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Book cover and interior template I designed for 'Conquistador of the Useless' by Joshua Isard, published by Cinco Puntos Press. Joshua Isard’s debut novel is a hoot. The hero Nathan Wavelsky moves into the burbs with his wife. Life is good. He’s a successful slacker. He doesn’t want to rock the boat. His definition of a good time is listening to his favorite bands on his iPod and staring at the grass and the poplar trees in his backyard. As a mid-level corporate manager, he does what his bosses tell him. If they want somebody fired, he fires them. No questions asked. But the boat does start to rock. He innocently gives a copy of Kurt Vonnegut’s 'Cat’s Cradle' to a teenage girl and his neighbors are righteously appalled. His wife’s hormones start to tango and now she wants a baby. Sure, he enjoys sex, but that doesn’t mean he wants a baby in the house. Worse, his best friend wants him to climb Mount Everest. Nathan likes to camp and hike, but climbing the Himalayas? He could die, for God’s sake. He just wants to be left alone. But no chance. Shit happens.



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Conquistador of the Useless by Joshua Isard, Anne M. Giangiulio, design by Anne M. Giangiulio, Cinco Puntos Press

Conquistador of the Useless
