
Nestor Valencia


Michelle L. Gomilla

Biographical Synopsis of Interviewee

Former Chief Planner City of El Paso Planning Department.

Summary of Interview

Part of Chamizal Oral History Project; biographical data; history of Chamizal issue; explains origin of term Chamizal; describes his responsibilities during implementation of treaty; trip to Mexico City to work with Inter-Secretarial Commission of Chamizal Affairs; reaction of Chamizal residents to treaty; businesses forced to relocate; land use issues; transferring property and structures to Mexican government; proposed construction of alien detention facility in area; Four Point Program; national parks of both sides of border; new international bridges; initiation of the maquiladora industry.

Date of Interview


Length of Interview

1 hour and 20 minutes

Tape Number

No. 844

Transcript Number

No. 844

Length of Transcript

39 pages

Interview Number

No. 844

Terms of Use

