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Technical Report: UTEP-CS-21-95


In many practical situations, we need to estimate our degree of belief in a statement "A and B" when the only thing we know are the degrees of belief a and b in combined statements A and B. An algorithm for this estimation is known as an "and"-operation, or, for historical reasons, a t-norm. Usually, "and"-operations are selected in such a way that if one of the statements A or B is false, our degree of belief in "A and B" is 0. However, in practice, this is sometimes not the case: for example, an ideal faculty candidate must satisfy many properties -- be a great teacher, and be a wonderful researcher, and be a great mentor, etc. -- but if one of these requirements is not satisfied, this candidate may still be hired. In this paper, we show how to describe the corresponding commonsense "or"-operations.
