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I designed this cross stitch with French knots in response to the #StayHome mandate at the start of the Corona Virus pandemic hitting my city around the middle of March, 2020. Using graph paper and Adobe Illustrator, I designed the layout that I later implemented on 14-count Aida cloth. The point of using an age-old craft technique for this poster is due to how much time counted cross stitch takes, something that staying home with nowhere to go makes possible. Its title is a spoof of communication thinker Marshall McCluhan's famous phrase, "the medium is the message" introduced in his Understanding Media: The Extensions of Man, published in 1964. McLuhan proposed that a communication medium itself, not the messages it carries, should be the primary focus of study. I wanted the medium to send the message that sometimes staying home = tedium at this time.
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Cross stitch with French knots, the Tedium is the Message, Anne M. Giangiulio Design
Recommended Citation
Giangiulio, Anne, "The Tedium is the Message" (2020). Departmental Works. 103.