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Book cover, author signed book plates, and interior template I designed for 'House of Purple Cedar' by Tim Tingle, published by Cinco Puntos Press. "The hour has come to speak of troubled times. It is time we spoke of Skullyville." Thus begins House of Purple Cedar, Rose Goode’s telling of the year when she was eleven in Indian country, Oklahoma. Skullyville, a once-thriving Choctaw community, was destroyed by land-grabbers, culminating in the arson on New Year's Eve, 1896, of New Hope Academy for Girls. Twenty Choctaw girls died, but Rose escaped. She is blessed by the presence of her grandmother Pokoni and her grandfather Amafo, both respected elders who understand the old ways. Soon after the fire, the white sheriff beats Amafo in front of the townspeople. Yet, instead of seeking vengeance, her grandfather follow the path of forgiveness. And so unwinds this tale of mystery, Chotaw mysticism, and deep wisdom. It's a world where one's values are tested again and again. Where a one-legged woman shop-keeper, her oaf of a husband, herbal potions, and shape-shifting panthers rendering justice. Tim Tingle—a scholar of his nation's language, culture, and spirituality—tells Rose's story of good and evil with compassion and even laugh-out-loud Choctaw humor.



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House of Purple Cedar, Cinco Puntos Press, Anne M. Giangiulio Design

House of Purple Cedar
