Date of Award


Degree Type

DNP Project

Degree Name

Doctor of Nursing (ND)




Alejandra Valenzuela


Post-dural puncture headache (PDPH) is a frequent complication that affects up to 35% of all patients who undergo lumbar puncture. Lumbar puncture with intrathecal chemotherapy administration is a required procedure that is outlined in the treatment plan for pediatric oncology patients who have been diagnosed with leukemia. During my ten-day reflective practice, 66% of patients developed a PDPH. After conducting a literature review, a variety of interventions for decreasing the incidence of PDPH (i.e. hydration, bed rest, controlled analgesics during procedure, and needle design) were found. After comparison of all the interventions, a consensus was reached in which the needle design was the only intervention that decreased the incidence of PDPH. After comparing the literature to my practice, I found that the 22-gauge cutting needle used in my practice is not reflective of the current evidence-based guidelines. For my Quality Improvement project, a pencil point needle was used for performing lumbar punctures. An age-appropriate pain scale was used for measuring the incidence of postanesthesia recovery headache and again at the two-week follow-up appointment. The anticipated outcome was supported by my Quality Improvement Project. Every patient who underwent a lumbar puncture denied having a headache both at the post-anesthesia recovery assessment and the two-week follow-up appointment.

12_French_NURS_6893_Scholary_Project_Powerpoint_Presentation.pdf (3096 kB)
PowerPoint Presentation

Amanda French.pdf (753 kB)
Poster Presentation

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Nursing Commons



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