Date of Award


Degree Name

Master of Science


Biological Sciences


German Rosas-Acosta


Decision-making is a critical cognitive function, often impaired by substance abuse. Understanding the underlying mechanisms in both human and animal models is essential for developing effective treatments. This thesis aims to study approach-avoid decision-making in rats and focuses on the impacts of oxycodone self-administration and alcohol abuse on approach-avoid decision-making.We hypothesize that oxycodone self-administration will alter decision-making in female rats, revealing sex differences and distinct psychometric functions, alcohol habituation will similarly affect decision-making in male rats. The study involved 23 Long Evans rats (11 males and 12 females) for decision-making behavioral study connecting multiple levels of rewards and costs combinations. For the oxycodone self-administration experiment, 33 rats (5 experimental males, 5 experimental females, 11 control males and 12 control females) were trained in a decision-making task involving cost-benefit analysis, with rewards and costs signaled by sucrose concentration and LED light intensity, respectively. Oxycodone self-administration was conducted over 14 days, followed by a period of abstinence to assess changes in decision-making behavior. Another group of 45 rats (10 experimental males, 12 experimental females, 11 control males and 12 control females) was used to investigate the effects of alcohol habituation on decision-making. Behavioral features such as distance traveled, approach time, and stopping points were extracted and analyzed using custom scripts and a PostgreSQL database. This study provides comprehensive insights into the effects of drug abuse on decision-making, emphasizing the importance of sex differences and task variability. The findings underscore the relevance of animal models in studying human cognitive functions and pave the way for targeted therapeutic interventions.




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File Size

85 p.

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Rights Holder

Safa Binte Hossain
