Publication Date



Technical Report: UTEP-CS-21-90


To elicit people's opinions, we usually ask them to mark their degree of satisfaction on a scale -- e.g., from 0 to 5 or from 0 to 10. Often, people are unsure about the exact degree: 7 or 8? To cover such situations, it is desirable to elicit not a single value but an interval of possible values. However, it turns out that most people are not comfortable with marking an interval. Empirically, it turned out that the best way to elicit an interval is to ask them to draw an oval whose intersection with the 0-to-10 line is the desired interval. Surprisingly, this seemingly more complex 2-D task is easier for most people that a seemingly simpler 1-D task of drawing an interval. In this paper, we provide a possible explanation of why eliciting an interval-related oval is more efficient than eliciting the interval itself.
