Date of Award


Degree Name

Master of Science


Computer Science


Vladik V. Kreinovich


As technology progresses, sensors and computers become cheaper, so we can afford to perform more measurements and process the data faster. However, this also brings challenges.The goal of this thesis is to enumerate these challenges and to provide possible solutions. The first challenge is related to the fact that the existing metrological recommendations are mostly based on the previous practice, when we could only afford to have a small number of measurements. In this regard, our objective is to describe the related problem and to propose a solution to this problem. These description (on the example of the design of the Thermonuclear Research Center) and proposed solution form the first contribution of this thesis. The second challenge is related to the fact that in the past, when there were few affordable measuring instruments and we could only afford a few measurements, there were not that many options. So, we could select one of these options "by hand". Nowadays, with a potential to perform a large number of measurements and the availability of many different measuring instruments, the number of possible measurement options become large. Our related objective is to develop methods for optimal planning. Our related contribution is developing such a method for an important case of distributed measurements. The third challenge is related to the fact that with the possibility to perform numerous measurements and process their results, we often encounter situations when for different pairs of measurement errors we have different types of information: some are known to be independent, for others, we do not have such information. Our objective is develop algorithms for dealing with such situations. Our contribution is to develop algorithms for the case when we have a small number of pairs with different type of information. The final challenge is to extract useful information from all these measurement results. This extraction is the fourth objective of this thesis. Our contribution is in handling an important particular case of this objective: finding faults in a smart electric grid.




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File Size

87 p.

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Rights Holder

Hector Alejandro Reyes
