Date of Award


Degree Name



Educational Leadership and Administration


Edna Martinez


The purpose of this intrinsic case study was to understand the implementation of PBL at a dual-language campus on the U.S.-Mexico border (Stake, 2000). Project-based learning in a dual language setting can meet the demand for all students, especially emergent bilinguals, to receive equal and equitable learning opportunities that promote access to content knowledge regardless of student language proficiency (Howard et al., 2007; O’Brien et al., 2014). However, the success of implementing an innovation, such as PBL, is facilitated by the teacher’s belief in the tools and ability to enact the approach (Bandura, 1977). Therefore, the study also considered how teacher self-efficacy supported the implementation of PBL in a dual-language campus on the U.S.-Mexico Border. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with seven participants to understand their implementation practices and experiences with the student-centered learning approach. Teacher self-efficacy, a construct of self-efficacy, was used as the guiding Conceptual Framework. The data for this study was collected through multiple sources: formal and informal interviews, field observations, and district planning documents. Two of the Concerns-Based Adoption Model’s (CBAM) dimensions, the Stages of Concern (SoC) diagnostic tool and the Levels of Use (LoU) diagnostic tools, were used to understand the participant’s views and practices based on their self-efficacy implementing PBL in a dual language campus. The findings revealed the implementation of PBL was influenced by key factors, including guidance from the district's vision, high levels of support from the instructional leaders, and dual resources for their emergent bilinguals. PBL in a dual language setting provides emergent bilinguals with the opportunity to engage in relevant content that bridges their connections across the border, values and develops their content and linguistic understandings, and provides meaningful collaboration.




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