Publication Date



Technical Report: UTEP-CS-08-33

Published in the Proceedings of the International Workshop on Soft Computing for Knowledge Technology, in conjunction with The Tenth Pacific Rim International Conference on Artificial Intelligence PRICAI'08, Hanoi, Vietnam, December 15-19, 2008, pp. 80-89.


It is known that interval-valued fuzzy sets provide a more adequate description of expert uncertainty than the more traditional "type-1" (number-valued) fuzzy techniques. In the current approaches for using interval-valued fuzzy techniques, it is usually assumed that all fuzzy sets m(x) from the interval [l(x),u(x)] are possible. In this paper, we show that it is reasonable to restrict ourselves only to fuzzy numbers m(x), i.e., "unimodal" fuzzy sets. We also describe feasible algorithms for implementing thus modified intelligent control.
