Date of Award


Degree Type

DNP Project

Degree Name

Doctor of Nursing (ND)




Hector R. Moralez


The use of laxatives and prune juice in current practice are recommended for patients with chronic constipation. Patient with autism spectrum disorder tend to have a higher occurrence of chronic constipation, rendering the recommended therapy ineffective. For this quality improvement project, prucalopride 2 mg, was prescribed to relieve symptoms of chronic constipation. The project was executed at an intermediate care facility. The population of interest were male adults ages 29 through 40, with a complaint of chronic constipation. The patients were prescribed prucalopride 2mg once a day, for 2 weeks. The follow-up assessments showed positive results with improved bowel movements. The project, indicated that prucalopride 2mg is potent in the treatment of constipation.

13_Nwaogu_N6893_DNPProjectPowerPointDivider (2).pdf (643 kB)
PowerPoint Presentation

Jennifer Nwaogu.pdf (1325 kB)
Poster Presentation

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