Date of Award


Degree Type

DPT Project

Degree Name

Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT)


Rhonda Manning


Objective: Therapeutic riding is an emerging tool used by rehabilitation professionals to treat individuals with disabilities. Although recent studies suggest important benefits for this population, the groups represented, and the outcomes studied, in existing literature are limited. Namely, current scholarship focuses on individuals with cerebral palsy, or measures therapeutic outcomes linked to cognitive function in individuals with autism spectrum disorder. The purpose of this case study is to highlight the gross motor benefits that this intervention provided for a child with autism spectrum disorder.

Methods: The subject was a 12-year-old boy who was diagnosed with high functioning autism spectrum disorder. The subject was verbal and was able to follow commands. The subject was to undergo a 6-week therapeutic horseback riding intervention where he performed a variety of activities that positioned his body in ways that challenged his somatosensory system. Pre and post scores in his balance were measured using the BOT-2 balance and coordination sections.

Results: Following the 6-week intervention, BOT-2 testing demonstrated a clear improvement in all the sections that were considered; most of the improvements noted to be in the bilateral coordination section. Not only were improvements noted in scores from BOT-2 testing, but improvements in performance of these activities were noted as well. By the end of the final session, the subject demonstrated greater ease in going through the session and the various activities.

Conclusion: Therapeutic horseback riding demonstrated improvements in both balance in coordination for this subject with autism spectrum disorder. This intervention can be used as a fun, alternate method to classical therapy to improve gross motor function of children with this diagnosis.

Impact Statement: Therapeutic riding may provide not just cognitive but also physical benefits for individuals with ASD.
