Date of Award


Degree Name

Master of Science


Mechanical Engineering


John F. Chessa


Polymer materials such as Polycarbonate (PC), Polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) have numerous applications in transparent armor which includes body and face shield, helmet, windows of the armored vehicle etc. The most challenging part of these applications is to ensure the safety of the people. These materials are often subjected to impact loading, so it is important to study the failure of these materials under impact loading. An experimental study has been made to investigate the impact damage in transparent layered materials. Impact experiments were carried out on various monolithic specimens and layered specimens for both two types of materials at different energy level and the damage pattern of these specimens after impact was investigated. It is found that the monolithic PMMA has greater impact resistance over layered PMMA of equal thickness at very low energy impact but at moderately high energy, the layered material has greater impact resistance. Analytical and numerical approaches were also used in this study to predict the maximum impact force and contact duration.




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Md Shariful Islam
