Date of Award


Degree Name

Master of Science


Computational Science


Yun-Pil Shim


This thesis looks into how multi-qubit exchange interactions can be used to improve quantumcircuits in semiconductor quantum devices. Pairwise interactions between qubits are a common tenet of traditional quantum computing paradigms, although they can impose complexity and depth constraints on circuits. In order to improve the efficiency and scalability of quantum circuits, this research explores the theoretical underpinnings and practical uses of multi-qubit interactions. A thorough theoretical framework is formulated, outlining the mathematical equivalence of a unitary matrix representing interactions between multiple qubits. We obtain the timeevolution operator by analyzing the Hamiltonian of three spin-1/2 particles. A number of quantum circuits, such as those for producing GHZ states, W states, and executing 3-qubit error-correcting codes, are built and optimized using this operator. Results show that the suggested method is superior to conventional pairwise interactionbased circuits, with both the number of gates and the depth of the circuit significantly reduced. Quantum algorithm processing efficiency is assessed by testing the improved circuits. This research adds to the growing body of knowledge on quantum computing by offering a fresh viewpoint on optimizing and designing circuits through interactions between many qubits. The suggested approaches show potential for creating efficient and scalable quantum processors, which could have an effect on many different areas of quantum computing.




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File Size

68 p.

File Format


Rights Holder

Miguel Gonzalo Rodriguez
