Date of Award


Degree Type

DNP Project

Degree Name

Doctor of Nursing (ND)




Diane Monsivais, PhD, RN, CNE, ANEF


Franchesca Nuñez, PhD, RN


Osteoporosis is a global health concern that can be identified and treated with appropriate screening and medical management. The number of fragility fractures that occur will continue to rise with an aging population and is a key predictor of osteoporosis. However, many patients with fragility fractures do not receive the recommended post-fracture care. Poor bone health places patients at increased risk for secondary fracture and has serious emotional, physical, and financial consequences (Kanis et al., 2021). Understanding the benefit of identifying osteoporosis and preventing secondary fractures in an orthopedic clinic has proven advantageous in optimizing bone health and reducing fracture risk. This paper describes a project that includes researching the current evidence-based practice for implementing an osteoporosis screening and treatment protocol for patients presenting to Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center El Paso Orthopedic Surgery and Rehabilitation Department Hand Service. The project aimed to close the post-fracture treatment gap, promote bone health optimization by applying secondary fracture prevention efforts, positively impact patient care while reducing health-care costs.

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Nursing Commons
