Content Posted in 2005
100 KW organic rankine cycle heat balance computer model, Jose Luis Guaderrama
1,3-Cyclooctadiene and 1,3-cycloheptadiene carboxylic acid derivatives, Jenn-Hai Pao
2,3-butanediol from a Bacillus isolate: A possible cosurfactant for microbial enhanced oil recovery systems, Scott Bradley Wilson
3D geometry and velocity structure of the Tacoma Basin, western Washington, Brett Joseph Hiett
4-Nonylphenol alters estrogen metabolism in FVB/NJ mice after acute and chronic exposures, Ricardo Acevedo
4-nonylphenol attenuates dexamethasone induction of CYP2B and CYP3A in FVB/NJ mice, Juan Hernandez
5th Artillery Band Parading thru Lawton, OK.
A 64 testing points programmable parametric tester, Mario A Dominguez
A 68000 based microcontroller system, Li Zhang
A 6809-based multiprocessor system for computer vision, James Roger Daniels
A Bakhtinian analysis of Walker Percy's "Lancelot", Helen R Foster
A basic multiple target tracking system, Nasser Ebrahim Hajjaj
A bilingual syntactical program for the bilingual, language-disordered student, Alma Margarita Fernandez
A brief analysis of Debussy's Violin Sonata, Brahms' Violin Sonata, op. 78, and Shostakovich's Eighth String Quartet, op. 110, Syliva Elena Polendo
Abuelitas de El Paso: A selective cultural study, Lilia Patricia Reade-Pellicano
Academic success and minority students: A pilot study, 1995, Terrence Thomas
A calorimetric study of adsorption heats on low energy surface, Karl Y. L Tseng
A case of mismanagement: Federal Indian policy on the Mescalero Apache Indian reservation, 1882--1902, Victor M Aguilar
A case study of leadership in systemic education reform: The El Paso Collaborative for Academic Excellence, Mary Alicia Parra
A case study of nontraditional basic writers, Elizabeth Carrillo
A case study of three city administrations in a period of change, James Andrew Fynquist
A causal comparative study of reading achievement to learning styles in a sample of 7th and 8th grade Mexican American and Anglo-American students, Mary L Queitzsch
Acceleration behavior of semi-active structural motion control by transfer of modal energy, Emad Nasser Abdallah
Accommodation of Hondurans to Mexican norms, Jorge L Dieppa
Accounting for Domain Context in Evaluation, Meriem Chater and David G. Novick
Acculturation and sex roles: Generational differences among individuals of Mexican descent, Carla Ann Tietz
Acculturation and the MMPI: A comparison of Anglo- and Hispanic-Americans, Stephen Burt Thorne
Acculturation levels of therapists and clients in a community mental health facility, Pablo Rocha
Acculturation, sociocultural beliefs, and family environment among the relatives of Hispanics with schizophrenia, Jorge Isaac Ramirez
Accuracy comparison in calculations of atmospheric transmittance by three numerical methods, Gregory A Stolt
Accuracy of the RT3, BioTrainer-Pro, and SenseWear armband to measure energy cost of treadmill walking and running, Nancy Torres
A century of freemasonry in El Paso, John William Denny
A certification mechanism to provide security flow control in C++, Gil Gutierrez
Achievement of immediacy among elementary-aged students, Marcia Lynn Clark
Achilles Gonzalez and Jose Andou
A choral conductor's notebook, Phillip Allen Swan
A classical foundation for electrodynamics, Richard R Pemper
A clastic evaporite deposit in the lower Castile Formation (Permian), Delaware Basin, John Quentin Robinson
A cluster analysis scheduling algorithm, Fernando Cedillos
A communication analysis of CORBA systems, Rene Saenz
A comparative analysis of attitudes towards the prison environment of selected groups at La Tuna Correctional Institution, Beverly Ellen Diamond
A comparative analysis of certain representations of the structure of space and time, Shozo Koshigoe
A comparative analysis of Mexican migration to the Mexican border and into the U.S.: A reappraisal of Ravenstein's laws, Cecilia Claudine Strickland Rhoades
A comparative evaluation of cadmium sulfide deposition techniques, Michael Jordan
A comparative evaluation of implementing a novel modularly configurable attached processor architecture, Sanjay J Singh
A comparative evaluation of static and dynamic random access memories for military applications, Darlene Louise Anderson
A comparative performance analysis of chip-scale packaging vs. MCM-D, Stephen Russell Sams
A comparative study of experimental and analytical mode shapes of an offshore structural model, Jayanth Kumar Basavalingiah
A comparative study of leaching of gold and silver by acidic thioureation and cyanidation, Soon Wan Park
A comparative study of Lokichar, Kerio, and Mesilla Basins, Ekal M. C Imana
A comparative study of pupils' opinions of teachers and attitudes toward school, Albene Hughes Adams
A comparative study of spelling errors for third and sixth grade children of Anglo and bilingual backgrounds, Gwen Allison Page
A comparative study of teacher receptivity toward bilingual/bicultural education, Olga Arreola Mapula
A comparative study of the stratificational and tagmemic grammatical models, Leila Margaret Hougham
A comparative study of tone in the "Amores" of Publius Ovidius Naso and the "Elegies" of John Donne, Addison Lee Anderson
A comparative study of U.S. and Japanese saving, Patrick L Benoit
A comparative study of work teams and traditional work schemes, Natalie Marie Waters
A comparison between two band models for nitrous oxide in the infrared region at two different resolutions, Tony S El-Kik
A comparison between two methods of study: Directed and non-directed, Fay Wynn Nelson
A comparison of different definitions of density, Rita R Temple
A comparison of ESL /non ESL student scores on the tenth grade end of course exams in Texas, Nancy Garcia Lara
A comparison of female attitudes toward physical activity in four primary cultural groups, Hollis A Durkin
A comparison of JIT and CONWIP using simulation, Francisco Garcia-Cecena
A comparison of kanban and CONWIP production systems, Somasundaram Srikanth
A comparison of Mennonite and Mormon colonies in northern Mexico, Glenda Evon Miller
A comparison of Mexican-American and Anglo elderly regarding the perception of and interaction with the senior center and the family: A survey, Juan Francisco Sandoval
A comparison of parental perceptions of infants requiring neonatal intensive care versus healthy term infants, Sarah Gelbach Wood
A comparison of plant and rodent communities under protected and deferred livestock grazing programs, Melinda Ann Gebel
A comparison of power output and lean body mass of professional elite dancers trained in one of the following dance forms: Folklorico, ballet, mixed form, and dance fitness, Margaret Elisabeth Coulehan Bartlett
A comparison of pupil performance in structured and unstructured language programs administered to culturally divergent kindergarten children, Elizabeth Ann Vernon
A comparison of saline solution with heparinized saline for maintaining heparin lock patency, Marsha Louise Coberly
A comparison of sensitization kinetics in 304 and 316 stainless steels, Efrain Almanza Casas
A comparison of the completeness of manual versus computerized discharge nurses' notes for patients who suffered myocardial infarctions, Patricia Ann Borup
A comparison of the distribution of gangliosides in brains of old and young rats: A similarity analysis of curves, Yolanda Munoz Maldonado
A comparison of the effectiveness of two eighth grade science programs for teaching selected laboratory skills, Patricia Ann Kelley Simms
A comparison of the performance of various indexable carbide inserts for machining stainless steel, Deepak G Dsouza
A comparison of the two frontiers of Conrad Richter (as revealed in his published novels), Mildred J. W Skov
A comparison of three parsing techniques, Shing-Chung Rick Lee
A comparison of videotape replay, instructional media, and traditional teaching method on the learning of beginning swimming skills, Linda Ann Shoop
A comparison of WAIS and WAIS-R scores of Anglo, Black, and Mexican-American college students, Ruth Theresa Gibbons
A compiler-driven approach to monitoring integrity constraints, Francisco Gerardo Fernandez
A computational method for spectral molecular absorption using an improved Voigt algorithm, Peter Clark Van Derwood
A computational method to calculate high resolution molecular line transmittance due to IR-radiation, Hossein Nik-Ahd
A computer-aided heuristic method for balancing printed circuit board inspection lines, Maria Valeria Budinich-Diez
A computer-assisted instruction program for the normal probability distribution in statistical quality control, Gilbert A Mendez
A computer controlled unicycle, Madhu Sudhan Atani Reddy
A computerized preventive/predictive maintenance system in the zone logic environment, Wei-Chih Chen
A computerized system for the reduction of middle atmospheric electrical conductivity data, Shyue-wun A Shih
A computer simulation model to determine the effects of bridge-delays on pollution, Probal Duttaroy
A computer vision system for printed circuit board inspection, Eulalio Rodriguez
A computer vision system for solderability inspection, Jesus Rene C Villalobas
A computer vision system for the visual inspection of Hall dies on ceramic substrates, Gerardo Chaparro
A concept for measuring control in bureaucracies, Joseph A Yacono
A conceptual model of the hydrogeology of White Sands National Monument, south-central New Mexico, Alberto Barud-Zubillaga
A concise view of the development and use of the trombone and its music from the early 15th century to the 20th century, Phillip A Sandoval
A concurrent LISP interpreter (CLI), Cheng-Lee Wen
A constructivist approach to Advanced Placement English Literature, Gyneth Lee Garrison
A content analysis of the critiques of the U.S. Army's classical leadership model: An organizational communication perspective, Evaline Eilene Sanders
A content analysis of the NCCB's "One in Christ Jesus": A communication perspective, Jolie Carol Fontenot
A contrastive analysis of Spanish and Japanese word classes and their morphological characteristics, Hatsuyo Kitazawa Hawkins
A correlation-regression analysis of eight selected variables as related to achievement in high school biology, Elizabeth Lynn Sipe
A corrosion study of aluminum 2524 microconstituents and the consequent mechanism for copper deposition on the surface of the alloy, Robert Louis Cervantes
A cost-efficient adaptation of the Sharpe diagonal model for use with small investment portfolios, Robert Anthony Franken
A course of study for crafts in the secondary school, Jean Chandler Sandrock
Acoustic emission monitoring of hydrogen embrittlement in 4340, Alidia Diane Ackerman
Acoustic emission monitoring of stress corrosion cracking of sensitized 304 stainless steel, James Edward Stephenson
Acoustic emission response of A36 steel under tensile loading, Carl Wayne Boehning
Acoustic emission response of an 8620 steel under tensile loading, Melvin Joseph DeSilva
Acoustic emission response of titanium alloys under the influence of a stress corrosion environment, J. Manuel Palma
Acquiring Spanish as a second language in a dual language program, Kyann McMillie Almaraz
Acquisition of a multiple unit matching task in rhesus monkeys, Wilna Elizabeth Galbraith
Acquisition of English as L2 by speakers of Chinese: Answering negative yes-no questions, Yan Fu
Acquisition of post-verbal subjects in Spanish as a second language, Francoise Radillo
A critical analysis of the sponsored film as a promotional instrument for the Southwestern U.S. tourism industry, John Henry Brazelton
A critical review of foreign aid models, Silvio Salinas
A critique of the statistical logic underlying studies of memory, Mark Wesley Frank Izzard
A cross-cultural analysis of the MMPI, Eugenio J Galindro
A cross-sectional study of sleep disturbance in the first year of life, James Harry Segapeli
A crustal structure study of South America, Kevin Scott Renbarger
A crustal structure study of the Mississipi Embayment, C. Bradford Austin
A crustal structure study of the northern margin of the Gulf of Mexico, Harold Gurrola
A crustal structure study of the Owens Valley-Death region, eastern California, Alejandro E Duran
A CSG solid modeler, Rodrigo Antonio Romero
Action languages and domain modeling, Richard Glenn Watson
Action plan for the implementation of ISO 14001-1996 and ISO 9001-2000 in a small organization, Sergio Alejandro Romero Salazar
Activation of sodium azide in mammalian cells, Lance M Hallberg
Active damping vibration control: Theoretical analysis and computer simulation, Yingjie Lin
Active frequency compensation of integrated circuit attenuators, Ketan Navnitlal Sanghrajka
Actualizacion de temas precolombinos en tres poetas contemporaneos mexicanos, Maria Socorro Tabuenca
Adam and Eve: Ontological equality and subordination in "Paradise Lost", Charles Patton Wilbourn
Adapting the homemaking program to further the aims and purposes of general education, Londaline Maddox Bales
Adaptive differential interference cancellation in multiuser detection method for DS-CDMA communication, Birendra Kumar Nayak
Adaptive refinement and noise reduction methods for sparse signal reconstruction, Suresh Malladi
Adaptive vibrational method for identification of structures and damage detection, Sanjay Krishnarao Mahajan
Additional evidence on property tax abatement effectiveness in El Paso, Texas, Victor A Aragones Zamudio
Addition of low resolution trace gas transmittance calculations to LOWTRAN computer model, Paul S Demshur
Addressing the power conversion and arc fault issues with 42 V automotive power systems, Adriana Marquez-Martinez
A decade of exploration in the Southwest, 1846--1855, Edward F Sherman
A demographic analysis of Presidio County, Texas, Salvatore Nicosia
A demographic analysis of Washoe County, Nevada, Wilson J Barrow
A description of nurses' knowledge of and attitudes toward the nursing care plan, Roberta Anne Schulz-French
A description of plainware rim sherds from the Old Socorro Mission Site, Benjamin Wilson Tice
A descriptive analysis of the written English of El Paso bilinguals, Patricia Elaine Gaffney Jones
A descriptive solid modeler for PC-based expert machining process planning, Yin-Wei Tang
A descriptive study of the leadership styles of telecommunications managers in the El Paso media market: Moving from practice to theory, Jaime V Chavez
A design concept for "Comanche Eagle", Michael Lynn Spence
A design for a radix four signed-digit adder, Gary P Harshbarger
A design methodology for time and area optimization of an MCAP initial design, K. Rajesh Jagannath
A detailed guide in oral-aural English instruction for teachers of bilingual students at the secondary level, Patric Joseph Kerr
A determination of the p-dioxane structure by gas-phase electron diffraction technique, Ying-Dau Lu
A developmental study of Achlya recurva utilizing light and electron microscopy, Walstine Lon Steffens
Adhesional wetting study of modified quartz surfaces, Henry Ruey Kang
Adhesional wetting study of modified soda-lime glass surfaces, Kuo-Yann Lai
Adhesive joint analysis for wind turbine blades, Nagesh A Basvanhalli
A dictionary for Spanish-speaking children, Mary Holt Snobarger
A digital image processing system, Ferda Guler
A digital implementation of an artificial neural network, Gabriela Garcia
A discussion of four advanced percussion compositions suitable for graduate recital, Deborah Ann Eichholz
A discussion of my graduate voice recital: Works by Handel, Brahms, Duparc, Floyd, and Verdi, Wallace Edwin Blair
A distributed approach to a neural network simulation program, Guillermo Velasquez
A distributed ray tracing implementation using multithreaded RPC, Khushroo Rustom Todiwala
Adjunction and representation of functors, Thuong Vien Phan
Adjunct semantic roles in English prose, Dolores Ann Parton Stafford
Adolescent Hispanic maternal role, social support and prenatal care, Laura Raquel Rodriguez
Adolescent perception of the police: An experimental study of attitudes and attitude changes, Diane Balduzy Rugg
Adolescents' levels of sex and contraceptive knowledge and measure of self-esteem, Cecilia Childrey Sakakini
Adolf Francis Alphonse Bandelier: His development as a writer, Anne Walden Cunningham
Adoptive kinship and child abuse: A theoretical and legal exploration of the denial of difference and violence in adoptive families, Susanne Elizabeth Green
Adrian Gonzalez and Angela Solano de Gonzalez
Adsorption isotherm study of modified quartz surfaces, Patrick Cheng Chuyen Hu
Adsorption of small molecules on Rh(100), Jose Lozano
Adsorption studies of digermane and disilane on Ge(100), Salvador Ateca
Adsorptive and desorptive behavior of cesium on clinoptilolite, Krishna Mohan Gobburu
Adsorptive and desorptive behavior of lead on sediments of the Rio Grande River, Sailajadevi Gampala
A due sense of the heart, Larry Eugene Goodman
Adventures of Benjamin Milam: A fictionalized biography, Phyllis Appleton Phillips
A dynamic programming approach to the optimization of natural gas transmission systems, Michael Wayne Wiseman
Aerobic capacity of young Mexican American adults, Amit Joe Lopes
Aerobic digestion of sewage solids with addition of high concentration of paper, Alexandre Jose Serafim
AES and XPS study of CdS/CdTe thin film solar cells, Federico Lopez Cruz
A factor-searching study of stressors and coping mechanisms of a hospice nursing team, Estelle H Rosenblum
A fast and accurate technique for estimation of average power in digital CMOS VLSI circuits, Ashok K Murugavel
A fast polygonal approximation method for computer vision, Alan Hector Manara Gonzalez
A feasibility study of a machine vision based pour control system, Hai Seng Teo
A feasibility study of solar ponds for electricity generation at Yuma Proving Grounds, Arizona, Subhransu Roy
Affinity chromatography of bacterial luciferase on FMN-agarose, Anilkumar Trikamdas Mangla
Affinity chromatography of Vibrio harveyi luciferase, Ketan Satish Gajiwala
Affinity electrophoresis of firefly luciferase, Carol Ann Neely
Affirmative action in the federal service: An assessment of the AAP at Fort Bliss, Eloiso De Avila
A financial aid feasibility study, Jesse Lee Dollard
A finite element analysis of an oil sucker rod end-fitting interface: A materials approach, Srinivas Reddy
A finite element model to characterize the response of composite cylinders to low-velocity impact, Salvador G Maldonado
A flexible vision system for computer keyboard inspection, Moises Eduardo Hernandez
A fractionally linear method to decrease window size in the case of congestion in computer networks, Ketan Shah
African American middle and high school students' experiences in a predominantly Hispanic educational environment: An exploratory study, Sandra Elaine Braham
African American refugees in Shafter, Texas. [African American refugees, Jan 17, 1914]
African American refugees in Shafter, Texas. [African American refugees, Jan 17, 1914]
A friction stir welding study of commercial scandium aluminum alloys, Gaurav Sharma
After the Hurricane, Texas City
After the Hurricane, Texas City
After the Hurrican, Texas City
After the Hurrican, Texas City
After the Hurrican, Texas City
A functional assessment of mainstreaming versus continued dependency in the Aid to Families with Dependent Children program, Raymundo Diaz
A fuzzy controller design method for a robot gripper, Uthai Klambut
Ag-14 treatment of sludge, Ayman Nabih Abdul-Baki
A generative description of Spanish evolution: Classical Latin to Castilian Spanish, Luis Zubiate Lopez
A geochemical study of the organic matter within the Lower Cretaceous Mesilla Valley shale, Cerro de Cristo Rey uplift, Dona Ana County, New Mexico, Eddie Roch Belle
A geochemical survey of the Loma Plata area, Presidio County, TX, Lisa Michele Davis
A geophysical and geological analysis of the Salt Flat Basin of Trans-Pecos Texas and southern New Mexico, Jerry Henry Veldhuis
A geophysical and subsurface investigation of the Illinois basin, Larry Alan House
A geophysical, geochemical and remote sensing investigation of the water resources at the city of Chihuahua, Mexico, Jose Alfredo Rodriguez-Pineda
A geophysical investigation of the PreCambrian rocks in the Llano Uplift region, Texas, Janice Ann McCutcheon
A geophysical study of the Salt and Valentine Basins, west Texas, Sunay Vasant Palsole
A geophysical study of the San Luis Basin, Farzat Isber
Aging characteristics of Ti-44Al-xNb alloys, Carlos Fernando Hernandez
A girl with kaleidoscope eyes, Tatiana De la Tierra
A graduate flute recital: Five pieces studied, Joseph Wharton Harris
A graduate guitar recital: Works by Bach, Sor, Ponce and Mompou, Wayne Clark Hunt
A graduate voice recital: A performer's overview, Yvonne Marmolejo-Boyle
A graduate voice recital: A performer's overview, George Wheeler
A graphical technique for comparing resistivity data with size effect theory, Gia-Shiang Edward Chen
A graphic display of cohesion in Spanish discourse, Maria Graciela Munoz Corral
A graphics editor for the MCAP simulator, Alejandro Enrique Brito
A graphics system design based on the INTEL 82720 graphics display controller, Changon Tsay
A gravimetric study of the structure of the northeast portion of the Hueco Bolson, Texas employing GIS technology, Jose Angel Granillo
A gravimetric study of the thickness of the unconsolidated materials in the Hueco Bolson Aquifer, Juarez Area, Chihuahua, Mexico, Arturo Burgos
A gravimetric survey of south-central New Mexico and West Texas, F. J Barrie
A gravitational field theory based on the concept of physical measurement, Daniel Perry Whitmire
A gravity and geothermal study of the Presidio Bolson, Presidio County, Texas, Jon Edmund La Freniere
A gravity and magnetic survey in the Hueco Mountains, Western Diableo Plateau, Texas, Lloyd A Burrows
A gravity and subsurface investigation of the Presidio Bolson area, Texas, Joseph Robert Mraz
A gravity and tectonic study of the southwestern portion of the Ouachita system, Karl Jay Smith
A gravity study of north-central New Mexico, Laurel Marion Lewis
A gravity study of the Escalante Desert region, southwestern Utah, Stephen George Reuter
A gravity study of the San Luis Basin, Colorado, Gene Howell Davis
A Green Place to Die, John Ralph Corrigan
A Green's function determination of the specific heat, conductivity, and susceptibility of the one dimensional Hubbard model, Richard Charles Smith
Agricultural policy of the Uruguay Round, Sook Lee
A guide for the improvement of sight-reading skills of school bands, Dagoberto Gonzalez
A guide to recruiting and planning a successful string program, Daniel Rivera
A guide to teaching navigation, Anthony John Busalacchi
A guide to the use and value of the one-act play in high school, William E Neill
A hierarchical wavelength assignment algorithm with wavelength re-use for routing within WDM networks, Rolfe Josef Sassenfeld
A high-speed CMOS FIFO (first in first out) memory circuit, Muhammad Ali Ijaz
A historical analysis of the Negro spiritual, Janet Deneen Johnson
A historical study of the funeral games for Patroclus in Book XXIII of Homer's "Iliad", David Stewart McDonald Hilmy
A historical survey of the American Smelting and Refining Company in El Paso, 1887--1950, Mary Antoine Lee
A history of animal control in El Paso, Texas, Terry Ann Bond
A history of El Paso County, Texas, to 1900, Nancy Lee Hammons
A history of Hotel Dieu, Elma Galentine Ramirez
A history of Methodism in China, Nancy L Burns
A history of organized welfare in El Paso, 1892--1948, Helen Rainey
A history of the Catholic Church in El Paso, Robert Neal Blake
A history of the Stephen F. Austin High School of El Paso, Texas, Sallie E Phillips
A history of the Texas High School Coaches' Association from 1930 to 1951, Lawrence Wesley McConachie
A House by Desert Water, Patricia Ann Taylor
A hydrogeochemical reconnaissance for uranium in Trans-Pecos, Texas, Robert E. Curtis
Air flow through cylindrically shaped screens, Ephraim Kleiner
A jewel in the desert: Big Bend National Park and the paradoxes of preservation and use in the 1930s, John Rawls Moore
A kinetic analysis of the decomplexation of copper-ionophore complexes in the presence of sodium bis-(2-ethylhexyl) sulfosuccinate, Maureen A Cannon-de la Rosa
A knowledge based expert system for two-dimensional stock cutting problem in the paper industry, Pei-Huang Lin
Alabama Ku Klux Klan, 1866--1871, Nancy Trainor Forbes
A laboratory study of p-xylene venting from sands, Thomas N Pepe
Alamogordo, New Mexico, Alameda Park
Alamogordo, New Mexico. Rustic Arch
Albee's "Garden": A justification, Edward J Hamilton
Albert, Henry, and Louis Horowitz
ALBERT System: A learning program for understanding natural language, Kuie-Fan Yang
Albite dissolution at two temperatures in the presence of barite under saturated and unsaturated flow conditions in soil columns, Rosalio Guillen
Alcoholism and high risk factors of childhood behavioral problems among Hispanics, Whites, and Blacks, Cecilia B Luna
Aldehyde oxidation in the bacterial luciferase reaction, Oscar Gilbert Dominguez
A learning expert system for printed circuit board repair, Ching-Shoei Chiang
ALES: A learning expert system, Teck Huat Goh
Alexander Hamilton: Building the nation, Charles S Brice
Alfalfa quality and yield based on harvesting and thermal indices, Holly Ann Smith Woelber
Alfonso Jurado and Hortensia Gomez
Alfred Henry Lewis: Western story teller, Flournoy Davis Manzo
Alfred the Great: "England's darling" through the ages [and] "The dress of thought": Johnson's theory of language, Fannalou Guggisberg
Algorithms for project scheduling under multiple resource constraints, Frank Tofiel Dylla
Algunos aspectos de la metaficcion en dos novelas de Carmen Boullosa, Lorena Monzon
Algunos recursos poeticos de Jose Gorostiza, Nelson Smith
Alicia Alderete and Manuel Duarte
Alienation and aging, William Francis Mullin
Alienation, the pipe dream and Eugene O'Neill's Irish heritage, Theresa Pearson
A lighting control system for machine vision inspection, Hector Erives
Alkyl substituent parameters from molecular ionization potentials, Harry F Widing
"All or nothing": The failures of negotiating Palestinian statehood, Araceli Ysabel Arciero
All That I Remember, Jose Adan Garcia
A long offset seismic profile across the Rio Grande Rift and its transition zones in central New Mexico, Donald G Roberts
A low cost temperature data acquisition system using voltage-to-frequency conversion techniques, Abdolrasoul Ghafouri
A low cost voice recognition system for personal computer, Yu-Hsiang Wang
A low power microcontroller based data acquisition/PCM telemetry system, Kishor Sadekar
A low-power microprocessor-based data acquisition system for the generic meteorological probe, Yahya Zakaria Alawneh
A low power microprocessor controlled data acquisition system for airborne applications, Fernando Quintana
Alpha-induced x-ray emission analysis, Xiaofang Mu
ALPS, an analogical learning and problem-solving system, David M Sorensen
Altitudinal distribution and habitats of land snails in New Mexico: A survey of four transects, Timothy James Dillon
Alvina Blanca Chacon and Condrado Chacon
Al Weiss and Albert "Tito" Krohn
A machine vision-based system for controlling printing circuitry on a Mylar substrate, Man Xuan
A machine vision system for inspection of populated printed circuit board assemblies, Carlos Mario Carreon-Hermosillo
A machine vision system for spectral uniformity inspection of surfaces, John Jeffrey Lewis
A. MacLeish: A study of his poetry, A. Jack Huff
Amado Porras and Josefina Molinar Porras
A magnetic investigation of the Hueco Bolson basement along an east-west line, Richard B Gomez
A maintenance brigade system, Juan German Ortiz
A manual for high school choral directors, Gordon Lloyd Voiles
A manual for string teachers, Francisco Saenz Amezaga
A manual of German-English terminology used in hormone research and manufacture, John Bernard Ahouse
A manual of sight reading exercises developed for use in a middle school choir, Wanda L Richardson
A manual patient handling methodology for the healthcare industry, Ronald Edward Jones
A master's recital: An overview of performance problems, Ruth Kurz Moore
A matter of equity: The assessment of limited English proficient students in four El Paso County school districts, Lupe Naomi Padilla
Ambient air levels of particulates, lead, zinc, cadmium, and arsenic in El Paso, Texas, Jacqueline S Hubert
A measurement of political attitudes in Mexican-American civic organizations, Roy Conrado Rodriguez
A measure of the impact of construction activity on the El Paso economy, Jasbir S Jaswal
A mechanistic model for the transition metal catalyzed rearrangement of polysilanes, Carlos Hernandez Martinez
A mechatronics laboratory design and implementation for mechanical engineering, Youw-Chyn Hsu
A melodic analysis of Benjamin Britten's Serenade for Tenor, Horn and Strings, op. 31, Daniel Rodriguez
American autonomy and European submission: Versatility in Ernest Hemingway's early short fiction, Roger Charles Duthie
American decision-making in the escalation of the war in Vietnam, Kenneth W Hedman
American merchants and trade with Mexico: Merchants of Manifest Destiny, John A Carter
American military drama and the American dream, John Joseph Kotowski
American political founding and the inherent weakness of modern political thought: A study of Locke, Machiavelli and the "Federalist", Cynthia Torres Conroy
American sightseers gather by river
American soldiers in Luxembourg, 1918
America's role in the World Economic Conference, London, 1933, Frank W Fisk
America views Russia's entry into the twentieth century: A study of American attitudes toward Sergei Witte and his attempt to modernize Russia, Robert Ernst Lail
A method book for the teaching of beginning combo instruments based on a survey of beginning band methods, Josh Arnold Brewer
A method for measuring the electron energy distribution at the insulator-semiconductor interface, Alberto Aguilera
A method for predicting apparent elevation angle for a tropospheric object from specified values of geometrical elevation angle and height, Paul Milnarich
A method of analyzing malfunctions of speed increasers in pipeline applications, Charles Edward Dellert
A methodology for optimizing opening of PCC pavements to traffic, Anitha Medichetti
A methodology for transitioning from metallic parts to plastic injected components, Jose Luis Juarez
A methodology to analyze operational availability of a conceptual air defense system, Randolph G Tarin
A microcomputer based CATV status monitoring and bridger switching system, Sai Wah Kwok
A microcomputer-based data acquisition system for real time display and processing of meteorological data obtained from a remotely piloted vehicle, Steve Kwok-Chung Tsang
A microcomputer-based multichannel underwater acoustic telemetry system, Yi-Qiang He
A microprocessor based interface for the TRS 80 model 100 personal computer, Abbas Nazar
A micro-processor based interface system, Richard H Meyer
A microprocessor-based multipurpose system controller, Shaw-Ching Lin
A microprocessor based solar controller, Victor Cuan
A microprocessor-based statistical multiplexer, Kathirgamanathan Ganeshanathan
A midpoint between Romanticism and naturalism: Harold Frederic's "The Damnation of Theron Ware", Mark George Dorion
A model for luminescence in SrS:CeF3 ACTFEL display devices, Hung Wai
A model for the measurement of the attenuation coefficient of particulates via the ATR technique, Orlando G. Perez
A model for visualization of program conceptual information, Asha Gajjala
A model of nuclear matter, Jesus Escamilla Roa
A model treatment of solid/liquid interfacial energies for non-zero contact angle systems, William Stuart Seffens
A modified learning algorithm for back-propagation networks, Carlos A Sandoval
A modified learning algorithm that prevents instability frequently found in FIR back-propagation neural networks, Emilio A Sanchez
A molecular comparison between long-day and short-day conditioned monarch butterflies (Danaus plexippus), Arturo Salcido
A morphometric analysis of the effects of ethanol on hepatocytes from Peromyscus maniculatus, Jonathan Peter Drake
Amount of training, behavioral contrast, and frustrative nonreward in a fixed-interval schedule in the rat, Hanns Friedrich Vandrey
A multicultural analysis of internal-external locus of control, life change events, and anxiety, Janine Twomey Roth
A multiresolution high-speed pyramid algorithm: Compression, generalization, performance analysis, and hardware, Javier Vega-Pineda
A multithreaded software model for backpropagation neural network applications, Kiyoshi Kawaguchi
ANA: An analogical reasoning expert system, Shen-Chieh Chu
An ab initio and density functional study of Mo3S 92-, Jinwen Wang
An academic assessment of Internet-based courses, Scott Campbell
An accelerated method for teaching foreign languages, Paula Jane Sabljak
An adaptive CONWIP strategy for the automotive trim industry, Martin I Varela
An adaptive flight control system for the QF-106 drone aircraft, Luis Eduardo Alvarado
An adaptive power factor controller for varying loads, Srikanth Lakshmikanthan
An adaptive smoothing factor for lumpy demand forecasting, Jose Tomas Arredondo
An adjustability framework analysis of ergonomic equipment, Jose Alfredo Alonso
An aerodynamic air-sampling rocket probe for the stratospheric measurement of ozone and temperature, Edward C Tsang
An aeromycology project comparing indoor and outdoor environments, Horacio Gonzalez
An age-sensitive lifting equation for the older manual materials handler, Pamela L Kearse
An algorithm for video camera surveillance, Matthew James Wixsom
An algorithm to partition designs for delay-driven scheduling on a time-multiplexed field programmable gate array, Adarsh Panikkar
Analisis de "Li-Po" de Jose Juan Tablada, Shiun-Fen Luo
Analisis estilistico de "Pequeno teatro" de Ana Maria Matute, Rosa Maria Avila-Mergil
Analisis estructural e interpretacion de cuatro cuentos de Horacio Quiroga: "El Hijo", "Un peon", "El Desierto" y "Los desterrados", Nuri Becerra Hernandez
An all-digital electronic remote wind speed measurement system, Philip Joseph
An alternative tax appraisal technique, David T Toner
Analyses of the sources, factors, and treatment methods affecting turbidity at the El Paso solar pond, Fouad N Abou-Chakra
Analyses of uncertainties related to the response of piers in swelling soils, Jose Angel Pendones
Analysis and characterization of multi-level interface states in blue emitting SrS based ACTFEL display devices, Aniruddha Talukder
Analysis and design modifications for a rotary assembly machine, Victor Manuel Rodriguez Hernandez
Analysis and design of a multistory building, Ahmad Youssef Dakmak
Analysis and design of modularly configurable attached processors, Hugo Garcia Morales
Analysis and development of a vector classification technique for SMD components, Miguel Hector Arellano Manriquez
Analysis and implementation of an inventory control system for a spring manufacturing plant, Rebecca C Pena
Analysis and optimization of JPEG2000 in the TMS320C6701, Pedro Octavio Jara
Analysis, design and control of a nitinol based actuator-end effector, K. N Dinesh
Analysis of a composite blade root for wind turbines: A finite element approach, Jose Joseph
Analysis of air pollutant levels near arterial streets using the CALINE 3 dispersion model, Gary Del Olmstead
Analysis of a portable drilling mast, Sivakumar Venkataramani
Analysis of a transmission system using linear programming, Miguel Donato Blanco
Analysis of a trigger sprayer packaging system, Man Sang Lai
Analysis of a wind turbine and design of a bed plate, Roberto A Baca Martinez
Analysis of bulk space charge effects in a SrS:Ce ACTFEL display device, Sathish Somanathan
Analysis of cluster interconnection network topologies, Sergio Nathan Zapata
Analysis of composite laminates for wind turbines, Srinivas A Gummadi
Analysis of degradation mechanisms in thin film CdTe-CdS heterojunction solar cells, Orlando Marvin Erickson
Analysis of double hat section spot welded beams subjected to static and impact loads, Satish Venkatachalapathy
Analysis of energy absorbing designs for a "car-into-truck rear underride" guard, Phaniraj Muthigi
Analysis of epigamic displays in Metaphidippus chera (Araneae: Salticidae) and its systematic significance, Janine Ann Chumney
Analysis of faunal remains from archaeological sites, Black Mesa, Arizona, Michele Seme
Analysis of four theoretical methods to improve soil venting, Charles Bryant Anker
Analysis of measurement errors for robot calibration, Hong Zhao
Analysis of NO2/NO[x] ratios in natural gas pipeline compressors station plumes, Prabhu Dayal
Analysis of ozonation-GAC filtration at Fred Hervey Water Reclamation Plant for disinfection by-product reduction, Ravi Raj Yanamandala
Analysis of phase noise of RF signals in fiber optic communication systems, Cecil D Thomas
Analysis of reflected global positioning system signals as a method for the determination of soil moisture, Omar Torres
Analysis of shear stresses on shafts under torsion, Alejandro Ernesto Carrillo Colmenero
Analysis of spot welded joints subjected to offset impact loads, Santosh K Nayak
Analysis of stress distribution of a lap joint for blade root of a wind turbine, Jaideep Jayaram
Analysis of the directivity of a cylindrical microstrip antenna with superstrate, Mariano Olmos
Analysis of the equations of motion of a two-bladed teetered rotor, Agueda Aguilera Gonzalez
Analysis of the helminth fauna and ectoparasites harbored by Wilson's phalarope, Steganopus tricolor, Viellot, 1819, from El Paso County, Texas, Deborah M Yanez
Analysis of the properties of a function based on approximate measurement results using semantic domains and interval methods, Joseph A Lorkowski
Analytical and experimental comparison of a plate vibration characteristics, Murali Adikeshava
Analytical evaluation of stress distribution for static and dynamic analysis of synthetic materials, Deendayal Matripragada
An analysis of air-cooled heat exchangers for cooling natural gas, Thomas A Noah
An analysis of a modularly configured attached processor performance as applied to implement fast Fourier transforms, Sandhya Gandhi
An analysis of an attenuated total reflectance measurement system, Ren-Sue Wong
An analysis of Charles Brockden Brown's improvements on Gothicism, Mary Lynn Moncus
An analysis of divergent evaluation techniques as utilized in the E.Y.E. botany course, John Alfred Stuart
An analysis of errors in arithmetic in upper elementary grades, Naomi Dowd Jameson
An analysis of multi-institutional investor-owned hospital chains, 1945--1985, Oliver Joachim Mayer
An analysis of natural gas production regulation, Louis Lloyd Mollinary
An analysis of rock rattlesnakes (Crotalus lepidus ) from the northern portion of its range, Alvaro Gabino Dominguez
An analysis of selected piano works: Program notes, Valora Wayner Taylor
An analysis of the administration of Judson Williams, Paula Herzmark
An analysis of the concurrency control method, the basic timestamp ordering technique, in distributed database management systems, Shenq-Nah Yang
An analysis of the death investigative system in the United States, Ignacio Luis Ramirez
An analysis of the disposition of criminal cases in the El Paso district courts, Juan Alfredo Montoya
An analysis of the economic impact of the University of Texas at El Paso on the community of El Paso, Texas, Pearse E Nolan
An analysis of the female/male wage differential, Tamra Koenig
An analysis of the high jump using a force platform, Lilia Armida Sanchez
An analysis of the merger of the American Stock Exchange with the National Association of Security Dealers, Mohamed Feras Salama
An analytical procedure for determining the structures of molecules of the type (PNX2)4, Keelung Hong
An annotated bibliography of urban planning and related materials available at the University of Texas at El Paso library, Michael N Gunning
An application of RFLP's of the chloroplast ndhF gene in the biosystematics of the genera Penstemon, Keckiella and Chionophila, Phyllis Pereira
An appraisal of empirical research on the physician-induced demand hypothesis, Suellen Zaltz
An approach for optimized tactical ballistic missile object discrimination based on the ballistic coefficient, Michael Ross Dahlberg
An approach for the quantification of operational risks, Charles R Garcia
An assembler for a microcoded CPU in an integrated microprogramming development environment, Yogesh Prabhakar Kamat
An assessment of chromium in the unsaturated zone at an aerospace plating facility in Los Angeles County, California, Nancy A Girten
An assessment of Ysleta and El Paso secondary school English teachers' attitudes toward four approaches to teaching composition, Carolyn Sue Olson
Anastasia Bustillos and Patricio Camacho
An atomic force microscopy investigation of film roughness and device performance in ACTFEL display devices, Joseph Gerarde Rascon
An attempt to understand successful employability in Mexican-American women as a function of levels of acculturation and achievement orientation, Edna Luisa Reyes-Wilson
An attitude control system evaluator for NASA sounding rockets, Jesus E Martinez
An automated method for construction of surface wave dispersion curve, Milind R Desai
An automated solder joint inspection system using machine vision, Jaswinder Singh Chadha
An automated thin film system for controlling evaporation and resistivity measurements, William H Clark
An autonomous approach to motion estimation and compensation in range-Doppler imagery, Alberto Ornelas Ugarte
And It Was a Weird Day Too, Angela Marie Ross
And Then the Father: A screenplay with critical introduction, Gary Davis
An ecological analysis of an oak-juniper community in the Franklin Mountains, El Paso County, Texas, Rex Charles Crawford
An econometric investigation of the relationship between exports and domestic economic growth, Jacqueline Kathleen Davis
An econometric study of the relationship between interest rates and federal budget deficits in the United States, Boris Dexter Higgins
An economic analysis of low-voltage power factor correction in industrial plants of the area Juarez/El Paso, Jorge Alberto Flores
An economic analysis of solar ponds in the Southwest, Chi-Hsiang Lai
An efficient computational approximation to the Lorentz line molecular absorption coefficient, Michael T Potter
An eigenSMD-based surface mounted device automated visual inspection system, Estille Whittenberger
An electric theory of osmosis for dilute saline solutions, Donald L Buttz
An empirical investigation of U.S. corporate sector investment: A dynamic "Q" model of investment, financing, and asset pricing, Jonathan Justin Daniels
An epidemiological study including DR2 typing of Hispanic and non-Hispanic multiple sclerosis patients in the El Paso-Juarez area, Mildred Stewart
An epizootic of feline histoplasmosis in El Paso, Texas, Saleh Abdullah Ali Kabli
An EPR and electrochemical study of the anion radical of tetrasulfurtetranitride, Joseph Dallas Williford
An ergonomic analysis of a bucket brigade production line, Gary Wayne Skelton
An ESD, AES, XPS study of oxygen-covered Rh(111), Luther Howard
An ESD, TPD, SIMS study of the interaction of trimethylsilane with Si(100), Martin Vincent Ascherl
A Nest of Sparrows, Jay Raymond White
An ethnographic study of street children in Ciudad Juarez, Mexico, Robert Prescott Trussell
A neural network approach to a dimensionality reduction problem, Leonardo Octavio Lerma Sanchez
An evaluation of an infant stimulation program, Ada Luisa Valdes Trillo
An evaluation of a program and policy for military DWI offenders, Jack D Gold
An evaluation of cost-benefit analysis with application to manpower programs, Carol Huizar
An evaluation of metals concentrations in surficial soils, El Paso County, Texas, Brenda E Barnes
An evaluation of the acoustic environment in the classroom building, William Robert Wray
An evaluation of the usefulness of two selected basketball skills tests in the light of recent changes in the style of play, Aubrey Lee Cherry
An evaluation study of patient learning in an in-hospital cardiovascular patient education program, Linda J Budan
An evaluation study of personal recognizance bond in El Paso County, Texas, Suerianne' Maria Davis
A new method for histogram thresholding in computer vision using fuzzy measures, Satish Vedagarba
A new numerical method of solution of Schrodinger's equation, George A Morales
A new technique for filter synthesis using nonlinear programming, Robert John Molepske
An examination of selected works for flute, Barbara Bishara
An examination of the battle tactics of the U.S. Army fighting the Plains Indians, 1868--1877, Jay Dean Smith
An examination of the city of El Paso's purchasing department, David John Alsvary
An examination of the graduation rates of the Division I African -American male basketball student-athlete, Kevin L Hatcher
An examination of the need for standards in developing user documentation, Regina Annulis Holmes
An examination of the predictors of collegiate performance for students concurrently enrolled in high school and the University of Texas at El Paso, Kathleen Russell Kamps
An examination of the role of health benefits in the relationship between job satisfaction and intention to withdraw, Bonnie McBride Birkelbach
An examination of Whitman's ethics, John Osikowski
An expandable implementation of a Prolog interpreter, Jeffrey Michael Jilg
An experimental cross-assembler for Intel 8086, Chia Chui Chen
An experimental method for total internal reflectance measurements, Hamid Rasoulian
An experimental study of natural and mixed convection heat transfer from a horizontal heated cylinder in a porous medium, Barzin Mansourian
An expert system for selecting solution methods for nonlinear optimization, Anupkumar M Deshmukh
An expert systems approach to the designing and processing of autobody parts, Subbarao V Griddaluri
An expert systems approach to the selection of composite materials, Vivek H Mulky
An exploration and field study of criminal theories, poverty and their relation, Jose Carlos Melendez
An extended syllabus for teaching English 3112, Barbara Jo Thompson
Angela (Solano & Adrian Gonzalez
Angelitos negros, Gricel Montes
Anglo traders and the trading post institution on the Navajo Reservation, 1881 to 1933, Nelda Coffee Passero
An impedance method for measuring ionospheric electron densities, Raymond James Upham
An imperative implementation of declarative constructs for nonscalar processing, Richard Duran
An implementation of a UNIX distributed shared memory system, Rodrigo Mendoza
An implementation of level 1a GKS in FORTRAN 77, Wei-Te Chang
An improved damage evaluation of structures using vibration data measured with laser interferometer, Nataraja Siddappa
An improved determination of the thickness of the sedimentary layer of the Sonoran Embayment, Javier A Aldaz
An improved methodology for the design of fuzzy logic controllers, Nagendra Kumar V Thupili
An improved rating system: Its foundations and computational problems, Raul Antonio Trejo Ramirez
An improved soldering process for automotive radiators using induction heating, James Michael Deissler
An improved tool for taking class notes in the classroom, Jabel David Morales Cabrera
An inept category: The blind. Dependency and mainstreaming of different social types, Stephanie L Shanks
An inexact Newton path-following interior-point algorithm for nonlinear programming, Jaime Hernandez
An inference engine for epistemic specifications, Richard Glenn Watson
An inheritance reasoning system based on compilation into Prolog, Raul Enrique Delhumeau Onate
An initial outline of a model-neutral functional grammar, Gerald Eugene Smith
An inquiry into Soviet behavior and motives during the period of negotiations for the Austrian State Treaty of 1955, Thomas A Lucid
An integrated analysis of basins in the Rio Grande Rift in northern Chihuahua, Mexico, Alberto Jose Jimenez
An integrated crustal study of the Basin and Range Province, Colorado Plateau region, western Arizona., Bashir Ahmed Durrani
An integrated geophysical analysis of the Great Divide Basin and adjacent uplifts, southwestern Wyoming, Veronica Jean Cline
An integrated geophysical and geological investigation of the transition zone between the Colorado Plateau, Rio Grande Rift and Basin and Range provinces: Arizona and New Mexico., Robert Vincent Schneider
An integrated geophysical study of north African and Mediterranean lithospheric structure, Paul Joseph Dial
An integrated geophysical study of the Estancia Basin, central New Mexico, Ronald K Barrow
An integrated geophysical study of the lithospheric structure beneath Libya, Wesley A Brown
An integrated geophysical study of the northern Kenya rift crustal structure: Implications for geothermal energy prospecting for Menengai area, Nicholas O Mariita
An integrated geophysical study of the Uncompahgre uplift, Colorado and Utah, Hector A Casillas
An integrated lithospheric study of the Rocky Mountain region along the Deep Probe seismic profile, Catherine M Snelson
An integrated study of landform development using near surface geophysics, remote sensing and geomorphology, at the Great Sand Dunes National Monument, southern Colorado, Emile Gabriel Couroux
An integrated study of the subsurface structure of the Tularosa Basin, south-central New Mexico, Kalidas Lanka
An integrated system as a design advisor for drilled piers in expansive soils, Hareesh Gowdappa
An integrated system for office procedure automation, Rong-Jou Yang
An integrative framework for an enterprise-wide information and knowledge management system, Eva Ambrus
An Interaction Initiative Model for Documentation, David G. Novick and Karen Ward
An interactive bus scheduling system for the Handyscat operation, Rolando Quintana
An interactive CAD/CAM software package for a CIM workcell, Fu-Shei Liou
An interactive computer graphics editor package, Kuen-Yih Hwang
An interactive graphics package for animation, Guat Hun Tee
An interactive graphics system for printed circuit board assembly line design, Leonard Delville Legrand
An interface design between the PDP 11/45 and the microprocessor laboratory, Hany Hussein Ammar
An interpretation of basement structures from gravity anomalies in the central portion of the Colorado Plateau, Richard Durwood Jenkins
An intonation guide for young bands, Rick D Armstrong
An introduction to fractional music theory, Joel Simon Swaine
An introduction to the study of the history of the Methodist churches in El Paso, Texas, Ming-Dju Li
An investigation into the causes of primary stress mislocation in the English speech of bilingual Mexican-American students, Barbara Heiler
An investigation of a combined method for reducing public speaking anxiety, Claudia Cochran
An investigation of adverb use by native speakers of English aged 14--15 years, Janice Harsh Sanchez
An investigation of Chaucer's use of dreams, Lucretia Carpenter Chew
An investigation of cultural test bias on the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-Revised, Polly Beth Hitchcock-Swinney
An investigation of natural and artificial pozzolans and their effects on portland-pozzolan cement concrete for dams, Eduardo Crespo-Krauss
An investigation of process parameter for SrS:Ce ACTFEL device fabrication, Seon Woo Yi
An investigation of selected problems in the teaching of eighth-grade arithmetic, Inez Derryberry Wood
An investigation of sidewheel yaw control for upwind horizontal axis wind turbines, James Ligon Farmer
An investigation of the 5-methoxytriptamine and the valproic acid rat models of autism, Berenice Garcia
An investigation of the Army's experimental program for the elimination of functional illiteracy, Herman Edward Charles
An investigation of the complexation of nitroxide free radicals by and -cyclodextrin, Ching-Chish Hsu
An investigation of the effect of fluids on the elastic moduli of sandstone, Wei-Te Chang
An investigation of the effect of pressure on the seismic velocities of porous rocks, Abel Felipe Hernandez
An investigation of the effects of language dominance on polygraph results, Andrea Aimee Pizana
An investigation of the mechanism by which Trichomonas vaginalis crosses the vaginal mucus layer, Daniel Anthony Sweeney
An investigation of the microstructure and mechanical properties of electrochemically coated Ag4Sn dental alloy particles condensed in vitro, Jose Antonio Marquez
An investigation of the nature and source of infrasonic noise in a wind field, Gerald G Maxwell
An investigation of the Pariser-Parr-Pople SCF-MO method using graph theory, Fang-Kung Tao
An investigation of the relationship between patient's and nurse's pain perceptions and patient satisfaction, Anna Groth Bechtel
An investigation of the vortex induced oscillation of right circular cylinders mounted on cantilever beams, Dennis R Liles
An investigation of three techniques to prevent and/or heal sore nipples in new breastfeeding mothers, Wendy Lee Farace
An investigation on a novel coaxial micro-rocket injector, Young T Yun
An investigation on the genotoxicity of crown ethers in Chinese hamster overy cells, Maoyi Cai
Ankle range of motion and strength as risk factors for falls in female community ambulators, Loretta Schoen Dillon
Anne Sexton's transformations, Clare Ratliff
An objective measure of the severity of tinnitus aurium, Charles W. Beatty
An observation instrument to identify process-oriented vs. product-oriented instruction and its assessment, Ruey Yu Hung
Anomalias linguisticas en el espanol de un grupo de estudiantes bilingues, Normina Wolff de Porras
An online document as an artifact of culture, Gabriel Yslas
An on-line survey of the nurse practitioner care of the lesbian patient, Michelle Lynn Rowe
A nonparametric approach to genetic linkage mapping using kernel density estimation, William Alan Mabry
An operant analysis of mother-child behavioral interactions in a Tarahumara family, Miriam Latorre
An optical technique for determining windspeed, James J Christensen
An optical wind measurement system utilizing angle-of-arrival fluctuations, James Little Elliott
An optimal combination of interval computations and traditional linearization with an application to gravity databases, Jan Bastian Beck
An optimal FFT-based algorithm for mosaicking images, Stephen A Gibson
An original scenic design for "Arsenic and Old Lace", Samuel Timothy Green
Anos de desperacion: The Great Depression and the Mexican American generation in El Paso, Texas, 1929--1935, Yolanda Chavez Leyva
A novel silicon-based chiral auxiliary, trans-2-(dimethylphenylsilyl)cyclohexanol, Lei Bi
An SDLC based data acquisition system, Sudhir R Parikh
An SDLC/GPIB based real-time multiprocessor system from PCM data retrieval, Ram Narayan Komandla
An SQL extension for specification of multimedia displays: Its syntax, architecture, and semantics based on a non -Markovian action language, Graciela Gonzalez Hernandez
Anti-idiotype antibodies to Haemophilus influenzae : Induction, isolation, and purification of AB1, Abdollah Darvish
An ultrastructural comparison of virulent and hypovirulent strains of Endothia parasitica, Martha Alicia Oaxaca Cooper
An ultrastructural study of the development of Achlya recurva oogonia, Hope Elaine Huizar
An ultrastructural study on the antioxidative effects of tocopherol on early gametogenesis in Caenorhabditis elegans, Tomislav Modric
An ultrastructural study on the effects of cold temperature on early gametogenesis in the cold tolerant Antarctic nematode Panagrolaimus davidi and Caenorhabditis elegans, Rebecca Garcia-Montes
An ultrastructural study on the effects of sodium arsenate on early gametogenesis in Caenorhabditis elegans, Tatiana Burguete
An unparameterized bond orbital calculation of ionization potentials of alkanes, Krishnaiyengar S Raghuveer
A one-dimensional electrical conductivity calculation with a sinusoidal lattice potential, Chao-Ming Ma
A palynological analysis of Upper Jurassic dinoflagellate cysts from the Chihuahua trough and Bisbee basin, northern Mexico and southeastern Arizona, Gary Allen Olmstead
A parallel assembler and code generator for a data flow computer, Kartik Chandrasekhar
A parametric solution to laser transmittance using the Lorentzian line shape, Wai Cheuk Tam
A participant observer's content analysis of the Write to Read program, Nancy Glass Kerr
A pattern recognition scheme using random pulse sequences, James Thomas Padden
A peer-to-peer computing communication cost model, Jesus Ramon Pajaro
A performance measurement case study of laboratory chemist, Ahmad Reza Kamali-Nejad
A personal exploration and development through jewelry, Sarah Elizabeth Obrecht
A phased array tracking and telemetry system, Joseph Bachofen
A phrenological explication of section 15 of "Song of Myself", Bernard Allen Goldberg
A physical assets operational control informations system for vehicle fleet costs, maintenance and repair, Gregorio Martinez
A Poisson distribution model for repetitive motion injury prediction and control, Ivan Powlowicz
A political history of the United States factory system, 1796--1822, Harry A Rose
Aportaciones de la literatura al cine: Tres casos ejemplares, Jose Lozano
A positive ion study of electron stimulated desorption from NaCl(100), Jose Xavier Ramirez
A post processor for computer-aided machining, Beng-Ming Chen
Apparent disillusionment with the Mexican Revolution as seen in the novels of Jose Ruben Romero, Constance Burrus Hulbert
Apparent properties of a honeycomb core sandwich panel by numerical experiment, Robert Mars Martinez
Application of a reverse logistics model for optimizing scrap tire processing, Jeffrey R Strom
Application of discrete optimization techniques to the diagnostics of industrial systems, Dharmendran Rajendran
Application of fiber optic polarization sensor in pavement instrumentation, Amin Solehjou
Application of GIS and remote sensing methods to the paleohydrography of the Paso del Norte region, John F Kennedy
Application of group technology for design data management in machine tool industries, Manojkumar Nagaraj
Application of intelligent control to congestion in computer networks, Prakash Narasimhamurthy
Application of interval-valued fuzzy integration to evaluate computer attacks, Xiaojing Wang
Application of modern spectroscopic techniques to study heavy metal accumulation and uptake mechanisms in tumbleweed (Salsola kali), Guadalupe de la Rosa
Application of numerical methods of band modeling to atmospheric ozone in the millimeter wave and infrared regions, Peter Enfu Cheng
Application of ray trace modeling to a large scale seismic experiment in Oklahoma, Fu-Jen Hsueh
Application of Smith's polynomial model of atmospheric transmittance in the 15 mum CO2 band, Frank Padilla
Application of some digital computation methods in civil engineering, Robert Louis Wagner
Application of surface organic geochemistry to petroleum exploration and environmental pollution, Ma Guadalupe Saenz De Herrera
Application of tapered optical fibers and variable index materials for gas sensing, Fernando Garcia
Application of the mock witness paradigm using sequentially presented lineups, Dawn Ellen McQuiston
Application of the self-consistent scheme theory to the estimation of effective elastic moduli, Aomar Ibenbrahim
Application of the structure-resonance theory to the boron hydrides: Nomenclature and classification of boranes and clusters, Richard Lewis Armstrong
Applications of computer-aided design in the industries, Alavoor Vasudevan
Applications of computer graphics in archeology, Fareed Zein-El-Abdin
Applications of creosotebush in phytoremediation of Cu(II) and Cr(VI) ions, Maria del Socorro Arteaga
Applications of Mayer's cluster integral theory, Sergio M Terrazas
Applications of modern parametric spectral estimators in high resolution radar, Chiouguey Joyce Chen
Applications of the symmetry-generation theorem to M.O. calculations on cubic and icosahedral groups, Dino E Villagran
Applying a methodology, improvement descriptors, and improvement indicators to the preprocessing of SMD images, Angel A Portillo
Applying uncertainty formalisms to well-defined problems: Experimental and theoretical foundations, Luis Olac Fuentes
Appositional cognition and clustering, Hannah Marta Edahl Monsimer
Approval and disapproval of the Mexican Revolution in the novels of Rodolfo Benavides, Calvin Vincent McNeil
Approximating general logic programs, Olga Mikhailovna Kosheleva
Approximation of the product error made in calculating the atmospheric band transmittances, Hong-Jen Lang
A practical approach to nonlinear programming, Eric Correll Deets
A practical machine vision system for computer keyboard inspection, Francisco Medina
A precision gravity study of the Southern Mesilla bolson, West Texas, Salma Khatun
A predictive safety model, Michael J Camet
A probabilistic approach to data fusion for non-destructive structural integrity assessment, Gilda Lizeth Carrasco Martinez
A Problem with Skin: A novel, Phillip Maurice Tanner
A production book for "All Over", Dale T Beatty
A production book for "Happy Ending" and "Day of Absence" by Douglas Turner Ward, Dolores D Aguirre
A production book for "Lions, and Tigers and ...Sheep?", Katherine L Keyser
A production book for "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest", George Lee Popovich
A production book for "The King's Decree": Book and lyrics by Lynna Kay Counts; music by Arthur Delgado and Thomas Enger, Lynna Kay Counts
A profile of military procedures and the military accused: Fort Bliss, Texas, October, 15, 1979 to June 15, 1980, Andrew C Olivo
A program in English for Spanish-speaking children in the third grade, Virginia Meyer Aimone
A prompt book for "A Day in the Death of Joe Egg", Joe E Smith
A prompt book for "American Buffalo", Craig Kolkebeck
A prompt book for "And Miss Reardon Drinks a Little", Kerri D Harrison
A prompt book for "And Things That Go Bump in the Night", R. J Bowen
A prompt book for "Appleseed", Charlotte M Wiedel
A prompt book for August Strindberg's "Swanwhite", Allison Paige Parker
A prompt book for "Border Crossing", Lois Ann Wallace
A prompt book for "Chess", Gregory Louis Taylor
A prompt book for "Look Back in Anger", Patrick B Haggerty
A prompt book for "Luv", Elizabeth J Ingle
A prompt book for "Patmos: A Message to Mankind", Shirleen Becker
A prompt book for "Requiem for a Nun", Debra Tischler
A prompt book for "Serenading Louie", Richard A Debner
A prompt book for "The Effect of Gamma Rays on Man-in-the-Moon Marigolds", Stephen Whitson Plunkett
A prompt book for "The Exercise", Rilde Caudle
A prompt book for "The Flies", Cynthia J Chesak
A prompt book for "The Serpent: A Ceremony", by Jean Claude van Itallie, Susan A Pavoggi
A prompt book for "The Subject was Roses", Cornelia Dorsey Patterson
A prompt book for "The Typist" and "The Tiger", Sherry Susan Lowell-Lewis
A proposal for a manual of policies and procedures for the scholarships office of the University of Texas at El Paso, Catherine Helen Etheridge
A proposed method for calculating atmospheric absorption in the infrared spectral regions, Frank Samuel Irby
A proposed method for incorporating additional humanities-social science courses into the undergraduate engineering curricula, James B Bacon
A proposed model using Prony's method for atmospheric transmittance, Li-Hsin Liu
A proposed three-component model atmosphere, Jerry L Collins
A prototype computer integrated manufacturing cell, Vipulkumar Rasiklal Doshi
A prototype expert system as a design advisor for disinfection by-product treatment, Ramesh Krishnamurthy
A prototype expert system for variable and attribute control charts, Giridhar Purushotham
A psychological profile of chronic hemodialysis patients based on the MMPI, CPI, and external locus of control, Wayne D Bolander
A public relations study of organizational image and two-way communication using the Coorientation Model, Linda J East
A puritan in Washington: The legislative career of Henry William Blair, Barbara Jean Stokes
A pyramidal decomposition algorithm adapted for compression of optical navigational images, Aldo Lucero
A quantitative model of luminescence in SrS:CeF5 ACTFEL display devices, Peter Gunadisastra
A quantum statistical approach to excitable biomembranes, Alfonso Morales
Aqueous solubilities and partition coefficients of quinones, Minakshi Prabhakar Bhave
A queuing analysis at an international port of entry, George Pinal
Arabs in Hollywood: U.S. films' cultivation of viewers' perceptions and attitudes towards Arabs, Ada M Salazar
Arachidonic acid, phospholipase A2, and colorectal carcinogenesis, Raymond T Jones
A Rain, and Wine: A collection of original poetry, Anthony Piccione
A rank-ordering of common words according to their ease of look-and-say learning, H. David Jones
A rapid and simple hemolytic assay for venom phospholipase A, Renato J Aguilera
Arboles, Rosario Sanmiguel
A reading readiness book to assist non-English-speaking children to become bilingual, Alta M Stowell
A real time algorithm for fractal analysis and its application to an early detection of epileptic seizures, Nitin Nilkanth Okhade
A real-time PCM data acquisition and control system for the maneuverable atmospheric probe, Ben-Hwang Lin
A reconsideration of the hero in Hemingway's short stories, James Malcolm Harding
A recursively sorting and scheduling scheme with application to disposable medical garment cutting, Jaganjot S Nagi
A recursive tracking and control methodology for agile single-piece flow manufacturing, Jose Luis Martinez
A reference system digitizer, Rolf Philipp Speziale
A regional crustal structure study of the Appalachian Basin region of the eastern United States, Muhammad Jamal
A regional geophysical study of the southern Oklahoma aulacogen, Henry Papesh
Are item and order memory the same memory system or separate and distinct memory systems?, Anthony Paul Millon
A religious and philosophical ethic of acting, L. Addison Diehl
A remote computer-controlled, variable speed, video educational system, Michael Robert Good
A report on the development and implementation of conditional parole, Sandra Draper Reddin
A resource and design book for costuming the Siglo de Oro theatrical pieces "Las olivas", "El paso del viejo celoso", "El retablo de las maravillas", and "Baile", Alice Lewis Sessions
A review of the demise of the El Paso County Status Offender Program, Gilberto Servin Gonzalez
A rhetorical analysis of the city engineering department procedures manual, Rita Leticia Dominguez
A rhetorical analysis of the justifications for war, Richard Daniel Pineda
Ariel: Estudio y critica [and] Dona Perfecta: Analisis de sus personajes, Avelino Lopez
A rip in time: Washington Irving's use of world folklore in the writing of "Rip van Winkle", Lester Melvin Lieberman
Arms control initiatives and arms transfers: A Latin American study, Bert Mac Diamondstein
Army retirees in El Paso County: A typology of political participation and implications for impact, Kenneth A Saunders
A robot-vision system for recognizing and manipulating parts on a conveyor, Chin Kwok Neo
Arousal and guilt as potential mediators of female sexual attitudes and behavior, Lois L Greenwood
Arrangements, Anne Marguerite Pittman
Array of linear dipoles near MI-8 helicopter, John Elias Kaudaissy
Arrhythmia detection monitoring system, Mark Wuthnow
Arsenal, John Harbison Russell
Art as an integrating subject in the fifth grade, Dorothy McMahon Fairchild
Art education and the young adolescent with learning disabilities, Lu Christie Waites
Artificial neural network models for damaged [i.e. damage] detection using Lamb waves, Walter Alvarez
Artillery Barracks at West Point
Aryl hydrocarbon receptor mediated effects of particulate organic extracts from the Paso del Norte airshed along the U.S.-Mexico border, Daniel Enrique Arrieta
A safe communication model for optical buses, Maria Isabel Beltran
Asalto de Palabra, Hector Noe Garza
A sampling of lexical items in Yeshiva English, Steven Ray Goldfarb
A search for short period oscillations in the solar corona, Thomas F Egan
A seismic reflection, gravity and remote sensing study of the southeastern Sangre de Cristo Mountains, New Mexico, Oscar Andres Quezada Rodas
A seismic refraction study of West-Central New Mexico, Stephen N Harden
A seismic tomographic study of the Mojave region and geophysical constraints on thrust belt structure in eastern Tennessee, Julia Laws Whitelaw
A seismotectonic study of the south-central Alaskan margin between the 1938 and 1964 great Alaskan earthquake rupture zones, Wesley A Brown
A self-reliant Moby-Dick, Herbert Fuchsman
A semantic approach to nominal compounding in Vietnamese, Nguyen-Van-An
A semantic componential analysis of selected English verbs of motion, Eugene M Mason
A semantic description of English modals for use in teaching English as a foreign language, Glenda Ann Diamond
A sensitivity analysis of the REMI model, America Tirado
A series approximation for cylindrical waveguide modal current integrals, John Calvin Watson
ASIC block level design to physical layout process using diverse CAD tools, Roberto Alfonso Perea
ASIC implementation of the symmetric fuzzy processor and its application to adaptive systems, Saleh Mesbah Abdel-Hafeez
A simulation model for evaluating lot sizing under uncertainty, Hun-Ming Hsu
A simulative investigation of multiple weapon attack of area targets, Gilbert Louis Theroux
A simulator for a multiprocessor computer architecture, Edgar Noel Gandara Orpinel
A single-board controller design and implementation, Chichia Mike Pan
A single-board microcontroller: Design and implementation, Tiann-Jinn Lan
A sinusoidal series approximation to the current on thin asymmetrically-driven cylindrical antennas, James W Doll
A small-scale waterjet cutting system and its principal cutting parameters, Daniel Lee Edwards
A social ecological analysis of vandalism, Daniel Varela
A sociodemographic profile of Socorro, Texas (1860--1900), Jenifer Baxter Johnson
A source book in music for elementary school teachers, Mary Louise Ford
A special district for El Paso: A case study of local efforts, Mary Kathleen Stempinski
A specification for an extensible access control Web service featuring access control lists and role-based access control models, Andres Garcia
A spectral peak tracker, John Nelson Hynes
Aspects of the pollination ecology of Agastache cana (Labiatae), Denise Louise Moritz
Aspects of theta-theory in the Turkish passive construction, Tolgay Nuriye Sener-Figarelli
Asphalt paving, cessation requirements and nuclear density determination, Bill John Hammons
Assembler design and algorithm implementation on a modularly configured attached processor, Ernesto Castro-Gomez
Assertiveness among Hispanic women: Significant variables and implications for counseling, Geraldine Rodriguez
Assessing eCommerce technology-enabled business value: An exploratory research, Ritesh Mariadas
Assessing Effectiveness of Personality Style in Documentation, Kenneth Sayles and David G. Novick
Assessing the acquisition of English as a second language in elementary school: An El Paso study, Ann Mary Hammersmith
Assessing the role of dendritic cells and macrophages in the induction of T cell responses against Mycobacterium avium, Claudia A Briseno
Assessment of aquatic toxicity from photoprocessing waste: Haskell R. Street Wastewater Treatment Plant, Cynthia Gaddy Edgar
Assessment of communicative competence through the evaluation of two traits: Grammatical/pragmatic competence and sociolinguistic competence, Margarita Correa Gonzalez
Assessment of relationship between dynamic and seismic moduli of asphalt concrete mixtures, Xuequn Bai
Assessment of Rio Grande water quality, Ramdas N Gowda
Asset allocation and mutual fund investors, Miles W Smith
Assimilation into the host society of four Asiatic groups, El Paso, Texas, Chong-Soon Kim
A statistical failure approach to OSHA noise exposure standards, David P Johnson
A stochastic analysis of market share determination under oligopolistic conditions, McClellan Harris
A stranded boat after the Storm
A strategy for using sociometric data with primary pupils, Annie C McManus
A STREAMS-based distributed processing approach for computational-intensive applications, Jose E De la Rosa
A structure determination of the decalins by the technique of electron diffraction in the gas phase, Yong-Shiau Chen
A study and comparison of data clustering techniques, Anurag Anand
A study in student attitude change resulting from non-sequential curriculum modification measured by semantic differential, May Daito Yanagidate
A study in the use of manipulatives to teach algebra concepts to low-achieving high school students, Abdelghani Setra
A study in the use of physical manipulatives with college level mathematics students, Brenda Kay McIndoo
A study of a high interest method of vocabulary development with non-traditional college English students, Maris L Norton
A study of attitudes toward HIV in the workplace, Melanie Anne Zirbel
A study of background fluorescence from dust and pollen and their effects on a lidar probe, David J Webster
A study of bolson fill thickness in the southern Rio Grande Rift, southern New Mexico, West Texas, and northern Chihuahua, Cheng-Lee Wen
A study of carbon monoxide in the El Paso-Ciudad Juarez area, Manuel Aguirre
A study of changing vowel sounds in the English language as spoken in El Paso, Texas, Dolores Ann Parton Stafford
A study of concept mastery from selected earth science curriculum programs, Charman Dirmeyer
A study of degradation in direct current powder electroluminescent display devices, Joseph Anthony Raposo
A study of drag and inertia forces on a cylinder oscillating in still water, Curtis Saunders McMichael
A study of El Paso Brown rim form, Kenneth Lee West
A study of El Paso's turbulent history, 1880--1915: Architecture as a full partner with the forces which shaped education, business, and religion, Gladys Arlene Hodges
A study of excitation mechanisms in ZnS:Mn ACTFEL display devices, Marcus Elliott Traylor
A study of extensive bibliographical help upon the students' ability to do research papers, Richard A Garcia
A study of five galactic radio sources at 5 GHz, Charles T Hawkins
A study of four compositions performed on a graduate harp recital, Clay Lucas Specht
A study of friction stir welding on 6061-T6 aluminum alloy, Xinyu Guo
A study of geosmin removal: Selection of the best powdered activated carbon and effect of ozonation, Sanaan Cherie Lair
A study of Hamlet through transactional analysis, Leibella A Unciano
A study of investment in human capital: The Fort Bliss General Educational Development Program, Edward Charles Malone
A study of Kummer's work on Fermat's Last Theorem, Sharad Chandarana
A study of language development of eighth-grade occupational training pupils, Frank B Fowlkes
A study of leadership and its relationship to rewards in three city departments, Carolynn Williams Samples
A study of methods available to determine the vertical distribution of ozone in the atmosphere, Bharat S Shah
A study of microseismicity in southwest Puerto Rico using joint hypocenter determination, Christina Marie Rodriguez
A study of opinions of graduates of El Paso high schools from 1936 through 1946, Thula Hardie
A study of ozone in the El Paso-Ciudad Juarez area, James Edward Crocker
A study of reactions between transition metal complexes and 2,omega-disubstituted 1,4-diselenafulvenes, Hsun-Shan Lien
A study of recreational opportunities afforded boys in El Paso as compared with their recreational interests, Arthur Friedman
A study of schools maintained abroad by American companies, Paul Frederick Stueckler
A study of solvent effects of a squarylium dye--TSQ, Shengzu Yang
A study of some methods used in the detection of stars, David E Small
A study of southern bigotry and injustice: The Leo Frank case, Elaine Lewis
A study of spectral shifts in solvent mixtures, Jagadish Kalyanam
A study of student-teacher appraisal of guidance services in a city high school, James Edward Moore
A study of the acquisition of Spanish verb morphology by English-speaking learners of Spanish as a foreign langugae, Kathy Belle Weinstein
A study of the characteristics of popular and unpopular children in the elementary school, Mary Alice McRae Reed
A study of the cooling history of a pluton in the Finlay Mountains, Hudspeth County, Texas, William Cecil Seigler
A study of the democratic and authoritarian methods in the teaching of poetry, Michael Roscoe McDonald
A study of the development and design of the Homestead Municipality Utility District Pilot Membrane Desalination Plant, Jesus Daniel Moncada
A study of the development of English vocabulary as a form of reading readiness in the pre-first grade, Alice Sowell Cummings
A study of the effect of an oral-aural language program upon the vocabulary development of bilingual and bicultural fourth-grade children, Peggy Jane Lindsey
A study of the effects of temperature variations on radio wave absorption, Daniel B Stammer
A study of the effects of the addition of tellurium into the acanthite-naummanite (Ag2S-Ag2Se) system, Ruben Martinez
A study of the El Paso Council on the Arts and Humanities, Joan Beth Janzen
A study of the English writing proficiency of a group of Mexican-American adults, Mary Anna Lowe Cravey
A study of the enrichment of the fourth-grade curriculum, Lucile Lollar Shankle
A study of the factors influencing productivity in a U.S. and maquila manufacturing operation, Diane N De Hoyos
A study of the impact of WC projectiles into hard and soft Cu targets, David Adrian Roberson
A study of the interrelationship of the philosophy and art of Ernest Hemingway, Faye Bishop Archer
A study of the life and works of Frank Norris, American author, 1870--1902, Frances Harris Hatfield
A study of the literary significance of Sir Richard Stury, Emil A Mucchetti
A study of the low temperature oxide of titanium 6% aluminium 4% vanadium alloy, Shuh-Gau Chang
A study of the optoelectronic link as used in EMRE testing, Guillermo Alcocer
A study of the photodielectric effect in x-ray imaging processes with various materials, Sergio Arturo Chaparro
A study of the pivotal sentence in modern Chinese, Xueguang Lu
A study of the possible effects of infectious and contagious diseases on the achievements of school children, Margaret DePuy Roslyn
A study of the primacy and recency effect of speaker order on judge's performance rankings for interscholastic forensic competition, Keith Wayne Townsend
A study of the production function: Using the axioms of group theory, Frank E Vigil
A study of the public relations activities of the El Paso public schools, Charles Wallace Webb
A study of the readability of selected fourth and fifth grade science texts, Frankie Smith Tanzy
A study of the relative applicability of the term Poet of Democracy to Walt Whitman, William Redford Pugh
A study of the reliability of the MD-1 microprocessor impedance analyzer, Deborah Lorang Card
A study of the role of journalism and publications programs in the high school curriculum, Rafael (Ralph) Chavez
A study of the shallow seismicity in the Anchorage region, south-central, Alaska, Claudia Hernandez Flores
A study of the structure and subsurface geometry of the Hueco Bolson, Julfi Hadi
A study of the work of Vachel Lindsay: A troubadour on Main Street, U.S.A., Benjamin Gans Oberlin
A study of thickness and defect detection in concrete structures using ultrasonic wave propagation, Rodolfo Lomas
A study of Thomas Wolfe's vocabulary and diction, R. Charles Garner
A study of three compositions performed in a graduate recital, Patrick E Calderon
A study of three works performed on a graduate horn recital, Carey Lynn Campbell
A study of transition metal ketones, Guy M Crawford
A study of variable rates within the natural gas industry, Louis Lloyd Mollinary
A study on bacterial bioluminescent reaction, Ben-Fang Lei
A study on joining of similar and dissimilar commercial aluminum alloys by friction stir welding, Sajjad Hossain Kazi
A study on the development towards agricultural free trade relations between the U.S. and Mexico, Jose Humberto Correa
A study on the effects of an integrated high school core curriculum, Debra Kay McDonald
A study on the efficacy of using the Rorschach as a predictor of aggression, Dieter Stanchos
A study to determine 3rd, 4th and 5th grade student values, Cristina Hermosillo Arellano
A subsonic Gerdien condenser experiment for upper atmospheric research, Richard S Sagar
A summary and comparison of the three language (English) series used in El Paso Public Schools, grades 3 through 10, Janet L Lumpee
A surface and subsurface study along the northwest margin of the Val Verde Basin, Pecos, Terrell, and Brewster Counties, Texas, Guy Milton Decker
A survey and comparative analysis of grading practices by public school orchestra directors in El Paso County, Diana Gilliland
A survey of concepts, trends, and influences affecting the emotional adjustment and social maturation of the mentally handicapped, Ann Baxter Sansbury
A survey of girls' physical education programs and practices in selected, accredited high schools of Texas, Reva June Cash
A survey of identifying parameters for an adaptive comb filter, Yuan Yan
A survey of infinite matrices, Oscar Hernan Estrada
A survey of textbook selection methods in the forty-eight states, Jenny Armstrong Pohan
A survey of the parasites of starlings (Sturnus vulgaris L.) in El Paso County, Texas, Jerold M Carter
A survey of the socio-economic status of the pupils in Franklin D. Roosevelt Elementary School, El Paso, Texas, J. M Whitaker
A survey of transfer functions for independent speaker vowel recognition using neural networks, Erubey Calles Cowell
A swapping implementation for the MINIX operating system, Vicente Fresquez
A symbolic modeling approach to the modification of nursing staff attitudes and behaviors toward dying patients, Dorothy A Bartnik
A symbolic walk, Robert Stanley McCarty
Asymmetric induction in the Diels-Alder reaction, Wenlung Ho
Asymptotic efficiency of estimators of a parameter, Carsten H Herrmann
Asymptotic relative efficiencies and optimality properties of certain tests for dispersive ordering, Jinping Wang
A systematic analysis of the Marxian theory of political economy as developed in Capital: A critique of political economy, Ernie Thomson
A systematic grouping/network modelling approach for finding less risky highway traffic routes, Dawei Wang
A systematic method for automatic generation of membership functions for fuzzy logic applications, Yvonne del Carmen Lucero
A system dynamics model of El Paso County Water Improvement District No.1, Miguel Angel Diaz-Ibarra
A system for thin film deposition and resistivity measurements, George Moore
A systems analysis of Bolivian political life, Maria Teresa Camacho
A system to characterize landscape phenology using advanced very high resolution radiometer data, Charles Alan Ward
A tagmemic analysis of narrative discourse constituents in English and Japanese, Glenda Joyce Bowen
A tagmemic analysis of written Welsh syntax, Nancy Marcy
A tagmemic sketch of Mapuche grammar, Maria Rayen Catrileo Chiguailaf
A taxonomic revision of the Adelphicos quadrivirgatum species group (Serpentes: Colubridae), Travis James LaDuc
A taxonomic revision of the snakes in the Coniophanes piceivittis species group, Christopher Richard Harrison
A taxonomy of dynamic software-fault monitoring tools, Nelly M Delgado
A technique for correcting phase noise in analog fiber optic links, Juan Manuel Ceniceros
A technique for maintaining high phase stability in analog fiber optic links, John Daniel Medrano
A temperature programmed desorption study of electron irradiated NaCl, Matthew Allen Sanders
A temporal neural network with finite states., Chengke Sheng
A tentative course of study for first-year typewriting in El Paso High School, El Paso, Texas, Ione Bigby Reed
A tentative course of study in physical education and health for girls in El Paso High School, El Paso, Texas, Audrey Louise Smith
A tentative course of study in physical education for the elementary schools of El Paso, Texas, Betty Spaulding Borenstein
A test -driven accountability system in Texas: Principals' voices, Don Park Schulte
A test method for identifying moisture-susceptible asphalt concrete mixes, Muhammad Murshed Alam
A theoretical approach to ethnic differences in perceptions and reactions to multicultural and assimilation strategies of prejudice reduction, Azenett Azara Garza Caballero
A theoretical study of temperature and wind gradients on the formation of an acoustical shadow zone, J. R Armijo-Tamez
A theory course for middle school students, Lorraine Baldwin Kubala
A thermal approach to condition based monitoring for electric induction motors, Sanjeev Chopra
A thermal maturation study of Cretaceous petroleum source rocks in Presidio County, Texas, C. Maurine Riess
A three-dimensional extension to the graphical kernel system, Mohamad Salah Takriti
A time series approach to trend monitoring, Jaime Luis Mercado Vargas
Atmospheric data reduction and processing using a PDP 11/10 minicomputer, Habib Ibrahim Vora
Atmospheric molecular phase dispersion modeling in the 1-to-1000 GHz region, Emilio Yanine
Atmospheric molecular transmittance models for carbon dioxide, methane, and sulfur dioxide in the infrared, Christos E Maragoudakis
Atmospheric transference/radiance module LTMX in interactive mode, Sy-Min Thomas Yen
Atmospheric transmittance model for E-O SAEL application, Shen-Hau Lau
Atmospheric transmittance modeling and phase dispersion in the millimeter region, Carlos J Moyeton Rodriguez
Atmospheric transmittance modelling using CRAY supercomputer, Rouzbeh Tehrani-Movahed
Atmospheric transmittance models for ammonia, carbon monoxide, nitrous oxide, and oxygen in the infrared region, Michael E Maragoudakis
Atmospheric transmittance models for oxygen and water vapor in the millimeter region, William D Fowler
Atmospheric transmittance models for the trace gases in E-OSAEL, Mauchi Chen
A top-down design of a fixed point DCT systolic processor, Sridhar Kannan
A topological case study of the cost of quality in a continuous process manufacturing environment, Diego Adiel Sandoval-Chavez
A TPD, LEED, and AES study of the interaction of disilane and trimethylsilane with Si(100), Manuel Alvarado
A translation of the major prefaces to Newton's Principia, including annotation of historical and scientific elements, Denna Lynn Hintze
A transputer window server and server channel automation program, Carsten Hermann Prigge
Attempted photosolvolysis of aromatic mesylates, Dau Ming Hsieh
Attempted synthesis of permutational isomers, Fung-Yee Dai
Attitude, intention, control, and subjective norms of critical care nurses toward obtaining a sleep assessment, Irma Alvarado Samaniego
Attitudes and migration patterns: A comparative study of the "Marias" in Ciudad Juarez, Chihuahua and Tijuana, Baja California, Mexico, Rosalia Solorzano Torres
Attitudes and motivation in second language teaching, Gertrude Probst Muro
Attitudes of El Paso women toward genetic engineering, Cherylon Robinson
Attitudes of pediatric nurse practitioners towards parental use of corporal punishment, Kathlyn M Eydenberg
Attitudes toward the American Indian as expressed in selected American magazines, 1865--1900, Charles R Wilson
Attitudes toward the city as reflected in American magazines, 1865--1900, Dorothy McGaw Moffat
Attitudes toward three varieties of English in El Paso, Elizabeth E Wheeler
Attitudes toward vasectomy as a function of ethnic background and educational level, Margarita T Ossorio
Attitudes toward women as a function of sex and ethno-cultural background: A cross-cultural study, Margo Jessel Ford
A two-tiered client/server student auditing system, Manuel Silveyra
Atypical Nippostrongylus brasiliensis (Nematoda) self-cure in a BALB/c mouse variant: Mast cells, goblet cells and IgE antibodies, Peter Andrew Morawiecki
August Strindberg's search for dramatic form in five representative marital dramas, Jon M Berry
A unified framework for the design of manual electronics assembly, Vanesa Hernandez-Masser
A UNIX distributed processing approach to compute intensive problems, Ricardo Labiaga
"Aura" in retranslation, Patricia Cleland Tracey
Aureole structure of 1.4 Ga plutons in southern Colorado and their tectonic implications, Robert Lee Dean
Austria: Liberation to independence, John E Swidelsky
Autobiografia en "Las batallas en el desierto", de J. E. Pacheco, Cesar Antonio Sotelo Gutierrez
Automated engineering change management system: A design proposal, Srinivas Gavvala
Automated tolerance analysis in computer-aided process planning for metal cutting operations, Sankaranarayanan Sadasivam
Automatic generation of a structured bill of material, Andrew David Christensen
Automatic path planning for a robot moving among polyhedral obstacles, Rajendra Kumar Pisupati
Automating instrumentation: Identifying instrumentation points for monitoring constraints at runtime, Mary F Payne
Automation of solder mask dispensing, Alejandro Verduzco
A video-based study of female Hispanic migrant workers in assembly-type operations from a biomechanical perspective, Christopher Michael Aguilar
A video game extending direct manipulation, Fernando Chaidez
A village near the Bosporus, AnnMarie Francis Kajencki
A visual interface for a formal specification language, Aida Gutierrez
A Wisconsinan interstadial vertebrate fauna from Dry Cave, Eddy County, New Mexico, Robert Casimir Ziobro
A work design decision tool for sew units, Rene P Franco
A World Split Open, Lori Anne Gravley-Novello
Azana and Cardenas: Two who tried, Garna L Christian
Azotophage inactivation studies, Robert L. Arroyo
Bacterial luciferase activity in vivo, Err-Cheng Chan
Bacteriophage isolates for Arizona hinshawii, Jesus A Caraveo
Balancing binary search trees using concurrency in ADA(r), Michael D Homiller
Baldwin Sanatorium, El Paso, Texas
Ballistic perforation of OFHC Cu and 7039Al targets: A microstructural and hydrocode study, Christine Kennedy
Band model and transmittance measurements: Comparisons of ammonia carbon monoxide and oxygen in the IR, Jose G Reza
Bank holding company capital adequacy, Walter J Richards
Baptist Church in El Paso, Texas.
BaRe, a multiprocessing system using broadcast and replication, Elsa Quiroz Villa
Barite deposits in the Seven Heart Gap area, Culberson County, Texas, Danny L Murray
Barriers to program implementation: El Paso emergency medical service system, Jamye Boone Ward
Base-induced migrations of oligosilyl, germyl, and stannyl groups to the indenyl ring in the system (n5-C9H7)Fe(CO)2R, Jorge Castillo Ramirez
Basement structure of the north-central Gulf coastal plain, Mississippi and Alabama, Dana Mark Jurick
Basque national liberation and the Spanish regime: Ethnic separatist terrorism and the responses of a traditional polity, Miren Jaione Marcaida Golzarri
Bass "bassics": An informal approach for young bassists. [videorecording], Darrell Lee Downey
Batch size and order release strategies in production control, Honglu Shang
Bats of El Paso County, Texas, with notes on habitat, behavior, and ectoparasites, Timothy J Dooley
Battlefield tragedy, Chihuahua.
Battlefield tragedy, Perdenales, Chihuahua
Bearing capacity of continuous foundation on loose sand underlain by dense sand, Mahmoud Muhammed Said Qasem Abdella
Bearing capacity of eccentrically loaded foundations on layered sands, Rafael Francisco de Asis Munoz Fonseca
Bearing capacity of eccentrically loaded foundations on reinforced earth, Abdallah Hussein Osseiran
Bearing capacity of foundations on weaker sand layer underlain by strong clay, Bambang Hermano Gunawan
Bearing capacity of shallow foundations on strong sand layer underlain by soft clay, Karim Faraj Dallo
Bearing capacity of strip foundation on a granular trench in soft clay, Jihad Tawfiq Abed el Hadi Hamed
Beatitude past utterance: The beatific vision in "Paradise Lost", Nancy Jane Hiles
Bede and Alcuin: Master and disciple, Fletcher Campbell Newman
Behavioral and affective aspects of inclusion, control, and affection in spiritually-oriented growth groups, George Dow Cummings
Behavioral recovery in an animal model of Alzheimer's disease, Ruth G Perez
Behavior and analysis of cable-stayed bridges, Alfredo Cervantes
Behavior and food habits of the turkey vulture, Christos C Thomaides
Behavior of cast iron in the compressive region, Osvaldo Orozco
Behavior of unsaturated clayey soils at high strain rates, Cheng Chang
Being Comfortable in Your Own Skin, Sheela Doreen Wolford
Benefit of location: The national rationing system and El Paso, Texas, 1942--1945, Richard Alfred Dugan
Benita Duarte Pedregon and Arturo Pedregon
Ben Jonson, literary critic, Anne Lange Ayala
Best segments in representing contours, Zhibao Hu
Betasonde: High altitude mass density measurement, Hector R Carrasco
Between the burro and the smelter: The formation of Mexican American community and identity, Smeltertown, Texas, 1915--1945, Monica Perales
Biasing and illumination effects in thin film CdS/CdTe photovoltaic cells, Jitendra Jayantilal Makwana
Bias in the tax appraisals of single family residences in El Paso, Texas, David T Toner
Biblica, Jose Javier Villarreal
Bibliografia anotada y comentada de diccionarios tecnicos y especializados en espanol-espanol y espanol-〈 〉, Maria Luz Espinosa Elerick
Bicyclo(5.1.0)octa-2,4-diene derivatives, Tai-Sun Syu
Bicyclo (6.1.0) nona-3,5-diene and ester derivatives, Edwin Mbanefo Okafor
Bilingual programs, evaluations, and research: An annotated bibliography, Shelley Schaffer Millener
Binary-equivalent quaternary logic and gate, Vijaya Lakshmi Atigadda
Biochemical and immunological analysis of exoantigens extracted from six Chrysosporium spp. demonstrating conidial and mycelial growth, Gracy Esparza
Biological denitrification of wastewaters by addition of paper, Enrique Woo
Biological effects of high voltage 60 Hz transmission lines, Tai-sun Syu
Biolumitection of heavy metals, Yun Luo
Biomass partitioning in three Chihuahuan Desert rodent communities, Susan McAlpine
Biomass reduction in hydroponically grown creosotebush Larrea tridentata (D.C.) Cov.: Zygophyllaceae seedlings in lead contaminated solution, Harold Kyriakoes Newman
Biostratigraphic study of foraminifera from the Smeltertown formation (Lower Cretaceous, Albian) of southeastern New Mexico, James Scott Bullock
Biostratigraphy of the Graford Formation, Missourian, Wise County, Texas, Andrew Jackson Petty
Birth control in a crowded culture, John Safford Macayeal
Birth setting and locus of control: Impact on maternal satisfaction and attachment to infant, Katherine Joan Gordon
Bishop Juan Maria Navarrete Y Guerrero
Bivariate survival analysis, Weishi Yuan
Black and White in a Gray World, Antonio Ricardo Bermudez
Blade failure in automated textile cutting machines, Michael Anthony Poole
Blanco, Bodyguard for Madero.Ciudad Juárez,
Blastogenic response and IgG production in rats singly or concurrently infected with Nippostrongylus brasiliensis and/or Eimeria nieschulzi, Elizabeth Long King
Blind in One Eye, Barbara Jean Adams
Blood on the Camas, Alan Paul Boye
Blue Earth, Donna Marie Bronner
Blue Mountain transverse structures: Latimer County, Oklahoma, Charles Bedford John
Body capital: US-Brazil cross -cultural study of sports educational motivation and inclusion, Antonio Muller
Border Crossings, William L Ripley
Border revolution: The Mexican Revolution in the Ciudad Juarez - El Paso area, 1906--1915, Richard Medina Estrada
Boron adsorption on hematite and clinoptilolite, Gabriela Maria Gainer
Bottom breakout of objects resting on soft clay, Handoyo Suwandhaputra
Box office and publicity management of the university theatre at U.T. El Paso: Policies, guidelines, and documents, Marie Susan Rose
Brain laterality and language processing, Andres Diego Muro
Bridge in Junction City, Kansas
Bridge program and at-risk adolescents, Christina Brooks
Brief history of the El Paso water system from 1881 to 1921, Marion C Nicoll
Bright-field and dark-field detection using microbend fiber optic sensors, Hung Duc Nguyen
Bring Me a Unicorn, Jenny Gay Robinson
British imperial attitudes toward the Zulu and the Boers in the era of the wars of subjugation, 1879 to 1881, Carmen Bianchi
British perceptions of the Ashanti, 1873--1896, Derrick D'eon Wesley
Britomart, George A Mowad
Bromate control during ozonation of high-bromide drinking water, Rodolfo Miguel Pino
Bronson Alcott: Transcendentalist-teacher, Barbara W Miller
Brujeria in New Mexico folklore and fiction, Gwendolyn Davis Green
Buckling analysis of cylindrical shells, Muhammad Shafi
Buckling phenomena in closed and cylindrical shells matched with the theory, Chao-Shih Li
Bucky O'Neill, Frontier Lawman: A novel, Leland Harold Floren
Buffalo Bill Cody with Indian children
Buffalo Bill Cody with Indians
Building knowledge systems in A -Prolog, Monica De Lima Nogueira
Building the Citadel: High school teachers' perceptions of effective principals' role and leadership behaviors, Janet Lee Newsom
Bulimic behavior as a function of stressful environmental events, Mary Alison Pound
Buried in the Desert, Michel Cheresse Meunier
"Bus Stops" and other poems, Manuel Jauregui Velez
By a single stroke of the enumerator's pen: The demographic history of San Elizario, Texas, from 1841 to 1920, Bill Lockhart
Bypassing the assistant principalship: An instrumental multi -case study of three elementary school principals, Adolfo Fernandez
Calculating belief queries using probabilities and intervals, Luis Alfredo Cortes
Calculations of daily output of a solar still as affected by changes in parameters, Eduardo H Velasquez
Caldera development and economic mineralization in the Zacatecas mining district, Zacatecas, Mexico, Benjamin F Ponce
Calibration of aluminum-constantan thin film thermocouples in the temperature range 100--600K, Mary Katherine Fries
Calibration of the signal processor of an optical wind measurement system utilizing spot position fluctuations, Mona Mostafa Fahmy
Calibration of the UTEP/Orsay instrumented collimator via the LabVIEW-base data acquisition, Alejandro Puga
Calvertera: Mexican monologues, American tragedies, Guadalupe Garcia Montano
Can computer personalities help users work better?, Kenneth Wayne Sayles
Candida rugosa catalyzed Diels-Alder reaction, Martha E Ortiz Mendoza
Can purchasing power parity help forecast the Canadian dollar?, Ralph Martin Scholten
Capitalization of farm price supports: A survey of the literature, Elizabeth G Lusen
Captain Ahab: A Shakespearean tragic hero, Earlene Call
Caracteristicas sociolinguisticas de dos grupos de alumnos de secundaria recien llegados de Mexico, Sonia Pastrana
Caracterizacion mediante el dolor en las obras de Luis Romero, Francisco Romero Perez
Career maturity of undergraduate Mexican-American women, Gypsy DeSchriver
Career paths and perceived barriers to the superintendency in the state of Texas: Significant factors and critical characteristics in superintendent selection, Edward Lawrence Gabaldon
Career pathways and perceived barriers of women superintendents, Margaret Cutshaw Manuel
Carlos Fuentes' ideology in theory and practice, Sergio Hugo Moreno
Carlota Torres Salazar, Ignacia Salazar de Torres, Josefina Torres, and Maria Socorro Torres
Carl Sandburg: The voice of the people, Grace Smith
Carrie, Albert, Henry, and Louis Horwitz
Carrion communities in the northern Chihuahuan Desert, Marsha Ruth Reeves McKinnerney
Casa Blanca Halfway House: An evaluation, Melinda Rae Fisher
Case analyses of Haitians with AIDS, Yanick St-Jean Crosse
Cash management policy and procedures manual, Elizabeth Ann Nelan Hagans
Cassiterite mineralization in the Black Range Tin District, Sierra and Catron Counties, New Mexico, David B Harvey
Catalysis and stereochemistry in the Diels-Alder reaction, Yung-Gee Chang Alice Chiang
Catalysis towards decomposition of lithium-ammonia solutions, Charles W Peartree
Categories of failure in short poems of Edwin Arlington Robinson, Judith Rae Mohrhauser
Caught in the crossfire: Children during the Mexican Revolution, 1910--1920, Holly E Garza
Cell cycle expression of DNA repair processes in Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells, Fernando Gonzalez
Cell cycle kinetics of an in vivo subcultured spontaneous mouse mammary carcinoma and the effects of colcemid on kinetic parameters, Rodney R Rodriguez
Cenozoic tectonics of cretaceous rocks in the northeast Sierra de Juarez, Chihuahua, Mexico, Steven Keith Nodeland
Centro de Salud Familiar La Fe: From struggling volunteerism to a regulated bureaucracy, Pete T Duarte
Cerebral hemispheric asymmetries in visual processing: How visual processing strategies influence person perception, James DeWitt Sanders
Chalcocite dissolution in the chloride-oxygen system, Francisco Alfonso Flores
Changing the way youth are educated: A diverse and progressive curriculum for at-risk youth, Bonnie Galvan
Changing your alibi: Current law enforcement, future law enforcement, and layperson beliefs and behaviors, Scott Edward Culhane
Channel estimation in a turbo coded GMSK modulation system, Chandragupta Gudena
Chaos theory in economics and production, Kenneth R Baake
Characteristic memory loss in dementia of the Alzheimer's type: Deficits in semantic and episodic memory, Thomas Michael Doyle
Characteristics and dimensions of wifebeating in El Paso, Texas, Fay Dobbs Zeman
Characteristics of asymmetric coaxial jets, Fernando Javier Jasso Sevilla
Characteristics of women majors in a co-educational physical education department, Mary Lou Squires
Characterization and comparison of copper and tantalum shaped-charge component microstructures, Alan Charles Gurevitch
Characterization and identification of a casein kinase activity extracted from cells transformed by human cytomegalovirus, Ricardo Andres Bernal
Characterization of Agkistrodon bilineatus bilineatus snake venom and partial purification of a procoagulant protein, Laura Ortega
Characterization of an Escherichia coli B fraction mitogenic for spleen cells from C3H/HeJ and C3H/St mice, Maria Lorraine Onopa
Characterization of CB-8, a protease isolated from Crotalus basiliscus (Mexican west coast rattlesnake) venom, Marcial Flores
Characterization of cell fractions from two strains of Brucella melitensis using correlates of delayed type hypersensitivity, Stephen Aubrey Raymond
Characterization of Chinese hamster apurinic/apyrimidinic endonuclease (chAPE1), Dula Man
Characterization of DMS treated MoS2 and the role of carbon therein, Jianzhong Yang
Characterization of electric resistance welding for automotive applications, Alvaro Chan
Characterization of junction transport mechanisms in cadmium telluride - cadmium sulfide thin film photovoltaic devices, David L Linam
Characterization of n-alkylamines adsorbed on copper, Angel Gerardo Magallon Esparza
Characterization of representative ambient air ultrafine and nanoparticulate matter in the El Paso -Juarez metroplex: Morphology, chemical compositions, and speciation, John Jongchun Bang
Characterization of Texas bases through permanent deformation testing, Jaime Adrian Gandara
Characterization of the growth responses by five strains of ureophilic Bacillus isolated from an extreme environment, Michael Jon Rhodes
Characterization of the interferon system in a macrophage cell line, Christine Ann Gibbons
Characterization of tool wear and weld optimization in the friction-stir welding of cast aluminum 359 + 20% SiC metal-matrix composite, Guillermo Jesus Fernandez Parra
Characterization of Trichomonas vaginalis DNases, Ana Fernanda Garcia
Characterizations of the dispersive ordering, Guo Zhong He
Charge-transfer complexes of methylated benzene derivatives, Octavio Cervantes
Charge-transfer complexes of planar and nonplanar aromatic complexes, Wei Ji
Charge-transfer copolymerizations, Priscilla Mei-Ching Wang
Charles Dickens and the good good girl [and] Sue Bridehead: Hardy's caged canary, Elizabeth Neece Wingate
Chaucer and the Lancasters, Jimmie Lou Buescher
Chaucer as ambassador, Otis T Parker
Chaucer's countryside, Robert J Bovey
Chaucer's minor poems for young readers, a modern rendering, Marianne F Green
Chaucer's purpose in the modern instances of "The Monk's Tale", Michael J Meils
Chaucer's references to his own times, Lois Jean Webb
Chemical composition, mineralogy, and texture of Tephra El Chichon, Mexico, March 28--April 7, 1982 eruptions, Barbara Ellen Kornas
Chemical modification of bacterial luciferase by 2-bromo-2 ',4'-dimethoxyacetephenone, Howon Choe
Chemical reduction of the isomeric nitropyridine N-oxides with titanium(III) ion, Chia-Chueh Shen
Chemical treatment of meatpacking plant wastewater from unit operations, Corinne Ochotorena Payan
Chicano English in El Paso, Texas, Mariaelena Tapia-Godinez
Chicano use of television: An analysis of prime-time television usage by the Committee for the Development of Mass Communications, El Paso, Texas, Dallas Ann Brown
Chihuahua, Calles and the Escobar Revolt of 1929, Rene A Valenzuela
Chihuahua, Ciudad Juárez, Monument
Chihuahua, Ciudad Juárez, Racetrack
Chihuahua, Madera. Lumber Company.
Chihuahua, Madera. Lumber Company.
Chihuahua, Madera. Lumber Company. Building.
Chihuahua, Madera. Lumber Company. Company homes.
Chihuahua, Madera, Lumber Mill
Chihuahua, Madera. Lumber Mill.
Chihuahua, Madera. Lumber Mill. Lake.
Chihuahua, Madera, Train, Mexican Revolution
Chihuahua, Mata Ortiz (Pearson), Rebels.
Chihuahua, Mata Ortiz, RR Station, Rebels.
Chihuahua, Mata Ortiz, RR Station, Rebels.
Chihuahua, Mata Ortiz, train Station, Rebels.
Chihuahua, Mexico, Madera, Lumber Co. workers
Chihuahua, Mexico, Madera, Lumber Co. workers
Chihuahua, Mexico. Madera, Store
Chihuahuan desert ant communities: A comparison between desert grassland and mesquite-dominated coppice duneland, Kevin T. von Finger
Child welfare and the judicial system: A study of bureaucratic relationships in respect to child protective services and the court, Harvey Edgar Wilson
Chinese borderland community development: A case study of El Paso, 1881--1909, Anna Louise Fahy
Chinese immigration and American business interest, Xuezhong Zhao
Choice, consent and the social contract, Sharon Elaine Davis Rives
Choice of technology and low-cost housing in Latin America: A case study of selected building block technologies in Cd. Juarez, Cynthia A Williams
Cholinergic suppression of methylphenidate-induced stereotypy, Suzanne Butler McMaster
Chomsky, Quine, and the analytic-synthetic distinction, Alberto Escalera
Choosing to be childless: A study of voluntarily childless women, Mary Lou Parker
Chopin's Etude in A-minor: A critical rhythmic and linear analysis, Robert William Canfield
Christina Rossetti's "Goblin Market": A feminist perspective, Bobbi A Gonzales
Chromium binding to alfalfa biomass: Mechanisms involved in chromium(III) binding and chromium(VI) bioreduction, Kenneth M Dokken
Chromium diffusion coatings from lead baths, Luis Orlando Contreras Sanchez
Chromium tricarbonyl pi-complexes of benzo[b]thiophene and dibenzothiophene, Peng-Shia Wei Cheng
Ciencia y poesia en "Tras el rayo" de Alberto Blanco, Juan Armando Rojas Joo
Circulo vicioso, Ramon Ochoa Estrada
Cirilo Villazana, Cipriano Castillo, Jesus Lamarque, Vicente Hernandez
City of El Paso parks and recreation facilities needs assessment, Leonard Ray Cox
City of the Conquered, Benjamin Alire Saenz
Ciudad Juárez, American Insurrectos.
Ciudad Juárez, Battle, destroyed building
Ciudad Juárez, Battle, destruction
Ciudad Juárez, Bell tower, Mission Church of Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe, Women in period dress
Ciudad Juárez, Col. Red Lopez, Soldier on horseback
Ciudad Juárez, destroyed building, War destruction
Ciudad Juárez, Fire, Street scene.
Ciudad,Juárez, Mexican railroad
Ciudad,Juárez, Mexican railroad, Track No. 1
Ciudad Juárez, México. Bull Ring
Ciudad Juárez, Mexico. Custom House. "La Vieja Aduana"
Ciudad Juárez, Mexico. Mission Church of Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe.
Ciudad Juárez, Mexico. Monument Benito Juárez.
Ciudad Juárez, México. Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe Mission
Ciudad Juárez, México. Public jail.
Ciudad Juárez, Military camp, transportation.
Ciudad Juárez, Military drill, Military personnel
Ciudad Juárez, Military offilials
Ciudad Juárez, National Palace, General Navarro, Headquarters
Ciudad Juárez, Street scene, General Madero.
Ciudad Juárez, Street scene, Military parade.
Ciudad Juárez, Wedding. Adobe building
Ciudad Juárez, Yaqui indian, bow & arrow
Civic education in the state of Morelos, Lorena Orozco
Civic-military relations in Guatemala, Rocio Cardiel
Civilian activities during World War II, El Paso, Texas, Mabel Vaughan Keeney
Classical guitar for the beginner, Stefan Klaus Schyga
Classification of pulmonary diseases using artificial neural networks, Miroslava Barua
Classification performance of reduced color band hyperspectral imagery from JPEG 2000 decompressed data, Maximiliano Garces
Classification performance of reduced-resolution hyperspectral imagery from JPEG 2000 decompressed data, Oscar Antonio Perez
Clause structure in American Kaldarash, Philip Darryl Porter
Clay art: A personal development, Jimmy Ron Clark
Cleft sentences in Chinese and their English equivalents, Meiyu Ho
Clientelism in the changing Italian political system, James Mitsatsos
Client Mexico: Ambassador Morrow's efforts to stabilize Mexico's finances, 1927--1930, Ralph Jan Campbell
Client ratings of counselor effectiveness at different levels of eye contact, Leslie Karen Burke
Climbing, Maria Elena Rodriguez
Climb to Terror, Carol Ann Vetter
Cloudcroft, New Mexico, Railroad
Cobra venom cytotoxin free of phospholipase A2 and its effect on model membranes and T leukemia cells, Marwan A Alsarraj
Coccidia of the kangaroo rat in El Paso County, Texas, Jeffery A Short
Code-mixing by Mandarin-English bilingual speakers of Singapore, Shu-An Liu
Coding theorems for the binary symmetric channel, Margaret H Lewis
Cognitive addition: External validation of the strategy choice model, Maryann S Dubree
Cognitive dissonance and conflict resolution among Anglo-American vs. Mexican-National students, Jacqueline Wilson Martinez
Cognitive retention of new concepts using computer simulation and lock-step instruction, Theodore Albert Zaehringer
Cohesion of Paul's Epistle to the Colossians, Lacy C Justice
Collage, Judith Eileen Cravens-Estabrook
Collage sobre tinta y papel, Cynthia Marcela Pena
College performance of the blind student as related to his precollege educational setting: Residential school or integrated public school program, William Maurice Winkley
Colonel Anthony Butler: Jacksonian diplomat in Mexico, Mario T Garcia
"Colonia-ism" and the culture of the normals, Alexandro Silva
Col. Red Lopez, Military on Horseback, Agua Prieto.
Combined effects of grain size and strain rate on the dislocation substructure and mechanical properties in nickel-200, Jyothi G Rao
Combined electrical studies in the southern Hueco Bolson, El Paso County, Texas, Manop Raksaskulwong
Come to the Edge of the Light and Sing, Gary Eddy
CoMFA model for resolution of racemic esters using Candida rugosa lipase, Mohd Namat Refaei
Coming home, Phyllis Lane Price
Coming Out of the Neighborhood: Stories from east El Paso, William Eric Davis
Communication network analysis using valued graphs, James Ryan Osborne
Communication timing attack on the public key management system Kerberos for distributed authentication through the RSA encryption, Esther Vanitha Vasa
Communistic propaganda in our schools, Barbara J Taylert
Community and state: A treatise on the historical tension between moral and functional society, Edwin Lee Makamson
Community composition and structure of the helminth parasites of the ruddy duck, Oxyura jamaicensis, from southwestern United States, Gertrudis Palacio Elliott
Community management of a social problem: Adolescent pregnancy and project redirection, Leticia Paez
Community structure of the helminth parasites of the northern pintail, Anas actua L. 1758, from Southwestern U.S. and north central Chihuahua, Mexico, Wynn Davis Fitzpatrick
Comparative analysis of porting the SIMARC package to Windows 95 and XWindow, Maria Teresa Guerena Sosa
Comparative analysis of programmatic aspects of selected works of Haydn, Ravel, and Schumann, Patricia Ann Provencio
Comparative analysis of regional economic modeling, Brent Godfrey McCune
Comparative analysis of testing algorithms for an ALU, Narasimha Subramanian
Comparative effects of Ritalin and parent training in the treatment of the hyperactive child, Linda P Thurston
Comparative evaluation of silicon nitride deposited by sputtering and ECR-PECVD for ACTFEL display devices, Rebecca Teresa Cardenas
Comparative osteology of southwestern Columbidae, Patricia Fersch Goldberg
Comparative studies on polyvalent enteric phages, Maria Elizabeth Alvarez
Comparative study of seismic techniques (refraction, SASW and borehole) for determining the depth and position of the water table in the vicinity of the Rio Grande, Enayatollah Kalantarian
Comparative study of the design of a portable steel drilling mast, Harsha Edwana Joesoef
Comparative study of two approaches to integration over measure spaces, Li Yizeng
Comparing verification results of a cryptographic protocol, BAN Kerberos, through Isabelle and SPIN, Myoung Yee Kim
Comparing victim and offender characteristics in rape and rape-murder cases, Tracy L Davenport
Comparison of copper skarn deposits in the Silver City mining district, southwestern New Mexico, Virgil Walter Leuth
Comparison of field methods and procedures to estimate termite activity in the northern Chihuahuan Desert, Hilda Soltero Taylor
Comparison of image processing algorithms using assembly and high level languages, Oscar Saenz-Garcia
Comparison of phosphodiesterase activity in the venoms of different crotalid snakes, Alice Acosta
Comparison of pure and mixed culture antimicrobial susceptibility test results using microdilution and disk diffusion methods, Charles Frank Wasem
Comparison of silver dissolution in cyanide, thiosulfate and thiourea solutions using aqueous stability diagrams, Jose Simon Medina Aguirre
Comparison of situation relative implementation values in a Sabatier-Mazmanian framework, Diane Hatcher Cano
Comparison of the helminth parasites from three different habitats of the white-fronted sand plover, Charadrius marginatus, South Africa, Myrna Estela Baca Orozco
Comparison of theoretical and experimental electron emission, Lewis R Springer
Comparison of the Wingate Anaerobic Test an EMG Power Spectral Analysis to measure muscle fatigue, Kurt W Kornatz
Comparison of vibrational damage detection methods in an aerospace vertical stabilizer structure, Gabriela Andre
Comparison on interpolation methods for ISAR imaging, Ricardo Arturo Vargas Rojas
Comparisons between the MRI 1550B and the HSS VR101 nephelometers, Carlos Arturo Alvarado-Covarrubias
Compensatory education funding and economically disadvantaged high school students in Texas, Paul W Landerman
Competitive adsorption interactions of strontium, cobalt and cesium in suspensions of calcium montmorillonite: Electrochemical behavior and modeling., Melida Gutierrez
Complement inactivating proteases in Crotalus molossus molossus (Northern blacktailed rattlesnake) venom, Julia Zulema Rivas Hernandez
Completion of the circle: Royall Tyler's "The Contrast", Olga Thurman
Complex silicone cardiovascular models manufactured using a dip-spin coating technique and water-soluble molds, Karina Arcaute Cantu
Composite price forecasting of a nonstorable commodity: Choice beef cattle, Dennis Ray Hammett
Compressive fatigue behavior of a pearlitic nodular cast iron, Joaquin Bustamante
Compromised VOT: Variation in a bilingual community, Cynthia Diane Kilpatrick
Computational structural investigation of select II-VI compounds and radtkeite (alpha-Hg3S2ClI), Steven Matthew Sellepack
Computation, communication, command and control (C4) in a satellite cluster, Tanushree Ghosh
Computer aided design and control of multi-product manual assembly lines, Venkatesh Koravadi
Computer aided design of steel truss arch bridges, Abbas Golmohammadi
Computer-aided milling: Geometry creation through interactive graphics, Hwai-Chang Yang
Computer-aided milling: Tool path creation through interactive graphics, Yuh-Guang Perng
Computer-aided operation and management of the LIFT, Mohammed Mansoor Ahmed
Computer-aided part programming for computer numerically controlled lathe, Denny Yi-Nan He
Computer aided spur gear design, Mahmoodullah Shahed
Computer analysis toward design improvement of axisymmetric containment vessels, Shyh-Hwa Hwang
Computer assisted statistical quality control, Narayanappa K Ravikumar
Computer based graphic display system for standard nuclear fallout prediction, Tai Tao (Paul) Cheung
Computer design of a steel bridge, Essam W Bader
Computer interface buffer (CIB) simulator system for the MISS distance indicating (MIDI) radar, Diesto Winston Edgar
Computerized analysis of a suspension bridge, Alexander F Karman
Computerized assessment of cineventriculogram, Reza Yazdi
Computerized method of coordinating system protective devices for transient faulted conditions, Dennis H Malone
Computer modeling for damage assessment of KE-rod warheads against ballistic missiles, Luis A Espino
Computer numerical control programming for complex curve machining, Gubby R Umashankar
Computer performance model of a solar pond-coupled desalination system, Michael C Hicks
Computer recognition of spatial parameters for particles, Chuen Wah Yip
Computers and productivity: The economic impact of information technology, Rebecca Marie Hryniewich
Computers for graphics in (art) education: History, present status and future, Dennis James Crawley
Computer simulation of a 520,000 BTU/HR hot water boiler, Paul Henry Ricketts
Computer simulation of a tail vane stabilized passive furl control system for a wind turbine, Chinto Benjamin Gaw
Computer simulation of divisional combat service support unit movements, David Mathew Ohman
Computer simulation of the ultimate pull-out capacity of anchor plates buried in sand, Paulus Limasalle
Computer software industry in Juarez, Mexico, Danny Lee Vickers
Computer use between high minority enrollment public schools and low minority enrollment public schools, Jesus Manuel Juarez
Computer vision and fractal dimension, Navdeep Singh Chadha
Computer vision-based print screen positioning, Kenneth Wayne Chapman
Computer vision system for inspection of automotive air conditioner hoses' critical componenets, Javier Holguin De la Cruz
Computing the value of a Boolean expression with interval inputs is NP-hard, Leticia S Chee
CONACYT: Mexico's program for science and technology, Gregory G Rocha
Conceptual model for physical separation processes in mineral and brine formation at Yucca Mountain, Nevada, Drew William Hall
Concrete multistory building analysis and design, Mohamad Farjallah Faraj
Concurrent and convergent validity for the Kaufman assessment battery for children, Sabine Marie Chrisman
Concurrent validity of a pragmatic protocol, Julie Condon Duncan
Concurrent validity of the Oral Language Dominance Measure, Alfonso W Neria
Condition-based predictive maintenance using neural networks, Rafael De La Fuente
Conducting considerations for selected compositions by Copland, Albinoni, and Mendelssohn, Charles Thomas Angerstein
Conducting considerations for selected compositions by Copland and Rimsky-Korsakov, Masazumi Aso
Conducting considerations for selected compositions by Mozart, Grainger, and Vaughan Williams, Warren Allen Haston
Conducting considerations for selected compositions by Tchaikovsky, Britten, and Mendelssohn, LeAnn Isaac-Hufstader
Conducting considerations for selected works by Mendelssohn, Grainger, and Rachmaninoff, Mary Mendez
Conducting music for the beginning conductor of beginning band, Thomas Mahren
Conflicting views on the family and women: The Pennsylvania Germans and the English before the American Revolution, 1763--1776, Susanne G Jackel-Ellis
Conformational analyses of diastereomers of tartaric acid esters, Kan-Teh Chang
Conformational analysis of Diels-Alder adducts using lanthanide shift reagents, Shelly Shio-Pin Peng
Confronting Race in the Composition Classroom, Kay A. Mooy
Congressional employees: Their role and function in a district office, Manuel Ontiveros
Congruity judgments of sentences: A comparison of bilingual and monolingual readers, Marcia Brasher Crosland
Conrad Richter's changing American, Mary S Thurber
Constrained inversion techniques applied to surface wave analysis, David R Russell
Construction of a radio telescope array, Luis Basurto
Contact metamorphism of the Precambrian Castner Marble, Franklin Mountains, El Paso County, Texas, Robin L Hoffer
Contemporary 'abulia' in the works of Jesus Fernandez Santos, Elizabeth Ann Mahfood
Continuous safety sampling methodology, Anil Kumar Nair
Contractional and extensional deformation kinematics of the southern Indio Mountains, Trans-Pecos Texas, Robert Todd Rohrbaugh
Contraction in ESL: A case study in variable rules, Terence M Odlin
Contrastive English-Persian adverbial clauses, Behnoush Rasoulian
Contrasts in the functions of coordination, subordination, and cosubordination in Mandarin Chinese and English, Kwang-Tsai Chen
Contribution to the theory of the liquid state, Eric Tsu-Yin Hsieh
Control and management of a lean production system using visual interactive simulation, Jesus Alejandro Jimenez Dominguez
Control and practices of land filling in El Paso, Ronald Hugh Pitts
Controlling a switched reluctance machine for A.C. generation, Rafael G Lopez
Control strategy options for variable speed wind turbines, John Henry VandenBosche
Controversies over slavery and secession in American Protestant pulpits, 1844--1865, Bert Thomas Webb
Convergence properties of discrete analytic functions, Paula Day Ellison
"Conversational" Dialogues in Direct-Manipulation Interfaces, David G. Novick
CONWIP strategy applied to a local manufacturing facility, Karla Cristina Mora Sanchez
Cooling curves for batholithic structures in the earth's crust, Lakhdar Dahmani
Coordinate measuring machine: A survey of current issues and suggestions, Nallappan Athappan
Coordinating science fairs in the elementary grades of a large school system, D. Marilyn Adams
Coordination amphiphiles: Post-secondary self-assembly as a new strategy for the synthesis of complex nanostructures, Itzia Zoraida Cruz-Campa
Coordination within library cooperatives: A contrasting case study of two local biomedical consortia, Helen Carmen Bell
Coping behavior: Is there a sex difference?, Donna Marie Guillermo
Coping with unemployment: A review of the implementation of a local interagency program, Andrew Everard Auckland
Copolymerization of n-vinylcarbazole and methacrylonitrile, Paul Hsien-Fu Wu
Copper cementation kinetics and reactor design, Seyed M Milani
Copper deposition during the corrosion of aluminum alloy 2024 in sodium chloride solutions, Haydy Maria Antonia Obispo
Copper solvent extraction as a strategic technology, Conrad G Soltero
Correlates of the self-concept, Roberto Ortega
Correlating biology and social studies, Rita Rhodes Ward
Correlation between electrochemical measurements and corrosion rates of 1020 steel in cathodic inhibitor, Raul A Castillo
Correlations and measurements involving proton affinities, Ray Thweatt
Corrientes literarias en la obra de Maria Luisa Bombal, Laura Molina
Corrosion damage detection and characterization using non-destructive evaluation techniques, Nageshwarreddy V Karnati
Corrosion sensitization behavior and mechanical properties of liquid -nitrogen-deformed austenitic 304 stainless steel, Julio Gerardo Maldonado
Corruption and modernization in transitional societies, Hosam El-Tawil
Cost minimization of coagulation-filtration in water treatment, Diana A Tsimis
Cotton Bows, Lucille Esperanza Dominguez
Could the collapse of the currency board system in Argentina have been prevented?, Olga Teresa Cardenas
Courtly love in certain plays of Lope de Vega, J. J Newman
Crash analysis of a car collision using LS DYNA 3D, Akshat Mathur
Creation and optimization of fuzzy inference neural networks, Raul Cruz-Cano
Creep of geotextiles, Nayef M Qasem
Cretaceous mixed siliciclastic and carbonate sedimentation patterns: Examples from northern Mexico, Texas, and Montana, Doerte Steinhoff
Critical evaluation of parameters affecting resilient modulus tests on subgrades, Manuel Louis Feliberti
Critical material and electrical properties of polycrystalline heterojunction CdS/CdTe solar cells, Hugo Chavez
Critical parameters in CdS/CdTe solar cells formed by thermal evaporation, David Zubia
Crossassembler and simulator for a high-performance attached processor, Saisatyanarayana Raju Gadiraju
Cross cultural investigation of the MMPI and MMPI-2, Daniel D McBlaine
Cross-cultural validation of the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory for Adolescents, Paula G Van Pul-Smith
Cross-linguistic patterns of semantic control, Barbara Anne Cranford Rhymes
Cross-racial/ethnic identification: A field study, Stephanie Jeanette Platz
Crown ether inhibition of bacterial bioluminescence, Mahnaz Darvish
Crown ether studies with Bacillus subtilis, Jose de Jesus Rivera
Crustal structure and tectonics of the Middle East, Elias J Shaheen
Crustal structure of the Great Plains of North America from Rayleigh wave analysis, Christopher Alan Bodnar
Crustal structure of the northern Mississippi Embayment and Reelfoot Rift from seismic refraction/reflection profiling, William James Braile
Crustal structure of western Washington State., James Michael Gridley
Cruz Baeza and Leonardo Torres
Cuentos de corazon inverso, Miguel Angel Santana
Cuidad Juarez, Mexico. Bullring.
Cultural influences upon education among the Mescalero Apaches, Kay Elkins
Cultural orientation and reading in a foreign language, Alfonso Armendariz
Current flow mechanisms in thin film Cu2S-Cd 1-xZnxS photovoltaic cells on sprayed Cd1-x ZnxS films, Pravin Prabhakar Kajarekar
Cyanide dissolution of silver under ambient conditions, Kim Henry Pries
Cyanobacterial class II metallothioneins, Nathaly Maria Coromoto Francisco
Cyclic plastic strain of cast iron in the compressive region, Abdoulhamid Riahi Samani
Cytomorphometry of the optic tectum in lizards: Behavioral and phylogenetic correlates, Alejandro Ruiz-Velasco
Damage detection in a stiffened structure using modal strain energy differences and finite element methods, Sudhir Prabhu
Damage detection in a wind turbine blade using modal analysis, Erik George Gross
Damage detection in beams using modal energy estimates, Cesar J Carrasco Trejo
Damage evaluation of an offshore structure model using modal energy distributions, Paul D DSouza
Dance Like You Do [and] Fences, Nancy Chauvet Wilson
Dancing On the Graves, Michael John Baehr
Dark current flow mechanisms in Si homojunction and in CdS/CdTe heterojunction photovoltaic cells, Saied Feiz
Data base development for transformer load management and related programs, Vernon Wayne Strickland
Data collection system for the U.T. El Paso solar heated house, Cheng Ch'en
Data communication between heterogeneous systems, Vijaya Kumar
Data processing under a combination of interval and probabilistic uncertainty and its application to earth and environmental studies and engineering, Jan Bastian Beck
Data smoothing by Fourier transform, Jianlei Xie
Data structure for "BagL", Bassam A Chokr
David, Felipe, & Daniel Tarango
Deadlock detection and prevention in distributed database systems, Chuan Huang
Dead Revolutionists on the battlefield at Cerro Prieto, Chihuahua
Decomplexation of tetraphenylcyclopentadienone tricarbonyliron as a function of solvent, Mercedes Guadalupe Lopez-Perez
Decomposition of electro-optic dyes, Margarita Romero
Decreased alpha production through trials in a non-feedback situation, Thomas Frank Linsley
Dedicated distributed memory servers, Rodrigo Antonio Romero Pinon
Deductive synthesis of astronomical software using the Maude term rewriting system, Anthony Castanares
Deep inelastic lepton and nucleon scattering as a probe for quarks, Jenfun Chang
Defect detection in thin plates using S0 Lamb wave scanning, Jose Francisco De Villa
Defendant, expert witness, and juror ethnicity as influences on jury decision-making, Dolores Angelica Perez
Deficits, exchange rates and their implications, and, Long-term perspective of LDC debt, John L Carolyn
Deformation induced martensite characteristics in 304 and 316 stainless steels during room temperature rolling, Vijay Shrinivas
De Gaulle and the Free French movement, Marilyn Van Dame Irion
Degradation studies on ZnS:Mn ACTFEL display devices, Shahriar B Farah
Deinstitutionalization of the mentally ill: A reversal in federal policy, Michael Dennis Nash
Delayed matching-to-successive samples and short-term memory in nonhuman primates, Michael Walter Burke
Demand-supply interaction and production planning for short-life cycle products, Bixler P Paul
Dependency and family structure among some vecindad families in Ciudad Juarez, Mexico, John David Bandy
Dependency theory: An interpretation of the causes of its genesis and currency in Latin America, Michael William Petras
Depositional history and sedimentary petrology of the Huetamo sequence, southwestern Mexico, Martin Guerrero-Suastegui
Depositional history of the Finlay Formation (Middle Albian), Rimrock Escarpment, Hudspeth County, Texas, Michael Hastings Sandidge
Deposition of SnO2 thin films using reactive RF sputtering, Franz-Josef Kuhlmann
Deregulation, competition, and performance in airline markets: An analysis of the Mexican airline industry, Sergio Alexander Hernandez
Derivation of photopic transmittance and range using imaging technology, John William Stahoviak
Descriptions and evaluations of computer software for use in band programs, Donald Ray Wood
Design analysis and optimization of a wind turbine test bed, Chao Mu
Design an amplifier production line using computer graphic simulation, Kuang-Tung Wu
Design and analysis of a prototype multi-tool end effector, Natalis T Tjoa
Design and analysis of a prototype tactile sensing robotic end effector, Jose L Magdaleno
Design and analysis of dies using solid modeling techniques, Vagesh Rajashekar
Design and analysis of experiments for surface mount keyboards, Vikrant Sam Saravana
Design and analysis of stress distribution in sucker rods using finite element analysis, Chandrasekhar Mandyam
Design and construction of a post-tensioned office building, Henry Kakui Ng
Design and development of a computerized job shop scheduling package, Srinivas Thimmaraju
Design and development of a generic G-code generator for networking CNC machines, Shailendra Ravi
Design and development of a postprocessor for the Bridgeport Series I CNC machine, Somashekar R Subrahmanyam
Design and execution of a test program for a load lock seal, Gerardo Pacheco
Design and fabrication of a semi-automated spacer insertion assembly equipment, Mahesh S Nidadhal
Design and implementation of a data link protocol for ethernet, Armando Urias
Design and implementation of a high-speed multitasking telemetry system for wind turbine applications, Jian Zhang
Design and implementation of an automated manufacturing cell, Francisco E Aguayo
Design and implementation of a throttle control system, Jose Carlos Bustamante Guereca
Design and implementation of Chebyshev digital lowpass filters, Paul Duane Sharp
Design and implementation of filters for potential field data, Philip M Rimando
Design and manufacture of a composite monocoque recumbent bicycle, Anthony Hyde
Design and performance evaluation of a fiber optic sensor array, Paul Arthur Bullock
Design and simulation of an SDLC serial communication computer interface, Antonius Judyanto Widjaja
Design and simulation of a pipeline floating-point adder, Maria Luisa Delgado
Design and simulation of a TMS320C10 DSP using VHDL, Jeffrey Vance Lindholm
Design and simulation of bit-serial floating point arithmetic co-processor, Vijayashree Thirumalaiswamy
Design and simulation of control unit for CFPP, Dwarka Das Partani
Design and simulation of intermediate code memory for CFPP, Swaminathan Thirumakizhmaran
Design and simulation of linear sequential circuits, Shaheen Tufail
Design and simulation of memory port logic unit, Anand K Javvaji
Design and simulation of switching power supplies, Ramon Enriquez
Design and testing of a hybrid electric vehicle, Juan Carlos Aguirre
Design, construction and testing of a device to measure mass and heat transfer coefficients in evaporative cooling, Jaime Aguirre
Design, construction and testing of a heat transfer loop, Amir Ebrahim Keyvan
Design criteria for a low pressure spray irrigation system, Reynaldo Cedillos
Designment of an interest test for junior high students, John H Lovelady
Design of a computer controlled scanner and data acquisition system for solar pond performance monitoring, Xiaoyi Zhang
Design of a continuous emission monitoring system, Javier Perez Garza
Design of a cross assembler for the Intel 8044/8051 microcontrollers, Shubhankar Goswami
Design of a digital control system for NASA sounding rockets, Carlos Martinez
Design of a domain-independent expert system for general identification purposes, Tien Lu Michael Chang
Design of a fast convolution masking chip using Altera technology, Bindingnavaley Padma Revathi
Design of a general purpose tool for building knowledge based systems for general A.I. applications, Tung-kwan Nelson Kwok
Design of A-mode scanning in ultrasound, Behrouz Rasoulian
Design of an automatic yaw control system for the teetered-rotor test bed wind turbine, Rony Koshy Joseph
Design of an ergonomic evaluation methodology for industrial holder inspection workstations, Etelvina Barron Garcia
Design of an inner product processor using systolic arrays, Faisal H Siddiqi
Design of an optical fiber pressure sensor using reflection technique, Seyed Ebrahim Afjei
Design of a PC-based sound synthesizer, Humberto Hayashi
Design of a prototype end-of-arm tool selector for the IBM 7535 robot, Anthony B Wurm
Design of a prototype quick change tooling wrist for light assembly robots, Billy Bruce Reed
Design of a radix-4 FFT processor using a modular architecture family, Nagabhushan Chitlur
Design of a self-contained tower lifting mechanism, James Russell Salazar
Design of a tool for computing belief sets of epistemic specifications, Sundeep Kumar
Design of a trigger sprayers packaging system, Chuah Kok Leong
Design of a yaw-controller for a teetered-rotor wind turbine, Rafael De la Guardia Gonzalez
Design of clay liners to minimize the effect of shrinkage cracks on the permeability of the liner, Mohd Zaifuddin Idris
Design of experiments for decoration of keytops by pad printing, Surendranath Reddy Ambavaram
Design of fuzzy systems using knowledge extracted via neural networks, Elvia Martin Del Campo
Design of hybrid energy systems, Mark Robert Holder
Design of the El Paso solar pond, Vijay Rajaram Kane
Design of universal printed circuit board carriers, Jagadeesha Shettigar
Design optimization and static stress analysis of index vise of a heavy duty cut-off saw machine by finite element methods, Rahul Kundan Jetty
Design, testing, and validation of photovoltaic/wind energy system for remote applications, Kevin Scott Young
Destruction, detoxification, and recovery of cyanide from cyanide wastes, Hamdy Hassan Mohammed Hassieb El-Rayes
Destructive parental injustice in the novels of Sergio Galindo, Maria Luisa Alvarez Harvey
Destructive photooxidation of copper (II) chelates derived from beta-diketones, Pavel Sturm
Detecting text in Web images: A complexity-based approach, Martin Gunter Schmidt
Detection from hyperspectral images compressed using rate distortion and optimization techniques under JPEG2000 part 2, Vikram Jayaram
Detection of allergy to Salsola pestifer pollen proteins by immunoblot method, Jorge Gomez
Detection of specific IgE and IgG subclass anti-trichophyton antibodies and their relationship to allergic hypersensitivity, Marta Elizondo-Fournier
Detection of stiffness losses in two-dimensional trusses, Tao-Chung Chen
Detection strategies for a multi-interferometer triggered search, Wm. Robert Johnston
Determinants of official OPEC crude prices: An econometric analysis, Eiman Osman Zeinelabdin
Determination of atmospheric composition profiles from satellite measured radiances, Toran E Hostbjor
Determination of critical path methods for Texas Highway Department construction projects, Michael Bobby Kohan
Determination of interconnected porosity surface area in iron powder compacts, Edgar Flores
Determination of mechanical properties for fiber glass sucker rod, Norberto Gonzalez Soule
Determination of nonlinear parameters of flexible pavement layers from nondestructive testing, Amitis Meshkani
Determination of PM compositions and sources in the El Paso del Norte region using time-resolved integrated source and receptor models, Jose Humberto Garcia
Determination of resonant frequencies and modes in shielded dielectric cylindrical resonator, Luis Manuel Gil
Determination of shear wave velocity structure in the Rio Grande Rift through receiver function and surface wave analysis, Brian P Murphy
Determination of solar parabolic collectors performance under real conditions, Giacomo Francescutti
Determination of sound transmission loss in the atmosphere due to absorption and divergence, Robert Eli Northrup
Determination of the load capacity of structures from dynamic impact testing, Nasaruddin Bin Mohamad
Determination of the rate and products of grease degradation in a soil treatment system, Michael C Richards
Determination of the sedimentary thickness of the Sonora geosyncline by Rayleigh wave dispersion, Rudolph Wilhelm
Determinations of basal and post-insulin blood glucose and catecholamine circadian rhythms in normal and alloxan-induced diabetic mice, Joseph Paul McGee
Determining values for critical parameters in the self-loosening of transversely excited bolted joints, Durga Prasad Rao Kokatam
Developing an appreciation of art in the primary grades, Elizabeth Sanders Worthington
Developing an inference engine for ASET-Prolog, Mary Lynn Heidt
Developing a strategy for the implementation of a distance education initiative in a public university setting on the U.S.-Mexico border: The case of the UACJ, Roberto Rodriguez-Hernandez
Developing isodose distributions for an electron beam linear accelerator, Robert Thomas Fritz
Developmental stages in second language acquisition: Reaction time to name pictures and translate words, Teresa Ann Schulze
Development and characterization of sputtered films for applications in CdS-CdTe solar cells, Xu Wang
Development and modelling of a composite brick using FEA, Alejandro Reyes Candia
Development of a constitutive microdamage model for simulation of damage and fracture of metallic plates caused by hypervelocity impact, Cesar Joel Carrasco Trejo
Development of a hedging technique for a meat packaging company: Estimating the basis, David Dominguez Rodriguez
Development of algorithms for the inspection of surface-mounted devices, Jose Mario Gallegos
Development of a linear programming model for recycling: A reverse logistics approach, Magaly Moreno
Development of a mathematical model for recycle of wastewater, Sunitha Ramesh
Development of an absolute calibration system for nondestructive testing devices, Vivek Tandon
Development of an empirical model for the planning and implementation of lean manufacturing, Chethan Bachamada
Development of an experimental modal analysis system for damage detection in offshore structures, Shekar P Erasala
Development of an intermediate-level Spanish diagnostic test, Zoe Ann K Holmes
Development of an intermediate level test of sentence connectors for English-as-a-second-language students, Guillermo M McLean
Development of a non-intrusive temperature measurement technique using infrared thermography, Hugo Ivan Loya de Lara
Development of a packaging system for electrical motors, K. Sebastian V Fonseka
Development of a PDA-based wearable digital phonocardiograph, Matias Brusco
Development of application software for production control in flexible manufacturing system, Vinayak R Hegde
Development of a prediction model for organics removal by anaerobic filter, Srinivasa R Vagwala
Development of a prediction model for organics removal by intermittent sand filtration, Hanmandlu Gajarla
Development of a prototype expert system for damage assessment of structural concrete elements, Octavio Melchor Lucero
Development of a prototype expert system for the management of electroplating wastewater, Alberto Enrique Hernandez Mariscal
Development of a public mass transportation system. The El Paso experience: A case study, Rosemary Vivero Neill
Development of a simple and practical method to modify the structure of the salinity gradient of a solar pond, Carlos Venegas Guzman
Development of a SQUID magnetometer for measuring biomagnetic fields, Mukhlis A Mikhaiel
Development of a systematic approach to plastic optical fibers, Sathya Gopalan
Development of a tunable plug and play in vitro physiologic PIV flow setup and demonstration on a bypass graft model, Gilberto N Palafox
Development of a wind turbine data acquisition system, Todd Clayton DePauw
Development of a wind turbine rotor emulator, Joaquin Mendez Perez
Development of binary equivalent quaternary gates, Geetha Sandasani
Development of design procedure using NASTRAN structural analysis package, Ghassan Diab Riachi
Development of distributed and parallel industrial inspection systems, Xuan Chen
Development of graphical user interface for heart rate variability analysis of sleep-disordered breathing, Vaishali Chandrakant Magdum
Development of HPLC procedures for the isolation of venom components from Crotalus basiliscus (Mexican west coast rattlesnake), Hector Oscar Molina
Development of new techniques in Crosswell seismic travel time tomography, M. C Gerstenberger
Development of novel techniques for observing microstructural phenomena associated with micrometeoroid impact craters, Jesus Manuel Rivas Martinez
Development of PDA-based telecommunication device for telemedicine applications, Sunil Dharmappa Setty
Development of power functions for certain plain surfaces, Kulwant Singh Padda
Development of risk management system for transportation of hazardous waste on the US-Mexico border region, Harunor Rashid MD.
Development of selected problems of the singer of sacred music, Olav Elling Eidbo
Development of smart mortar based on self-compensating concept, Marios Kofteros
Development of Wingate Anaerobic Test norms for highly-trained females, Ursula Caroline Baker
Deviantization in the U.S. Army, 1947--1971, Daniel A. Lennon
Devonian stratigraphy of south-central New Mexico and far west Texas, Roberto Victor Rosado
D. H. Lawrence and feminism: "Lady Chatterley's Lover", Corinne M Peschka
D. H. Lawrence and his apostolic beasts, Phillip L Marr
D. H. Lawrence's renunciation of Christianity and reclamation of myth, Susan Mary Rivest-Savini
Diagenesis and depositional setting of the fanglomerate of Little Florida mountains (Miocene), southwestern New Mexico, James Marc Kiely
Diagenesis of tertiary (Miocene) sedimentary rocks of the Old Woman Mountains area, southeastern California, Frederick Forrest Flint
Diagnosing dynamic systems in A-Prolog, Joel Richard Galloway
Diasteroisomeric hydrogen bonded camphor complexes, Felipe A Vazquez
Dibenzo crown facilitated transport of Na+/K+ across a CHC1-b3-s membrane, Betty Jane Duquette Rodriquez
Dickens's angel women, Chris Ellen Towers
Dickens' villains, James F Malone
Dictation as a measure of language proficiency in Russian, Maria Isabel Fushille
Dietary composition of Uta stansburiana populations from disturbed and undisturbed habitats, El Paso County, Texas, Nancy Marie Patterson
Differences between heterosexual males and females in presentation of self and qualities desired in a partner in online dating services, Natalia Tommasi
Differential gene expression in genetically obese and normal mice: Analysis by DNA microarray, Ginny Yi-Chun Lai
Differential response of dnaK multigene family in Synechococcus sp. PCC 7942, Irene Antonious
Differentiation of criminal and non-criminal personalities through the use of personal construct theory, Dave L Burns
Diffusion of resonance excitation through a one-dimensional gas, Edward M D'Arcy
Digital control and instrumentation for solar energy research, Samuel Alexander Tyuluman
Digital data analysis system for the dual hot wire temperature rocket probe, Jaime A Leano
Digital level and VLSI implementation of the discrete wavelet transform, Narayanan Ramasubramanian
Digital speech compression: Codebook excited linear prediction code at 8Kb/s, Gabriel Osorio
Dimensional inspection using CMMs, Jason G Song
Dimensions of parent-adolescent communication, Diane Simpson Peterson
Directed strongly regular graphs, Dmitri Iourinski
Direct foreign investment and dependency and Marxism, Steven Rone Wilson
Direct foreign investment and technology transfer in development: A critical analysis of Peruvian policies, Omar Karawa
Direct injection spark ignition fuel spray characterization under simulated injection strategies, Robert Edmond Hennessey
Direct measurement of cerebral asymmetry in nonverbal visual information processing, David L Ryan-Jones
Disbonding of a polyester coating in cathodic protection environments, David Bronson
Disbonding of thin film coating in cathodic protection environments, Bao Quy Pham
Discharge excited fluorescence from vapors of simple organic molecules, Michael Scott Egan
Discovering the diamond days, Kevin Lovell
Disintegration and defeat in the characters of Juan Antonio de Zunzunegui, Erline Anderson Schuster
Dissent in the desert: The Vietnam era antiwar movement in El Paso, Reynolds Stewart Kiefer
Distance learning in higher education: A comparative analysis of universities in Brazil and the United States, Simone Muller
Distances, Donald Frederick Bedichek
Distinguishing learning-disabled children from normal children using the Home Activity Scale, Aline Francis Gardner-Mora
Distributed matrix multiplication using asynchronous RPC and a study of RPC performance for data transfer, Srikanth Chilakapati
Distributed on-line transaction processing, Earl G Hall
Distributed power amplifier using six-phase supplies, Jeetesh Ramu Patel
Distributed processing applied to neural networks and dual-frequency output control for multilevel inverters, Sergio de la Cruz
Distribution and thermal responses of the rattlesnakes (genus Crotalus) in El Paso County, Texas, Robert MacGregor Kinniburgh
Distribution of Chihuahuan desert herpetofauna and its relationship to climate, Mary Elizabeth Harper
Distribution of Coccidioides immitis in metropolitan El Paso soils, Felipe Duran
Distribution of dual number, Weiyue Liu
Distribution, variation, and phenetic relationships of the lizard Sceloporus cautus Smith in Northeastern Mexico, George McNeil Ferguson
Dithiophene analogs of biphenylene, Deeng-Lih Huang
Divided we speak: Perceptual comparisons of the purpose for bilingual education, David Scott Mackintosh
DNA analysis for metalloproteinase and Mojave toxin genes in chromosomal DNA of the Mojave rattlesnake, Crotalus scutulatus scutulatus, Brian James Wooldridge
Documentation of policies and procedures for the city of El Paso: An internship report, Evangeline Rose Ramirez
Does distance matter? Geographic proximity, spillovers and economic growth in Mexico, Jose J Lopez-Licea
Dog in the Moon, Sandra Van Reet Blystone
Domestic violence and the sociocultural variables surrounding recidivism among male batterers, Steven John Loera
Domestic violence in early America: A comparative study of Virginia and Massachusetts, Brenda Denise McDonald
Don Gil de las calzas verdes: Un analisis sicoanalitico de acuerdo a la teoria de Erik H. Erikson, Herlinda R James
Dorothy Scarborough: Fictional historian, Jean Earl Heavens
Dos interpretaciones sobre la historia de vida de Antonieta Rivas Mercado, Maria Isabel Limongi Ullate
Dos narradores angustiados: Un estudio de "El Tunel" y "La Invencion de Morel", Clara Irene Armendariz
Double exponential molecular transmittance models in LOW TRAN, Chang-Ming Tsai
Double nominative constructions in Korean: A functional approach, Nam Choi
Downtown El Paso Facing Mt. Franklin
Downtown revitalization: The El Paso experience, Gordon W Cook
Drugs: A political variable, Byron Sandford
Dual-membrane study of the Rio Grande/Rio Bravo River water in El Paso, Texas, Maria Mayela Quezada
Dual-membrane treatment of the Rio Grande: Meeting El Paso's future water demands, Edward Anthony Bermea
Dusk at the boardwalk, Deborah Ann Donahoe
Dylan Thomas, the obscurant, Tony Jason Stafford
Dynamic analysis of a rolling tire-like structure, Arturo Woocay Prieto
Dynamic analysis of a wind turbine tower, Sreenivas Meka
Dynamic analysis of rear under-ride guard of a truck, Naveen Ramachandrappa
Dynamic pipeline network optimization, Yahya Zakaria Alawneh
Dynamic relation model for program visualization, Rohit Seth
Dynamics of a desert carrion arthropod community, Kenneth George Schoenly
Dynamics of air quality in El Paso, Texas, Indira Kammila
Dynamic system analysis of a traction continuously variable transmission using methods of system identification, Esteban Bustos
E. A. Poe and the shadow that haunted him, Sharon B Neal
Early El Paso newspapers, Lucille Soltner
Early life and art of Hamlin Garland, "first farmer in American fiction", Mauro Arrieta
Early sixteenth-century France and the beginnings of religious reform: The example of Marguerite of Navarre, Kenneth Conrad Ruhl
Earthquake studies of the Anninghe and Xiaojiang faults of southwestern China, Mark Couch Dober
Easy-to-read Texas history stories, Belle Russell
Echoes of "Paradise Lost" in the "Dunciad", Margaret Prescott Haddad
Ecological studies of aerobic bacteria from feedlot cattle waste, Raul Ramirez
Econometric evidence regarding education and border income performance, Christa Almada
Economic design of an x-bar control chart with non-exponential times between process shifts, Shao-Fen Liu
Economic feasibility of utilizing solar pond technology to produce industrial process heat, base load electricity, and desalted brackish water, Patricia Mireles Esquivel
Economic geology of the tenth potash ore zone: Permian Salado Formation, Carlsbad district, New Mexico, Robert Charles Montgomery Gunn
Economic integration among the Latin American states: An ideological perspective, Vince Giordano
Economic integration in Asia and the Pacific area: Internal and external balance under fixed and floating exchange rates, Lan Fan Chen
Economic mineral potential of the northern Quitman Mountains, Hudspeth County, Texas, David Henry Murry
EDF and EQF quadratic tests for uniformity, Cheng Cheng
Edgar Allan Poe: Mystery unto death, Thomas E Steadman
Edgar Allan Poe, the sometime critical quill: A measure for measuring, the hypocrisy syndrome, Yvonne J Lanelli
Edgar A. Poe's "prisoner" theme, Frank W Motchenbach
Edgewood v. Kirby: Tax warfare in Texas, Mark Alexander Torres
Edith Wharton's European panorama, Ellen Macpherson Light
Edmund Spenser and courtly love, Edith Anne Parks
Edna St. Vincent Millay: A popular poet, Mary Pearl Jenson
Educational effectiveness of a two -way dual language program, Francisco Mercado
Educational television: The feasibility of implementation in the El Paso area, Rodney Short
Edwin Arlington Robinson: His search for light in a darkened world, Mary C Hord
e e cummings: a poet with feeling, Ruth Elizabeth Pepin
Effectiveness of chlorine dioxide treatment of Rio Grande river water in El Paso, Texas, Douglas D Rittmann
Effectiveness of cross training vs. longitudinal training in a manufacturing environment, Sanket Moharir
Effectiveness of myocardial oxygen consumption as a measure of physical and mental workload, Lara Abril Chiu Vegamontes
Effectiveness of the instructional methods of Jesus and St. Paul, Froann Jones McLaughlin
Effect of acute exogenous ganglioside exposure on [ 3H]-dopamine release by synaptosomes, Monica Medrano
Effect of ASE noise on the reference and M-QAM signals transmitted through fiber optic links with EDFA, Mohammad Kaisar Rashid Khan
Effect of bipolar adjectives on respiration rate, Prem Kumar S Kothandaraman
Effect of change in the outer geometry of the fiberglass sucker-rod, Rajagopal Madiraju
Effect of concurrent infection on atypical self-cure in UTEP BALB/c mice, Kimberlee Knox Heidarian
Effect of dithiothreitol on firefly luciferase bioluminescent reaction, Xiang Tang
Effect of elastic spring restraints on rate and position damping characteristics of two-bladed, teetered, wind turbine rotors, Sabbir Sajjad Rangwala
Effect of geometry on the stress distribution using finite element analysis, Ravi Kumar Shankaranarayana
Effect of grain size and strain rate on dislocation substructures and mechanical properties in OFHC copper, Hursha Shankaranarayan
Effect of grain size on the formation of deformation induced martensite in 304 stainless steel, Jagadish Kalyanam
Effect of head position on trunk angle during the barbell squat lift, Brant Joseph Danley
Effect of histamine and antihistamine on parasite fecundity and self-cure during infection with Eimeria and/or Nippostrongylus, Martha Denise Guerra
Effect of initial microstructure on high velocity and hypervelocity impact cratering and crater-related microstructures in thick copper targets, Everaldo Ferreyra Tello
Effect of material properties on the stress distribution of a fiberglass-connector interface using finite element analysis, Swapnesh Kumar S Nama
Effect of military wheeled vehicles on soil compaction in the Chihuahuan Desert, Audrey Marie Hernando
Effect of Nb on the cyclic and static oxidation of Ti-44Al-xNb alloys, Alvaro Chan
Effect of new equity offerings on prices in the electric utility industry, Michael David Reeder
Effect of opinion on foreign policy in the pre-Vietnam and post-Vietnam eras: The American perceptions, Trisha Christine Hobson
Effect of pH on the reactivity ratios of acrylic acid and acrylamide, Tony Yen-Chin Lin
Effect of reinforcement on children's accuracy during interviews: A test-retest study, James Harold Burns
Effect of salts on the Atterberg limits, Gopikrishnan Chandran
Effect of SFE on the characterization of the deformation mechanisms in the Cu-Al system during room temperature tensile testing and wire drawing, Veronica Cabellero
Effect of solutionizing on aging, work hardening, and tensile behavior in 2014 aluminum alloy composites, Daniel Ivan Salas
Effect of stress on extrinsic crazing in S-2 glass-reinforced polycarbonate, Chandra Sekhar Davuluru
Effect of supervisor's ethnicity and gender on subordinates' satisfaction with supervision: A comparison of female Hispanic and non-Hispanic white employees, Chasey Weber Hunker
Effects of addition agents in copper electrorefining, Herbert Samuel Jennings
Effects of aerobic dance on selected risk factors for cardiovascular disease in Mexican-American females, Rose Marie Register
Effects of carbonation on the long-term leaching behavior of cementitious wasteforms, Neyda V Gutierrez
Effects of concentration camp stress upon the development of life attitudes in Jewish subjects, Edith Eger
Effects of creatine monohydrate supplementation on anaerobic power in competitive male cyclists, Gregory Alvin Auzenne
Effects of creatine supplementation in competitive female athletes, Alexandros Nikolaou Papadimitriou
Effects of fire on four desert plants: Dasylirion wheeleri, Ferocactus wislizeni, Yucca baccata, and Yucca torreyi, Theresa Ann McGoldrick
Effects of friction losses and swinging motion on flowrates through an ozonesonde duct, Scott Wallace Binegar
Effects of inhibition and disclosure of trauma on cardiovascular reactivity during acute stress, Julie Anne Penley
Effects of in utero MSF exposure on behavior, sleep and cholinergic markers, Luis Miguel Carcoba
Effects of locomotion with a jogging stroller on oxygen consumption, heart rate, and perceived exertion, Heidi B Kay
Effects of meaningful stimulus materials on recall of young and old adults, Andria T Young
Effects of mood induction on physiologic variables during submaximal exercise, Katherine Louise Lickliter
Effects of Nippostrongylus brasiliensis and Eimeria separata on singly or concurrently infected albino rats, Victor M Villalobos
Effects of number of alternative states and number of channels on the monitoring of multi-channel displays, John Alson Hicks
Effects of offsets on stresses of a silicon chip mounted on a copper lead frame, Srinivasa R Talluri
Effects of oil and grease on the activated sludge process, Sudhir S Pyapali
Effects of particle size and temperature on adsorption and desorption of strontium in Rio Grande river sediment suspensions, Murali Muniyappa
Effects of phase noise and frequency chirping on an optical binary coherent FSK system, Jose Eduardo Chavez
Effects of question content, anxiety, and cognitive complexity on conjugate lateral eye movements, Carita Coleman O'Brian
Effects of rumination on nightmare frequency in a college population, Christiane R Herber-Valdez
Effects of semantic vs. task-oriented therapy on depression and helplessness, Ingrid Griffin-Botzenhart
Effects of similarity and dissimilarity in intra-group vs. inter-group relations on expressions of prejudice, Azenett Azara Garza
Effects of small concentrations of soluble salts on the hydrometer analysis, Qusai Shakir El-Jurf
Effects of soluble minerals on the long-term hydraulic conductivity of clay liners, Xue-Hua Bai
Effects of soluble salts on the specific gravity test, Muhammad Moinuddin Paracha
Effects of solutionizing temperature on the structure and properties of Sr-modified A356 Al castings, Kelly Anne Yoshida
Effects of some alternating temperatures on creosote bush ( Larrea tridentata (D.C.) Cov.) seed germination, Maria Romelia LeDesma Rivera
Effects of stimulus and response imagery on learning the sounds of letters, Gary Wesley Morris
Effects of stimulus novelty during acquisition and extinction on the fractional anticipatory frustrative response mechanism in gerbils, Tommy Ross Morrison
Effects of surface oxygen on hydrogen adsorption on Rh(100) and Rh(111), Jose A Polanco
Effects of surface topography on the transient electrochemical response of Fe-Cr-Ni alloys after depassivation, Chiunchia Kang
Effects of the coupling technique on resonant column test results, Abdulnasser Y Almadhoun
Effects of vertical reinforcement on the bearing capacity and settlement of a medium dense sand, Peter Lawrence Lovelady
Efficiency, F-chart, and heating load analyses of a small residence retrofitted with an air-medium solar heating system, Peter Carl Bordiga
Efficient spare allocation for restructurable VLSI RAM chips, Sunil J Kamat
El ambiente social y la tradicion literaria del Siglo de Oro en las tramas y personajes de El Quijote, Norma Aida Nunez
El amor en la poesia de Carmen Conde, Stephanie Daffer
El amor en la prosa novelesca del siglo de oro, Ileana Marin
El amparo de las viudas: Widows and land in colonial New Mexico, Yolanda Chavez Leyva
Elastic constants for polycrystalline porous media, Jorge A Lopez
Elastic thermal stresses in thick cylindrical and spherical shells with internal heat generation, Pritam S Kapoor
El caos existe, Regina Guadalupe Vergara Ramirez
El complejo de edipo como nucleo narrativo en "La tia Julia y el escribidor", Herlinda R James
El concepto de la hombria en la poesia epica gauchesca, Luis Ernesto Aguirre
Elderly initiative program, El bienestar entre nuestros ancianos, Ignacio Rios
El desarrollo de la conciencia y la liberacion femenina en "La casa de los espiritus", Martha Trevino
El disfraz como recurso dramatico en "Marta la piadosa", Ana Semidey-Torres
El drama de la vida en nueve novelas de Carlos Rojas Vila, Jose Luis Arteta Brianso
Electoosmotic removal of barium from contaminated soils, Ansm Ahsan Kabir
Electrical and material characterization of a CdTe photovoltaic structure on metal foils, Ramon S Santiesteban
Electric field effects on polarized light through a water saturated air medium, Luis A Velez
Electric utility regulation in Texas: The case of El Paso Electric Company, Daniel Thomas Dougherty
Electrochemical and special properties of group VI bridged complexes of pyrazine and pyridazine, Ramon Iglesias L.
Electromagnetic active suspension system, Syama Sundar Sunkara
Electromagnetic analysis of an axisymmetric induction heater using finite elements, Gustavo Jose Villalva
Electromagnetic radiation - electronic circuit interactions, Ruben B Muro
Electron beam induced currents in thin-film CdS/CdTe photovoltaic cells, Ralph H Kenney
Electronic and luminance mechanisms in ACTFEL display devices, Alberto Aguilera
Electronic characterization of thin film CdS/CdTe photovoltaic cells, Lance D Lyons
Electronic modification of the dual hot wire temperature probe, Chuang Li
Electronic writing technologies and the Third Sophistic, Daniel Duarte
Electron induced processes in adsorbed N4 and NH 5 layers on Pt(111), Chelon Bater
Electron-induced processes on silicon and germanium precursors on Si(100), Jose Lozano
Electron microscopic autoradiographic analysis: Evidence of RNA transcription along pachytene chromosomes of Caenorhabditis elegans, Kenneth Charles Lerner
Electron specific heat of a two-dimensional crystal, Fang-Xiao Zhao
Electron spin resonance studies of Heisenberg spin exchange: The effect of crown ethers on the spin exchange rate for ion pairs, Ming Liang Lu
Electron-stimulated desorption of O+ and OH + from CO covered Rh(111), Lawrence Glenn Gonzalez
Electron transport and luminance behavior in SrS:Cu based A.C. thin film electroluminescent display devices, Alejandro Garcia
Electro-optical characterization of alternating current thin film electroluminescent display devices, Srinivas Krishna
Electrophilic substitution reactions of aromatic iron tricarbonyl complexes, Ji-Duan Chang
Electrophoresis and autoluminography of firefly luciferase, Wen Liang
Electrophoretic and sorptive behavior of lithium in smectite clay suspensions, Gerardo Garibay
Elegies of Dust, Jeremy David Somer
Elements of the Gothic novel in Charles Dickens' "The Old Curiosity Shop", Phillip L Marr
Elements of travesty in "Othello": A new interpretation, Rose Pereira
El estilo indirecto en algunas novelas de Augustin Yanez, Ana Maria Villalobos de Navar
El fingimiento como instrumento de liberacion en tres comedias de Tirso de Molina, Jesus L Tafoya
El habla popular de Ciudad Juarez, Adela Berry Davila
El hijo de la luz; el nino de la noche: The cosmic vision of Miguel Hernandez, Christine M Cottle
El hombre y su circunstancia en algunos cuentos de Francisco Rojas Gonzalez, Carolina M Licon
El humilde mexicano en las obras de Tomas Mojarro, Fermin Rodriguez
Eliminating duplicates under interval and fuzzy uncertainty: An asymptotically optimal algorithm and its geospatial applications, Roberto Torres
El impacto dramatico en el teatro de Lino Landy, Maria Jesus Acosta
El lector implicito en los cuentos infantiles de Rosario Ferre, Norma Leticia Medina
Ellen Glasgow's lost generations, Amelia Rose Levy
El lugar de los hombres sin sombra, Manuel Matus
El mesias de fin de siglo, Carlos Zamora
El mundo ideologico de Don Carlos de Siguenza y Gongora y su manifestacion concreta en Alboroto y motin de la ciudad de Mexico del 8 de junio de 1692, Maria del Rosario Lara Lozano
El mundo ilusorio de los personajes de Sergio Fernandez, Soledad Adoracion Lucero
El "nuevo indigenismo" de Arguedas en "Los Rios Profundos", Jose C Ballon
El orgullo contra el determinismo en las obras de Carlos Luis Fallas, Minerva G Lopez
El pachuco en el espanol mexicano, Olga Zunzunegui-Liguori
El papel de la mujer en "Cien anos de soledad", Luz R Perez
El papel del color en el cuento hispanoamericano (1843--1933), Maria del Pilar Melero Avitia
El Paso mass transit 1984: Options and actions, Joseph B Fries
El Paso regional transit authority: A task force studies the proposal, Susan Bivins Horne
El Paso's First Christian Church and its builders, Vanita Sizemore
El Paso, Texas. Alligator Park.
El Paso, Texas. Alligator Pool.
El Paso, Texas. Bird's eye view.
El Paso, Texas. Canon at City hall.
El Paso, Texas Christian Church
El Paso, Texas. County Court House.
El Paso, Texas, Court House and City Hall
El Paso, Texas. Custom House and Post Office.
El Paso, Texas, downtown, parade
El Paso, Texas, downtown, parades
El Paso, Texas. Downtown scene.
El Paso, Texas. Elks Club Building.
El Paso, Texas, El Paso High School
El Paso, Texas. El Paso High School.
El Paso, Texas, Enrique Osuna, Villista.
El Paso, Texas, Fitzgerald Children.
El Paso, Texas, Fitzgerald children on horseback
El Paso, Texas, Fitzgerald family
El Paso, Texas, Fitzgerald family
El Paso, Texas, Fitzgerald Family.
El Paso, Texas, Fitzgerald family, parade
El Paso, Texas, Fitzgerald family, Twins
El Paso, Texas, Fort Bliss, Airplane, Reconnaissance aircraft, Air base
El Paso, Texas, Fort Bliss, Airplane, Reconnaissance aircraft, Air Pilot
El Paso, Texas, Fort Bliss, Airplane, Reconnaissance aircraft, Pilot
El Paso, Texas, Fort Bliss, Airplane, Reconnaissance aircraft, Pilot.
El Paso, Texas, Fort Bliss, Airplane, Reconnaissance aircraft, Pilots
El Paso, Texas, Fort Bliss, Brick building
El Paso Texas, Fort Bliss , Camp Cotton
El Paso, Texas, Fort Bliss, Cavalry, Military Personnel
El Paso, Texas, Fort Bliss, Chow line, Military Personnel
El Paso, Texas, Fort Bliss, Horses, Military Personnel