Publication Date



Technical Report: UTEP-CS-19-104b

To appear in: Proceedings of the 2020 4th International Conference on Intelligent Systems, Metaheuristics & Swarm Intelligence ISMSI'2020, Thimpu, Bhutan, March 21-22, 2020.


Several decades ago, traditional neural networks were the most efficient machine learning technique. Then it turned out that, in general, a different technique called support vector machines is more efficient. Reasonably recently, a new technique called deep learning has been shown to be the most efficient one. These are empirical observations, but how we explain them -- thus making the corresponding conclusions more reliable? In this paper, we provide a possible theoretical explanation for the above-described empirical comparisons. This explanation enables us to explain yet another empirical fact -- that sparsity techniques turned out to be very efficient in signal processing.

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