Interview in Spanish.
Summary of Interview
: Mr. Oceguera Licea briefly recalls his hometown; he moved to Calexico where he heard about the bracero program; in 1955, he traveled to the processing center in Empalme, Sonora, Mexico; his first contract was in Newman, California where he labored in the melon fields; he briefly discusses and compares the camp size, living conditions and provisions at El Centro, California and Newman, California; he worked in the tomato fields of Imperial Valley, California; he labored in the asparagus fields in Stockton, California; he labored in the grape and pear orchards of Geyserville, California; Mr. Oceguera Licea mentions that many braceros would drink, gamble and play billiard on the weekends; he mentions the dance halls in Salinas, California; while attempting to defuse an altercation between two other individuals, he was stabbed in the throat, close to the jugular vein; he briefly discusses altercations between Navy sailors and braceros in San Francisco, California; he mentions working with Anglo, African-American, and Asians; in 1959, he completed his last contract; he worked for David Garcia; he briefly gives his opinion on the topics of marriage and children; in 1960, he met his common-law wife; they had five children; after his last contract, he returned to Mexicali, Mexico, where he worked as a police officer.