Publication Date



Technical Report: UTEP-CS-20-38

To appear in: Martine Ceberio and Vladik Kreinovich (eds.), How Uncertainty-Related Ideas Can Provide Theoretical Explanation for Empirical Dependencies, Springer, Cham, Switzerland.


In the same class, after the same lesson, the amount of learned material often differs drastically, by a factor of ten. Does this mean that people have that different learning abilities? Not really: experiments show that among different students, learning abilities differ by no more than a factor of two. This fact have been successfully used in designing innovative teaching techniques, techniques that help students realize their full learning potential. In this paper, we deal with a different question: how to explain the above experimental result. It turns out that this result about learning abilities -- which are, due to genetics, randomly distributed among the human population -- can be naturally explained by a recent mathematical result about random metrics.
