modulo a Constant Factor, Olga Kosheleva and Vladik Kreinovich
Why 20? Why 40? A Possible Explanation of a Special Role of 20 and 40 in Traditional Number Systems, Olga Kosheleva and Vladik Kreinovich
Why in Mayan Mathematics, Zero and Infinity Are the Same: A Possible Explanation, Olga Kosheleva and Vladik Kreinovich
Why Rozenzweig-Style Midrashic Approach Makes Rational Sense: A Logical (Spinoza-Like) Explanation Of A Seemingly Non-Logical Approach, Olga Kosheleva and Vladik Kreinovich
Computing with Words: Towards a New Tuple-Based Formalization, Olga Kosheleva, Vladik Kreinovich, Ariel Garcia, Felipe Jovel, Luis A. Torres Escobedo, and Thavatchai Ngamsantivong
Fuzzy Sets Can Be Interpreted as Limits of Crisp Sets, and This Can Help to Fuzzify Crisp Notions, Olga Kosheleva, Vladik Kreinovich, and Thavatchai Ngamsantivong
Why Complex-Valued Fuzzy? Why Complex Values in General? A Computational Explanation, Olga Kosheleva, Vladik Kreinovich, and Thavatchai Ngamsantivong
Beyond Traditional Chemical Kinetics Formulas: Group-Theoretic Approach, Vladik Kreinovich
Is Langrangian Formalism Adequately Describing Energy Conservation?, Vladik Kreinovich and Olga Kosheleva
A Symmetry-Based Approach to Selecting Membership Functions and Its Relation to Chemical Kinetics, Vladik Kreinovich, Olga Kosheleva, Jorge Y. Cabrera, Mario Gutierrez, and Thavatchai Ngamsantivong
How to Detect Linear Dependence on the Copula Level?, Vladik Kreinovich, Hung T. Nguyen, and Songsak Sriboonchitta
Towards a Localized Version of Pearson's Correlation Coefficient, Vladik Kreinovich, Hung T. Nguyen, and Berlin Wu
Towards a Better Understanding of Space-Time Causality: Kolmogorov Complexity and Causality as a Matter of Degree, Vladik Kreinovich and Andres Ortiz
Why Inverse F-transform? A Compression-Based Explanation, Vladik Kreinovich, Irina Perlieva, and Vilém Novák
How to Distinguish True Dependence from Varying Independence?, Marketa Krmelova, Martin Trnecka, Vladik Kreinovich, and Berlin Wu
On Early Stages of Idea Propagation, the Number of Adopters Grows as n(t) ~ c * ta: Theoretical Explanation of the Empirical Observation, L. Octavio Lerma, Deana Pennington, and Vladik Kreinovich
Towards Designing Optimal Individualized Placement Tests, Octavio Lerma, Olga Kosheleva, Shahnaz Shahbazova, and Vladik Kreinovich
Studying Volatility and Dependency of Chinese Outbound Tourism Demand in Singapore, Malaysia, and Thailand: A Vine Copula Approach, Jianxu Liu, Songsak Sriboonchitta, Hung T. Nguyen, and Vladik Kreinovich
Likert-Scale Fuzzy Uncertainty from a Traditional Decision Making Viewpoint: It Incorporates Both Subjective Probabilities and Utility Information, Joe Lorkowski and Vladik Kreinovich
Similarity Approach to Defining Basic Level of Concepts Explained from the Utility Viewpoint, Joe Lorkowski and Martin Trnecka
Note on Fair Price under Interval Uncertainty, Joshua McKee, Joe Lorkowski, and Thavatchai Ngamsantivong
Complete Description of Idempotent Hedges in Fuzzy Logic, Jaime Nava
Why Triangular Membership Functions Work Well in F-Transform: A Theoretical Explanation, Jaime Nava and Vladik Kreinovich
"And"- and "or"-operations for "double", "triple", etc. fuzzy sets, Hung T. Nguyen, Vladik Kreinovich, and Olga Kosheleva
Filtering out high frequencies in time series using F-transform, Vilém Novák, Irina Perfilieva, Michal Holčapek, and Vladik Kreinovich
Towards Model Fusion in Geophysics: How to Estimate Accuracy of Different Models, Omar Ochoa, Aaron A. Velasco, and Christian Servin
Full Superposition Principle Is Inconsistent with Non-Deterministic Versions of Quantum Physics, Andres Ortiz and Vladik Kreinovich
Using Symmetries (Beyond Geometric Symmetries) in Chemical Computations: Computing Parameters of Multiple Binding Sites, Andres Ortiz and Vladik Kreinovich
F-transform in View of Aggregation Functions, Irina Perfilieva and Vladik Kreinovich
Towards Discrete Interval, Set, and Fuzzy Computations, Enrique Portillo, Olga Kosheleva, and Vladik Kreinovich
Checking Monotonicity Is NP-Hard Even for Cubic Polynomials, Andrzej Pownuk, Luc Longpre, and Vladik Kreinovich
Why ℓ1 Is a Good Approximation to ℓ0: A Geometric Explanation, Carlos Ramirez, Vladik Kreinovich, and Miguel Argaez
√(x2 + μ) is the Most Computationally Efficient Smooth Approximation to |x|: a Proof, Carlos Ramirez, Reinaldo Sanchez, Vladik Kreinovich, and Miguel Argaez
Relation Between Polling and Likert-Scale Approaches to Eliciting Membership Degrees Clarified by Quantum Computing, Renata Hax Sander Reiser, Adriano Maron, Lidiane Visintin, Ana Maria Abeijon, and Vladik Kreinovich
An Ontological Approach to Capture Data Provenance Across Multiple Platforms, Leonardo Salayandia
From p-Boxes to p-Ellipsoids: Towards an Optimal Representation of Imprecise Probabilities, Konstantin K. Semenov and Vladik Kreinovich
How to Gauge Accuracy of Measurements and of Expert Estimates: Beyond Normal Distributions, Christian Servin, Aline Jaimes, Craig Tweedie, Aaron A. Velasco, Omar Ochoa, and Vladik Kreinovich
Images are Easier to Restore than 1-D Signals: A Theoretical Explanation of a Surprising Empirical Phenomenon, Christian Servin and Vladik Kreinovich
A Vine Copula Approach for Analyzing Financial Risk and Co-movement of the Indonesian, Philippine and Thailand Stock Markets, Songsak Sriboonchitta, Jianxu Liu, Vladik Kreinovich, and Hung T. Nguyen
Vine Copulas as a Way to Describe and Analyze Multi-Variate Dependence in Econometrics: Computational Motivation and Comparison with Bayesian Networks and Fuzzy Approaches, Songsak Sriboonchitta, Jianxu Liu, Vladik Kreinovich, and Hung T. Nguyen
Fuzziness and Bayesian Analysis in Engineering, Matthias Stein, Michael Beer, and Vladik Kreinovich
Bayesian Approach for Inconsistent Information, M. Stein, Michael Beer, and Vladik Kreinovich
Enhancing the Expressiveness of the CleanJava Language, Melisa Vela and Yoonsik Cheon
Aggregation Operations from Quantum Computing, Lidiane Visintin, Adriano Maron, Renata Reiser, Ana Maria Abeijon, and Vladik Kreinovich
Towards Fuzzy Method for Estimating Prediction Accuracy for Discrete Inputs, with Application to Predicting At-Risk Students, Xiaojing Wang, Martine Ceberio, and Angel F. Garcia Contreras
Lexical and Prosodic Indicators of Importance in Spoken Dialog, Nigel G. Ward and Karen A. Richart-Ruiz
Data Collection for the Similar Segments in Social Speech Task, Nigel G. Ward and Steven D. Werner
Data Anonymization that Leads to the Most Accurate Estimates of Statistical Characteristics, Gang Xiang and Vladik Kreinovich
Data Anonymization that Leads to the Most Accurate Estimates of Statistical Characteristics: Fuzzy-Motivated Approach, G. Xiang, S. Ferson, L. Ginzburg, L. Longpre, E. Mayorga, and O. Kosheleva
CJC: An Extensible Checker for the CleanJava Annotation Language, Cesar Yeep