Date of Award


Degree Type

DNP Project

Degree Name

Doctor of Nursing (ND)




Hector R. Morales, DNP, APRN, PMHCNS-BC


Obesity has become a global crisis with a tremendous impact on patients and costs reaching billions of dollars each year. Prevention and treatment of this condition will be crucial to ongoing efforts to prevent its long-term complications. Health care providers may have the opportunity to educate patients and address weight management issues before serious complications develop. The United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the American Heart Association, and many publications in the medical literature focus on methods that might be used to target weight loss with diet and exercise. Unfortunately, many patients have had little to no success with these methods and thus might benefit from pharmacological interventions. The purpose of this Quality Improvement (QI) project was to provide assistance to those patients seeking help with weight loss using a pharmaceutical tool that is supported by current research. I chose to treat obese male and female patients with BMIs >27 with semaglutide. Calorie intake, physical activity, and progress toward individual weight loss goals were monitored. The Kurt Lewin model and change theory was used to facilitate sharing of knowledge and to monitor progress through the stages of organizational change through implementation. Likewise, Plan-Do-Study-Act cycles were used as a pragmatic research tool to assist with the implementation of the planned intervention. 18 Patients enrolled in the QI study were provided with a prescription for semaglutide which was titrated to up to 2.4 mg per week. The patients were weighed initially and again at follow-up two to four weeks later, depending on the exact time that treatment was initiated. The findings revealed that administration of semaglutide resulted in a 16% loss of total body weight during this time interval, including weight losses of 3–11 pounds and reductions in BMIs ranging from 0.5–2.7 kg/m2. Patients 3 reported improvements in sleep and overall quality of life, including better moods as well as improved health and appetite control.

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