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Technical Report: UTEP-CS-20-69


In many practical situations, there exist several representations, each of which is convenient for some operations, and many data processing algorithms involve transforming back and forth between these representations. Many such transformations are computationally time-consuming when performed exactly. So, taking into account that input data is usually only 1-10% accurate anyway, it makes sense to replace time-consuming exact transformations with faster approximate ones. One of the natural ways to get a fast-computing approximation to a transformation is to train the corresponding neural network. The problem is that if we train A-to-B and B-to-A networks separately, the resulting approximate transformations are only approximately inverse to each other. As a result, each time we transform back and forth, we add new approximation error -- and the accumulated error may become significant. In this paper, we show how we can avoid this accumulation. Specifically, we show how to train A-to-B and B-to-A neural networks so that the resulting transformations are (almost) exact inverses.
